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Consolidated Reply to the E-Discussion on Mainstreaming Migration into Local Policy Planning

Case studies and best practices

This report is a consolidated reply to the e-discussion on Mainstreaming Migration into Local Policy Planning carried out by the Joint Migration and Development Initiative in order to explore how local actors around the globe experience and view the mainstreaming process of migration into local development planning. The document synthesizes the experiences and views of the respondents, presenting best practices and lessons learnt on the mainstreaming process. The fact that migration and development are intrinsically linked and that, when well-managed, it is possible to mitigate the negative and harness the positive effects that migration can have on development and that development can have on migration is duly recognized in the SDGs. Furthermore, the need to ensure coherence between migration and development policies at international, national and local levels is underlined in the New Urban Agenda as a commitment that will help to enhance the development impact of migration.

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