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Policy Coherence for Development in the Basque Country: diagnosis and proposals

Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Español

Policy Coherence for Development is a key reference in international discussions on development cooperation discussions on development cooperation and aid reform. In this context, this report is a contribution to this debate from the perspective of a sub-state administrative level, as it is the case of the Autonomous Community of Euskadi, based on a broad analysis of the issue and the presentation of some possible action lines.

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Inclusion of the SDGs in Territorial Development Plans, 2016 - 2019. Colombia

Available in Español English

This document identifies the main aspects of the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at territorial level in Colombia. For this, the most relevant results are presented in relati...

Developed by Departamento Nacional de Planeación - DN...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Strategies and Plans

Parliament's Role in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: A Parliamentary Handbook

Available in Español English

Parliamentarians have an opportunity, and a constitutional responsibility, to play a significant role in supporting and monitoring implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Agend...

Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Raising Awareness

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