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PANORAMA - Solutions for a Healthy Planet

Case studies and best practices

PANORAMA is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. This brochure summarizes the PANORAMA approach. A web platform ( houses a number of thematic portals, and is envisioned to be continuously expanded with new partners and solutions from further topics. PANORAMA allows practitioners to share their stories, get recognized for successful work, and learn how others have tackled problems across the globe, by encouraging reflection on and learning from proven approaches.

Related Publications

National Strategies Supporting the Implementation of the Post 2015 Agenda in The Netherlands

Available in English

This report explores the role of CSOs LAs in the implementation of the SDGs in the Netherlands. The research explores which national multi-stakeholder approaches can support inclusive implementation o...

Developed by Policy Forum on Development (PFD)

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Local and regional economic development (LRED) toolkit: A Participatory Approach for Building Sustainable Local Economies

Available in English

The Toolkit starts by providing an overview of the essential characteristics of the approach and placing it in the context of the concept of systemic competitiveness and green growth. Chapter 2 discus...

Developed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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