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Development Cooperation and Local Government

Concept notes and papers

The paper calls for the need of a full recognition of local governments as development partners occupying an equitable place in international development cooperation. It emphasizes the role of local government cooperation as effective mean to build local government capacity.

Related Publications

The Coordinating Council for Productive Development (COSDEPRO): An example of Local Governance and Multilevel Coordination in Bolivia

Available in English

This document may know firsthand the main lessons learned from the process of joint work between the Ministry of Productive Development and UNDP-ART Bolivia, where we collect the consolidation of an i...

Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

En route to 2030: Implementation report on sustainable development in Wallonia

Available in English

In order to meet Belgium's international commitments, Wallonia is committed to implementing the Program and monitoring progress in this area. The Action Plan for the 2nd Walloon Sustainable Develo...

Developed by Gouvernement Wallon

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Raising Awareness

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