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This initiative is evolving, and actors like you are sharing these resources. You will find here the documents and tools collected so far.

SDG Goal 11 Monitoring Framework: A guide to assist national and local governments to monitor and report on SDG goal 11+ indicators


A guide to assist national and local governments in their efforts to collect, analyze, validate data and information in view of the preparation of country-based reports. This “Monitoring Framework” provides the use of necessary definitions, method of computation and metadata of indicators, including spatial indicators. It also includes global, national and local monitoring to support the implementation of SDG Goal 11 targets.

Related Publications

Meeting of Regional Governments: "A Territorial Agenda for the SDGs: Learning between regions". Document of conclusions

Available in English

This document presents the conclusions of the First Meeting of Regional Governments on Sustainable Development. Through this declaration, the eleven governments regional participants in this first...

Developed by Generalitat Valenciana

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Basis tool - building your SDG municipality

Available in English

This tool helps to gain insight into the SDG status of your municipality through a number of specific questions and helps to accordingly determine what you want to focus on. The tool is an instrument...

Developed by Association of Flemish Cities and Munici...

Posted by Hanne Albers

Tools : Diagnostics

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