Guidance and systemization of experiences
El Parlamento de Canarias, con la colaboración del PNUD, ha elaborado esta Guía de localización de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en el archipiélago, en el marco de la "Estrategia Canaria para un desarrollo sostenible", esperando servir de ejemplo a otras regiones para que señalen el camino a seguir a otras asambleas legislativas.
Available in Español
The ICT4SIDS Partnership is using Information and Communication Technologies to accelerate the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Samoa Pathway Declaration. The objective...
Available in Español
These recommendations were produced in the subgroup "Delivering Sustainable Development Goals at local and regional level" of the multi-stakeholder platform on the implementation of the SDGs in the EU...
Developed by Subgroup on “SDGs at local and regional...
Posted by Local2030
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