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Guía de localización de los ODS Parlamento de Canarias- PNUD

Guidance and systemization of experiences

El Parlamento de Canarias, con la colaboración del PNUD, ha elaborado esta Guía de localización de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en el archipiélago, en el marco de la "Estrategia Canaria para un desarrollo sostenible", esperando servir de ejemplo a otras regiones para que señalen el camino a seguir a otras asambleas legislativas.

Related Publications

E-learning Course: Business & the 2030 Agenda: Working Together Towards a Sustainable Future.

Available in Español

The main objective of the SDG-Fund is to bring together UN agencies, national governments, academia, civil society and business to address the challenges of poverty. The Conference will be organized f...

Developed by UNITAR

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Raising Awareness

methodological elements for the elaboration of the report on the situation in sustainable development

Available in Español

L France is committed to sustainable development by signing its promotion by public policies in the Charter of the environment, backed by the Constitution and operationally by the enactment of laws to...

Developed by Ministère français de l'Environnement, d...

Posted by Catherine Vachia

Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation

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