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Guide to Implementing MDG Responsive Demonstration Projects

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Local governments seek innovative ideas and new approaches for dealing with their priority issues and concerns. A Demonstration Project is a relatively self-contained small-scale capital investment or technical assistance project, the purpose of which is to "demonstrate" a particular approach. The purpose of the guide is 1. to provide a learning framework for better solutions and approaches; 2. To focus on "action"; 3. To facilitate replication and up-scaling of innovative approaches.

Related Publications

Sustainable Development Goals Report Provinces 2017. Adaptation process.

Available in English

The adoption of the SDGs as a roadmap is an essential tool for government management planning and a facilitator of the coordination and articulation of public policies between the Nation and jurisdict...

Developed by Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Polí...

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

Location of the 2030 Agenda in Mexico. Systematization of the installation and operationalization of the Follow-up and Instrumentation Bodies of the 2030 Agenda

Available in English

In this publication, UNDP presents the status of the location of the 2030 Agenda at the subnational level in Mexico. In particular, it seeks to systematize the installation and operationalization proc...

Developed by Programa de las Naciones Unidas en Méxic...

Posted by Stephan Visser

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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