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This initiative is evolving, and actors like you are sharing these resources. You will find here the documents and tools collected so far.

Global Public Space Toolkit: From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice


This toolkit will be a practical reference for local governments to frame and implement principles, policy recommendations and development initiatives on public space and for central governments to aid their efforts with material support and enabling legislation. It will also serve the purpose of demonstrating the value of the involvement of the citizenry and civil society in securing, developing and managing public space in the city.

Related Publications

Incorporating local authorities ODS Spanish from the analysis of the legal nature of the Agenda 2030

Available in English

In the paper published in the REALA Magazine in Spain, the role of municipalities in the implementation of ODS in view of the legal system is analyzed, since the content of most of the ODS are part of...


Posted by Rafael Garcia Maties

Concept notes and papers

People's Report Card

Available in English

The People’s Report Card is powered by the Social Progress Index, a robust and comprehensive measure of the real quality of life across the world. It reports on whether everyone has those essential qu...

Developed by Social Progress Imperative, Global Citiz...

Posted by Petra Krylova

Tools : Raising Awareness

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