The city of Bayonne (France) chose the eco-solidarity water tariff

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France March 23 2017 0 Local experience

The City of Bayonne, France, decided to test the introduction of an eco-solidarity tariff of drinking water. She participates in a national experiment which aims to ease the bill for the most disadvantaged households. This initiative is fully in accordance with the "Development of the Millennium", in particular Goal 6: "Access to safe water and sanitation," Target 10: "Reducing Inequalities" target 11: "sustainable cities and communities," and the objective 12: "consumption and production managers." In France, Brottes Act 2013 provides the legislative framework and a national framework for applying eco-equitable pricing of drinking water. This type of pricing already exists for electricity and gas. The Water Authority of Bayonne has access to social data of its subscribers. 2-3 000 homes are affected by this rate reduction. The eco-solidarity price of drinking water is awarded for a renewable period of one year from the last meter reading. It varies depending on the type of accommodation and the subscription mode: subscribers to the Water Authority and non-subscribers to the Water Board. The invoice issued by the Municipal Water Authority includes the part of all the actors who play a role in the water cycle. This share is then redistributed them.

For more information:
Contact: Communications Department, the citizen dialogue and territorial attractiveness, city Bayonnne,
Such. : 05 59 46 60 40 E-mail:

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