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Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning – Local Economic Development (LED) series Volume 4 – Action Guide: action ideas and case studies

Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Français

The Local Economic Development (LED) series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to help them initiate and implement local economic development interventions through a strategic planning process.

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Medenine region guidelines for the location of MDGs

Available in English Français

In order to meet the challenges, to promote integrated and sustainable development in Tunisia and to alleviate territorial inequalities, the development strategy of the Medenine Governorate formulated...

Developed by Programme de Nations Unies pour le Dével...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Strategies and Plans

Localizing Public Services and Development: The Local Public Sector’s Role in Achieving Development Goals in Health and Education

Available in English Français

The study seeks to answer several key research questions: how big is the local public sector in different countries, and what is the composition of local public sector expenditures in health and educa...

Developed by Decentralisation & Local Governance (DeL...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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