Upcoming Events

Forum on Sustainable Development Goals: Connecting...

Co-organized by the University of Deusto and the Local2030 Coalition,(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by University of Deusto(...)

2024-10-22 9:00 AM 2024-10-23 7:00 PM Europe/London Forum on Sustainable Development Goals: Connecting Academic Research and Policy Solutions to SDG Localization Co-organized by the University of Deusto and the Local2030 Coalition, the Forum on Sustainable Development Goals: Connecting Academic Research and Policy Solutions to SDG Localization will take place on 22-23 October 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. This event will bring together leaders, scholars and experts from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities of localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in both global and local contexts. The forum aims to build bridges between scientific and social research and the design of public policies to reinforce the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Throughout the sessions, participants will explore four key areas for achieving the SDGs, based on the six strategic transitions identified by the United Nations: quality education, inequality and social protection, digital transformation and artificial intelligence, climate action and the transition of energy and food systems. At a time when cooperation and interdisciplinary knowledge are more important than ever, this forum is designed as a space for dialogue, reflection and the generation of solutions that are sensitive to the tension between local and global concerns. Register for in-person participation by 15 October. Learn more about the event here. See the agenda here. Bilbao University of Deusto and Local2030 Coalition

First Meeting of the Local2030 Knowledge and Scien...

The Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network (KSN) will leverage its(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition,(...)

2024-10-23 1:30 PM 2024-10-23 3:00 PM Europe/London First Meeting of the Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network Members The Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network (KSN) will leverage its participation in the Forum on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by organizing a network meeting to build momentum and explore how academia and research can play a central role in addressing urban challenges while advancing SDG localization. The meeting will serve as an important platform for the network members to highlight the critical role of research in driving progress towards the SDGs, discuss how to bridge the gap between academic research and urban policymaking, and identify key next steps to maximize the network's impact. During the meeting, participants will also have the opportunity to provide inputs on the Policy Paper prepared to be presented during the meeting and the academic programme on SDG localization developed for the cluster of grantees. Objectives Emphasize the essential role of scientific research and academia in localizing the SDGs, focusing specifically on sustainable urban development. Introduce the Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network Academic Programme and the first Policy Paper produced and receive feedback from KSN members. Define upcoming milestones for KSN's progress and explore opportunities for future engagement. Address the gaps, opportunities, and needs of the KSN in the short, medium, and long term.  Introduce the Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network Academic Programme and the first Policy Paper produced and receive feedback from KSN members. Explore innovative approaches and methodologies that academia can adopt to contribute more effectively to sustainable urban development. Expected outcomes Strengthen membership engagement within the Local2030 Coalition Network by fostering deeper collaboration on joint research and policy initiatives. Identification of key milestones and strategic actions needed to leverage the impact of the Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network. Raise awareness of the need for evidence-based policies in urban planning and SDG implementation. Identification of best practices, tools, and successful models of collaboration between academia and local governments to advance SDG Localization and sustainable urban development. More information about the event is available here. If you are interested in becoming a KSN member, complete the following form. Bilbao Local2030 Coalition, Government of Italy, UN-Habitat, CESPI ETS, University of Deusto

World Urban Forum 12

The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum WUF12, convened by the Un(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Human(...)

2024-11-04 2024-11-08 Europe/London World Urban Forum 12 The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum WUF12, convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), will take place in Cairo, Egypt, from 4 to 8 November 2024, returning to the African continent after more than 20 years after its inception in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2002. This year's WUF12 theme is "It All Starts at Home: Local Actions for Sustainable Cities and Communities". It will focus on localizing the Sustainable Development Goals, shedding light on the local actions and initiatives required to curb the current global challenges affecting the daily life of people, including unaffordable housing, rising living costs, climate change, the lack of basic services, and ongoing conflicts. The WUF12 theme is supported by six dialogues, each exploring a different dimension of the theme: Dialogue 1. Housing our future Dialogue 2. Cities and the climate crisis Dialogue 3. Stronger together Dialogue 4. Finanzing localization and localizing finance Dialogue 5. Putting people first in a digital era Dialogue 6. The loss of home The WUF Coordination Team has recently announced the opening of the online application process for partner-led events. The deadline for application is 8 April 2024. WUF registration and event application are managed for the first time through UN-Habitat's new global event management system (GEMS): https://events.unhabitat.org/. Once registered to WUF12, partners will be able to apply for different partner-led events from their profile dashboard. Initial key promotional assets and messages, as well as branding and templates are available on our Trello Board, which we are continuously updating. For more details, explore the FAQs page. For inquiries on registration and partner-led events applications, email at: unhabitat-events@un.org. For general inquiries, contact at: unhabitat-wuf@un.org Please find the WUF12 Background Paper here This event was originally published here. Cairo United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Boosting the Localization of the SDGs to Propel Tr...

As our world grapples with unprecedented challenges, exposing our frag(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Joint(...)

2024-11-06 1:00 PM 2024-11-06 2:30 PM Europe/London Boosting the Localization of the SDGs to Propel Transformative Change As our world grapples with unprecedented challenges, exposing our fragile systems and threatening progress towards the 2030 Agenda, achieving the SDGs requires integrated and cross-sectoral actions. The SDG transitions framework was introduced to promote more integrated solutions in order to transform systems related to climate, food, energy, jobs, social protection, education, and digital connectivity. The crises of our time facing people and planet all have local dimensions, putting additional pressure on prompt and effective local action that ensure no one and no place is left behind. Therefore, localizing the SDGs brings opportunities for shaping responses and planning through innovative, collective, and coordinated pathways for sustainable development close to where people live. As the United Nation’s Secretary General remarked during the launch of the Advisory Board on Local and Regional governments in October 2023, the SDGs are eminently local and multi-level cooperation is vital to rescue the SDGs, with speed, scale and coordination. The Joint SDG Fund (the Fund) is the UN flagship global fund to supercharge the UN Development System to be fit for purpose and to catalyze systemic transitions in areas of cross-sectoral and cross-organisational integrated policy and financing to accelerate the SDGs. The Fund has already invested around USD 79 million supporting actions for localizing the SDGs. This included initiatives that worked with neighborhoods, villages, municipalities, districts and more on innovative policy solutions as well as on adopting local approaches and developing financial solutions to mobilize capital for the local level. The Fund recognizesSDG localization as a key pillar of its new strategic approach and a pivotal driver behind all key SDG transitions. None of the six SDG transitions can have its requisite impact without landing at the local level, and this framework ensures that the Fund’s investments lead to tangible transformative outcomes driving local impact. The Local2030 Coalition is the UN System-wide platform and network for supporting and accelerating the localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Coalition brings together the UN, local and regional governments and their associations, national governments, businesses, community-based organizations, and other local actors to mobilize, empower and support local stakeholders in advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through the Local2030 Coalition, 14 UN entities are unified around the need to understand and scale up localization action and financing. The Joint SDG Fund and the Local2030 Coalition joined forces and launched in March 2024 a dedicated funding round focused on supporting catalytic initiatives in 30 countries that can clearly demonstrate the role of SDG localization in accelerating the key transitions for the SDGs. Moreover, the Fund and the Local 2030 Coalition have jointly developed a SDG Localization Marker to identify initiatives that effectively prioritize localization efforts, ensuring both policy coherence and transparent and accountable tracking of allocated financing for SDG localization, and facilitating rigorous monitoring and reporting on the progress achieved in localizing the SDGs. The event will convene diverse partners and frame the conversation around the role of the Joint SDG Fund and Local 2030 Coalition in supporting national, regional and local governments overcome impediments to financing and advancing the SDGs at the local level. The event will build on the practical local solutions of three countries, will showcase Spain’s leadership of the SDG Localization agenda and highlight USAID’s best practices to further enrich the conversation with a different perspective. Key objectives1. Promoting Integrated and Cross-Sectoral Actions at the local level: Highlight the importance of integrated solutions tailored to the local dimensions and the importance of prompt and effective local action to ensure inclusivity and leave no one behind.2. Advancing SDG Localization: Showcase success stories for shaping responses and planning through innovative, collective, and coordinated action for sustainable development at the local level.3. Highlighting Multi-level Cooperation: Stress the significance of multi-level cooperation in rescuing and accelerating progress towards the SDGs.4. Leveraging the United Nations system: Illustrate the role of the United Nations Joint SDG Fund and Local 2030 Coalition in catalyzing systemic transitions at the country level, with a focus on supporting SDG localization efforts through policy and financing initiatives.  Overall, the event aims to convene partners to discuss and strategize on overcoming impediments to financing and advancing the SDGs at the local level and drawing insights from successful initiatives and partners worldwide. Cairo United Nations Joint SDG Fund, Local2030 Coalition

From Local Action to Global Impact Insights from L...

Amid growing inequalities, social unrest, environmental challenges, hu(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by General Superintende(...)

2024-11-07 3:00 PM 2024-11-07 4:30 PM Europe/London From Local Action to Global Impact Insights from Local2030 Hubs Amid growing inequalities, social unrest, environmental challenges, hunger, malnutrition, and rising conflicts, it is clear that the world must change course to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Localization allows global goals and local needs and priorities to meet. It involves engaging local and regional governments, stakeholders, and communities to drive bottom-up innovative solutions that are multi-stakeholder and that have multiplier effects thus scaling up impact. The Local2030 Coalition, the UN System-wide platform and network for supporting and accelerating the localization of the 2030 Agenda, creates an enabling environment for localization and demonstrates the UN’s collective offer on localized SDG action by providing support to local and regional governments and boosting local stakeholders’ capacities. The Local2030 Hubs, centers of excellence accelerating the localization of the SDGs, work to amplify the individual actions of local social actors, avoiding resource waste and overlapping efforts. Comprising a wide range of stakeholders tailored to local realities, the Hubs vary greatly in composition and action priorities. However, they share a common purpose: serving as a bridge between the United Nations and its member states and the people, engaging not only governments but all agents capable of contributing to local solutions. The Local2030 Hubs each address diverse local priorities yet share insights on effective local actor coordination, multilevel challenges, and locally impactful models that can be replicated globally. This event will see the first gathering of multiple Hubs representing subnational levels across different continents to promote dialogue based on concrete cases of action and exchanges with similar multistakeholder platform driving impact at local level. It aims to contribute to reflecting on local partnership arrangements and their relationship with high-impact actions, while disseminating successful cases such as active civil society participation, private sector engagement, collaboration with academia, girls' participation in urban planning, and youth empowerment, among others. Key objectivesConvening this partner-led event at the World Urban Forum, the Local2030 Hubs aim to amplify their impact, nurture collaboration, and accelerate progress towards local SDG achievement. The session will: Showcase Innovative Approaches: Providing a platform for hubs to highlight groundbreaking methods and initiatives in SDG localization. It will spotlight successful projects, methodologies, and tools addressing sustainable development challenges. Deepen Thematic Understanding: Delving into key themes vital for fostering innovation at the local level, including climate change adaptation, social equality, local economic development, gender equality, youth empowerment, and urban-rural linkages. Present Diverse Localization Perspectives: Emphasizing efforts tailored to specific contexts and target groups, including the Global South, islands, Portuguese-speaking countries, addressing their distinct challenges and opportunities in SDG localization. Promote Collaboration and Co-Creation: Acting as a nexus for collaboration, fostering partnerships among Local2030 Hubs and stakeholders engaged in SDG localization. It will connect local and subnational governments, NGOs, academia, international organizations, private sector partners, development experts, and local stakeholders. Cairo General Superintendency of Economic and Social Development of the State Government of Paraná, Brazil; Local2030 Coalition; World Family Organization, Brazil; Araucaria Foundation, Brazil

Knowledge in Action: Bridging Policy and Practice...

Currently, according to UNESCO, around 250 million students are enroll(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Knowledge(...)

2024-11-08 1:00 PM 2024-11-08 2:30 PM Europe/London Knowledge in Action: Bridging Policy and Practice through Scientific Research for SDG Localization Currently, according to UNESCO, around 250 million students are enrolled in universities worldwide, marking a meaningful increase from 100 million in 2000. A significant number of these students come from Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. While the importance of higher education and scientific research is recognized worldwide, the knowledge generated by universities is not sufficiently valued in policy-making. As we strive to achieve the goals set for 2030, we still face challenges in engaging actively academic knowledge and the potential of the most qualified young researchers to make policies that lead to sustainable and resilient development. To fill this gap, the Knowledge and Scientific Network (KSN) has been developed as a key initiative anchored to the Local2030 Coalition, the UN system-wide platform and network aimed at supporting and accelerating the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The KSN objective is to close the gap between university knowledge and real-world policy-making by integrating insights from academia with the practical needs of decision makers. The KSN reaches across the world, involving various continents and fields of study, with a specific focus on interventions in two pilot countries, Jordan and Tunisia. This network doesn't just store information but actively works to bring research-based ideas from local contexts to the big picture of global policy dialogues. At the core of the KSN's mission is to engage a wide array of researchers. These researchers, especially young people from Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, join forces in global and regional networks to bring new ideas and relevant solutions into policy-making. The KSN supports these efforts with many activities, such as setting up academic training CV on SDG Localization in Jordan and Tunisia and leading research labs that help turn academic discussions into actual policy ideas and concrete proposals to orient strategies. The upcoming event will provide an opportunity for local and national policymakers, people from around the world, and a lively group of PhD students to discuss the requirements for research and policy to effectively make SDGs a reality locally. It will serve as a platform where academic ideas converge with real policies. By addressing these topics on an international level, the event aims to blend academic theories, policies, and real-world actions. This meeting is not just a conversation, but an attempt to push for local action based on global knowledge. This event is meant to be a significant momentum for everyone involved; it marks the beginning of a new approach to policy-making that understands local issues while aiming for the SDGs, involving clusters of PhD students. It is about planning for a sustainable future, guided by global objectives but nurtured by local understanding. Key objectives Highlight the integral role of academia and research in shaping sustainable development across all levels, underscoring the transformative potential of academic knowledge when deftly woven into the policy fabric, shaping strategies that are both resilient and grounded in evidence. Presentation of the Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network, a component of the Local2030 Coalition. This initiative embodies the confluence of academic rigor and policy pragmatism, aiming to enhance the impact of scholarly insights on sustainable policy frameworks. The event will act as a fulcrum for synergistic partnerships, presenting a concrete framework and case study for a design and engagement process in which the qualified youth component of the university (in particular, the PhD students) takes the lead in the co-creation of SDG Localization solutions, by mobilizing a community of various and complementary stakeholders. By bringing together a mosaic of scientific community (academia/research centers), local policy makers and civil society organizations, starting with those from Jordan and Tunisia, it aims to foster a fertile dialogue and drive momentum for the KSN's pilot projects. It will also create opportunities for exploring the different challenges and solutions that all actors face when interacting on SDG localization, including data flows, resources mobilization, planning and policy coherence. Cairo Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network, UN-Habitat, FAO, Local2030 Coalition, CeSPI ETS, Ministry of International Affairs of Italy
Upcoming Trainings

Help us join the voices that speak of localizing the SDGs. By sharing an event that helps further the initiative, you create more opportunities for people and stakeholders to engage and benefit. Be it a lecture, seminar or workshop, we’d like to showcase your event to the #LocalizingSDGs community.

Past Events

The Climate Crisis and Cities: The Role of Regiona...

The City Food Policy Project (CFP Project) is co-hosting an event titled "The Climate Crisis and Cities: The Role of Reg(...)

Posted by Evan RT, RT

Organized by The City Food Policy(...)

Summit of the Future

The Summit of the Future will be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 and will bring together UN Member States, UN agencies,(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

Shaping local pathways for a more equitable, susta...

Looking towards the 2024 UN Summit of the Future with the theme “Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow”, the Loca(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition,(...)

Extraordinary Local2030 Coalition Steering Committ...

An extraordinary meeting of the Local2030 Coalition will take place on the margins of the Summit of the Future to levera(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

Bridging Knowledge and Action: Enhancing SDG Local...

The Local2030 Knowledge and Scientific Network (KSN) has organized a workshop to launch the global component of this inn(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Knowledge(...)

Seventh Local and Regional Governments Forum on th...

The Seventh Local and Regional Governments Forum (LRGF) will be held on 11th July, from 10am-1pm during the High Level P(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN DESA, Global Task(...)

Local2030 Coalition Special Event: "Unlocking tran...

The Local2030 Coalition Special Event "Unlocking transormative change through the localization of the six SDG transition(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

High-Level Political Forum 2024

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from Monday, 8 July, to Wednesday, 17 July(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN Department of Eco(...)


We are thrilled to share with you the upcoming events related to SDG localization and local action during the 2024 High-(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

2024 International Mayors Forum

The International Mayors Forum 2024 will take place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 2nd to 4th July, 2024. The Forum is organ(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-DESA and UCLG-ASP(...)

2024 EU-UN Policy Dialogue on SDG Localisation

In 2022, the UN and EU started holding annual high-level dialogues on the implementation of the Transformative Agenda 20(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by European Committee o(...)

SDG Localization Tailored for SIDS

The Government of Cabo Verde, in collaboration with the Local2030 Coalition, UCLG, and the United Nations Country Team i(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Government of Cabo V(...)

7th OECD Roundtable on Cities and Regions for the...

  The 7th OECD Roundtable on Cities and Regions for the SDGs will take place on 29 May 2024 from 9am to 5pm in Tabakale(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by OECD, Basque Governm(...)

4th International Conference on Small Island Devel...

The fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States will be held from 27 to 30 May 2024 in Saint John'(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

Inspiring a Revolution in Urban Innovation

Bilbao Metropoli 30 is organizing a new edition of the Metropolis of the Future International Seminars. This year the ti(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Bilbao Metropoli 30(...)

Workshop on achieving the SDGs at subnational leve...

Join an engaging online workshop on February 26, 2024, from 19:00 to 20:00 (Brasília time). Aligning with ongoing resear(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Shibaura Institute o(...)

2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum

The 2024 Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will be held on 30 January 2024 at the United Nat(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by ECOSOC

Local and Regional Governments Day at the Global R...

The Local and Regional Governments Day will take place on 14th December from 15:30 to 18:30 CET in the margins of the Gl(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UCLG and the Mayors(...)

Global Refugee Forum 2023

Co-hosted by UNHCR and Switzerland, the Global Refugee Forum will take place in Geneva from 13 to 15 December 2023, with(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations High(...)

Multilevel governance for climate, food, and biodi...

Co-lead by the Local2030 Coalition, FAO, UN-Habitat, UNDP, UCLG and the Global Task Force for Local and Regional Governm(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition,(...)

COP 28 – UN Climate Change Conference

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) will take place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo C(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Clima(...)

2023 Cities and Regions for International Partners...

The eighth edition of the forum "Cities and Regions for International Partnerships" (formerly called "Assises of Decentr(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by European Commission(...)

Online City to City Peer Learning: Local Responses...

Is your city or region taking action to tackle discrimination, or does your city or region have specific expertise with(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UCLG

Smart City Expo World Congress

Smart City Expo World Congress is an event for cities and urban innovation held in Barcelona since 2011. Every year, it(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Fira Barcelona and E(...)

Leveraging the participation of (young) migrants a...

The Mayors Mechanism, will partner with the City of Rio de Janeiro, Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP), United(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by The Mayors Mechanism(...)

World Cities Day

World Cities Day brings Urban October to an end on 31 October each year and was first celebrated in 2014. As with World(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

Boosting the Localization of the 2030 Agenda

As part of the activities of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, the Spanish Government is organizing in Madrid th(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Spanish Goverment

Local2030 Coalition: Joining forces to accelerate...

One year after the opening of the Secretariat in Bilbao, the Local2030 Coalition would like to convene an event in Bilba(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

Third Forum of Mayors

The third edition of the Forum of Mayors will be held in Geneva on 2-3 October 2023 before the 84th Session of the Commi(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Econo(...)

Urban Resilience Week

UNECE Urban Resilience Week will bring together representatives of national and subnational governments, experts, civil(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Econo(...)

World Habitat Day 2023

Our World Habitat Day is near. It takes place on the first Monday of October and ushers our Urban October campaign to pr(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

World Urban October

Urban October is an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities creat(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

2023 SDG Summit

The 2023 SDG Summit will be convened on 18-19 September 2023, during the United Nations General Assembly high-level week(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

Local2030 Coalition: Pushing the Key Transitions a...

High Impact Initiative on Localization UN-Habitat, UNDP and FAO, in collaboration with several members of the Local2030(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition,(...)

Financing Localization or Localizing Finance?

The Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MPED), in cooperation with the Local 2030 Coalition, t(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Egyptian Ministry of(...)

SDG Action Weekend

SDG Action Weekend – 16 – 17 September 2023 Civil society, the private sector, youth, women, scientists, local(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

Local and Regional Governments Forum at the SDG Ac...

The Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments, United Cities and Local Governments, UNDESA, UN-Habitat, UNDP a(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Global Task Force of(...)


UN-Habitat, UNCDF, Ella Impacta and the Local2030 Coalition are co-organizing the side event "WOMEN LED CITIES - Bringin(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat, UNCDF, E(...)

UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment

The 2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment will take place in Rome, Italy from 24 – 26 July 2023, at the premises of th(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Food and Agriculture(...)

Sixth Local and Regional Governments Forum on the...

The Sixth Local and Regional Governments Forum (LRGF) on the 2030 Agenda will take place on 12th July as a Special High-(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN DESA, Global Task(...)

Local2030 Coalition Special Event

The Local2030 Coalition Special Event will take place on 12th July in New York as a Special High-Level Event on the occa(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

High-Level Political Forum 2023

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from Monday, 10 July, to Wednesday, 19 Jul(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

14th Metropolis World Congress

The Metropolis community will gather in Brussels from 12th to 15th June to celebrate the 14th Metropolis World Congress(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Brussels Capital Reg(...)

Brussels Urban Summit

The Brussels Urban Summit (BUS) will take place from the 12th to the 15th of June in Brussels, Belgium. It is an initiat(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Brussels Capital Reg(...)

Executive Bureau 2023

The Executive Bureau of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from 12-15(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UCLG

Informal Stakeholder Dialogue - Zero Draft Politic...

On 7 June 2023, from 9:00 - 10:30 am EDT, UN DESA, in collaboration with the UN SDG Action Campaign, will organize a vir(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN DESA and UN SDG A(...)

Second Session of the United Nations Habitat Assem...

The second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. The them(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

SDG Localization Track at the UN-Habitat Assembly

We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming SDG Localization Events during the 2nd UN-Habitat Assembly, organized by U(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

Virtual dialogue: Independent Group of Scientists...

Background The Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) was mandated with a view to strengthening the science-pol(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN DESA, UCLG and GT(...)

High-Level Meeting of the Midterm Review of the Se...

The High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Midterm Review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for D(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Offic(...)

First Voluntary Local Review of the City of Madrid

The City of Madrid, with the support of ONU-Habitat Spain and with the collaboration of UCLG, will celebrate the present(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by City of Madrid in co(...)

Forget about SDG6 without strong water management...

Global in ambition, the dedicated water and sanitation goal SDG6 can only be met with local water and sanitation service(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat/Global Wa(...)

UN 2023 Water Conference

Water is a fundamental part of all aspects of life. Water is inextricably linked to the three pillars of sustainable dev(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

SDG localization as a driver of urgent climate act...

The Local2030 Coalition is organizing an official COP27 side event, “SDG localization as a driver of urgent climate acti(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

Opening of the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat in...

The opening of the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat in Bilbao will take place on 31 October 2022, from 18.00-20.15 Centra(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Government of Spain,(...)

G20 PLIC Annual Meeting: Unleashing the Potential...

The first Annual Meeting of the G20 Platform on SDG Localization and Intermediary Cities will take place online on 28 Oc(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by G20 Platform on SDG(...)

World’s To-Do List Cities at UNGA

During this year's Global Goals Week, the voices of Mayors from all over the World will be elevated when world leaders(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Project Everyone and(...)

SDG Action Zone 2022

Over the course of three days during the UN General Assembly, the SDG Action Zone brings together the highest levels of(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by SDG Strategy Hub

2nd Leaders Meeting of the Local2030 Islands Netwo...

“The Second Leaders Meeting of the Local2030 Islands Network will gather Heads of Delegations from member countries to d(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Islands Ne(...)

Goalkeepers 2022

Goalkeepers is dedicated to accelerating progress toward Global Goals. Through powerful stories, data, and partnerships,(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Project Everyone and(...)

Climate Week NYC 2022

Climate Week NYC is the largest annual climate event of its kind, bringing together over 500 events from across New York(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Climate Group

Third SDG Moment

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for fighting poverty and hunger, confronting the climate crisis(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

ICSD 2022

The International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) is an academic conference that provides a forum for acade(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Sustainable Developm(...)

Week of the Sustainable Municipality 2022

Since 2018, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) organises the ‘Week of the Sustainable Municipal(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Association of Flemi(...)

Global Goals Week

The countries of the United Nations made a universal promise to leave no one behind in achieving a peaceful and prospero(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UNDP, United Nations(...)

Global Week to #Act4SDGs

Held from 16 to 25 September 2022, the Global Week to #Act4SDGs mobilization takes place when world leaders gather at th(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN SDG Action Campai(...)

Decade of SDG Action: The role of local and region...

On September 14 at 10 a.m. (ARG) takes place the international session "Decade of SDG Action: The role of local and regi(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Province of Córdoba(...)


The 77th UN General Assembly will take place September 13 to 27, 2022, as complex, overlapping crises unfold around the(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

Operationalizing the Guiding Principles: Human Rig...

Join us in the launch event “Operationalizing the Guiding Principles: Human Rights based approach, Gender Equality and W(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Building Back Better by deepening the integration...

Italy, UN-Habitat, UNECE, and OECD, are co-hosting an official side event at the 2022 High-Level Political Forum o(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Government of Italy,(...)

Local action: getting the SDGs back on track

The Local2030 Coalition is hosting an official side event in the 2022 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Developm(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Local2030 Coalition

5th Local and Regional Governments Forum

The fifth Local and Regional Governments Forum (LRGF), a Special Event of the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF)(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by Global Task Force of(...)

SDG Solutions to Rethink the City

Venice City Solutions 2030 is a yearly process that brings together the UN, local and regional governments, and their pa(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat in collab(...)

2022 High-level Forum on Sustainable Development

This year’s High-level Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from Tuesday 5 July to 15 July 2022 in New Y(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations

The eleventh session of the World Urban Forum

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization. WUF11 will be held in the Pol(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

SDG Localization Sessions at WUF 11

The Eleventh Session of the World Urban Forum will take place on 26—30 June 2022, in Katowice, Poland.   UN-Habitat an(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat

Experiencias | Reportes Locales Voluntarios - Obje...

No deje de participar, ONU-Habitat organiza el viernes 10 de junio de 2022 desde las 9am hasta 10h45am un evento virtual(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by ONU-Habitat

Sustainable Cities Discussion Forum

Hundreds of countries and cities the world over have committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals by the(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by City of Helsinki and(...)

9th Africities Summit

Africities is the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa’s flagship pan-African event that is held every three ye(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the...

The High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda will take place on the 28th(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat and partn(...)

International Seminar on Voluntary Local Reviews

Voluntary Local Reviews are policy documents that can help local governments to work on the achievement of the Sustainab(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat, UCLG, SK(...)

Eighth Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sus...

The Eight session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) will be developed under the theme “Bui(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Organized by United Nations Econo(...)

Side Event: Enabling multi-stakeholder partnership...

SAVE THE DATE! UN-Habitat, the Local2030 Coalition and UNDP are co-organizing a virtual side-event in the framework of(...)

Posted by UN Habitat, UN

Organized by UN-Habitat, the Loca(...)

Sustainable Energy for All Forum

Kigali, Rwanda

The SEforALL Forum in Kigali seeks to become the most dynamic and diverse convening of the Sustainable Development Goal(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by Sustainable Energy f(...)

Voluntary Local Reviews: Next steps for a Sustaina...

UN-Habitat and Moscow Urban Forum are organizing a high-level roundtable on Voluntary Local Reviews in the context of th(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by Moscow Urban Forum a(...)

Second Open Call for SDG Good Practices, Success S...

A second open call for SDG good practices, success stories and lessons learned in the implementation of 2030 Agenda is n(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by United Nations Depar(...)

3rd OECD Roundtable on Cities and Regions for the...

The 3rd OECD Roundtable on Cities and Regions for the SDGs: A Territorial Approach to the SDGs as a framework for long-t(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by OECD and County of V(...)

Islands Supporting Islands: Uplifting Island Partn...

This event will showcase how islands, in coming together and working within and across island communities around the wor(...)

Posted by Ariana Caruso, Hawaiʻi Green Growth

Organized by Local2030 Islands Ne(...)

2020 UN-SDG 5th Anniversary Celebration in Abuja,...

The International Association of World Peace Advocates has concluded plan to celebrate the United Nations Sustainable De(...)

Posted by Amb. Emmanuel Nkweke, Interntaional Association of World Peace Advocates

Organized by International Associ(...)

SDG 5th Anniversary

On September 24th at 6:00 PM join us for an interactive arts &crafts Zoom session while discovering about the amazing SD(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

United Nations International Peace Day Observance...

The event is to celebrate the existing peace in Kwara State and Nigeria at large. The event will also witness some side(...)

Posted by Amb. Emmanuel Nkweke, Interntaional Association of World Peace Advocates

Organized by International Associ(...)

UN 75th General Assembly

  The UN General Assembly (UNGA 75) will take place from 15 - 29 September 2020. The modalities of the UNGA 75 differ t(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by United Nations

A conversation on SDG 4 Quality Education and Raci...

Social Impact Movement presents SDG Voices in Miami, a platform to amplify the voices of local organizers and gr(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

ODS11: Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles

ODS 11 en el mundo: Ejemplos de España y aplicaciones en Miami. En nuestro primer evento SDGsEnEspañol, vamos explorar(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

Inclusive City Investment Agenda: Developing count...

Rapid urbanization in many developing countries is becoming a significant challenge for governments, particularly local(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by United Nations Capit(...)

Local Action for Global Commitments: Inclusive, Re...

The fourth Local Action for Global Commitments event will take place virtually, under the theme of Inclusive, Resilient(...)

Posted by Admin Secretariat, United Nations

Organized by Local2030

The Decade of Action - bolstering change from the...

The third High-Level Local and Regional Governments Forum will illustrate the distinct elements essential to the kickoff(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by UN DESA, UN-Habitat(...)

2030 Agenda: from global emergencies to solutions...

The HLPF is a moment to demonstrate commitment to a multilateral response, international cooperation, and solidarity. It(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by Regions4 Sustainable(...)

Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Ca...

The fourth meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development is schedu(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by ECLAC

Online Briefing with Local & Regional Governments

Join this online briefing on ways in which the local and regional governments can take urgent, targeted action to avoid(...)

Posted by Admin Secretariat, United Nations

Organized by UN DESA

Leading by Example: Implementing the SDGs in Canad...

In 2015, as part of the Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 192 Member States of the United Nations agreed upon 17 S(...)

Posted by Rachel Dare, NewCities Foundation

Organized by NewCities Foundation

Unleashing the power of the private sector in impl...

This course introduces participants to the different types of private sector entities and demonstrates how strategically(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

LOCAL 2030: A Decade of Action to stem Climate Cha...

The 25th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Madrid(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by Local 2030

FORO "Efecto Mariposa"

Espacio para el diálogo sobre los ODS y presentación de Proyectos-Solución. Al evento asistirán jovenes de 5to de prima(...)

Posted by CLAUDIA FRANCO, club rotario hermosillo milenio

Organized by Club Rotario Hermosi(...)

2030 Agenda Congress: Costa Rica and the Sustainab...

2030 Agenda Conference Costa Rica and the Sustainable Development Goals The 2030 Agenda Congress seeks to create awar(...)

Posted by Randall Santamaria, Guaravito

Organized by Guaravito

UCLG Congress, 11-15 November 2019, Durban, South...

In the framework of the UCLG Congress to be held in Durban 11-15 November, Local2030 is organizing a session untitled Lo(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by Local2030

IV SDG Network National Meeting

SDG Brazil Network (Rede ODS Brasil) is a collective, created in July 2015, formed by institutions of the Government; Hi(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by SDG Brazil Network

Localizing the 2030 Agenda: Building on What Works

TheForum “Localizing the 2030 Agenda: Building on What Works” will take place on 27-29 October 2019 in Banjul, The Gambi(...)

Posted by Admin Secretariat, United Nations

Organized by Government of The(...)

Creating citizenship: the SDGS as an opportunity f...

The Venice City Solutions Series is a yearly event to discuss one specific issue that can facilitate the role of local g(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Italian Association(...)

SDGs progress: from Miami to the world

The Idealist Days are always a good reason to meet. For this month we will discuss the long journey since the world bega(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

Congreso Agenda 2030: Costa Rica y los Objetivos d...

  En setiembre de 2016 Costa Rica se convirtió en el primer país del mundo en firmar un Pacto Nacional por los Objetivo(...)

Posted by Randall Santamaria, Guaravito

Organized by Guaravito

Festival de Acción por los ODS Costa Rica

En setiembre de 2016 Costa Rica se convirtió en el primer país del mundo en firmar un Pacto Nacional por los Objetivos d(...)

Posted by Randall Santamaria, Guaravito

Organized by Guaravito


The Geneva Macro Labs kindly invites to the conference on “Blockchain 4 Impact” at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 2(...)

Posted by Marianne Schoerling, Geneva Macro Labs

Organized by The Geneva Macro Lab(...)

SDG Anniversary Celebration

Join the global celebration of the 4th Anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals. So man(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by SIM - Social Impact(...)

UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Devel...

The UN General Assembly will hold a meeting of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) at th(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Gener(...)


The third International youth forum, to be held from 14 to 15 September 2019, will place with concept on “Peace, Social(...)

Posted by DATCHANAMOORTHY RAMU, United Nations MyWorld 2030 Asia Pacific Advocate

Organized by Sustainable Developm(...)

United Nations Summer Academy

Bonn, Germany

The UN Summer Academy (UNSA) is an engaging five-day programme that fosters rich interaction on issues relevant to the w(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Amplifying Youth Voices for the SDGs

The #NGYouthSDGsDialogue will involve 2,000 young people from across 20 states in Nigeria with the goal of gathering dat(...)

Posted by Joshua Alade, Mr.

Organized by Nigerian Youth SDGs(...)

Youth for social change and development

Youth for social change and development is a grassroot campaign to sensitize, encourage and engage youth in social chang(...)

Posted by Abubakar Mubarak, Mubarak's Youth Development Initiative

Organized by Mubarak's Youth Deve(...)

Data-Driven Solutions for Localization of the SDGs...

The Toronto-based World Council on City Data and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are e(...)

Posted by James Patava, World Council on City Data

Organized by OECD/World Council o(...)

Localizing the SDGs and VNRs: reporting on progres...

In collaboration with: Local 2030, United Nations Development Programme, UN-Habitat and Global Taskforce of local and re(...)

Posted by UN-Habitat Local, UN-Habitat

Organized by UNDESA

UN High level Political Forum 2019 Panel discussi...

  UN High level Political Forum 2019   Panel discussion on “The contribution of regional cooperation and partnership(...)

Posted by Antonio Dolce, Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN

Organized by The Permanent Missio(...)

Local Action for Global Commitments

The UN-wide Local2030 network is facilitating a two-day event focused on: Local level financing of the SDGs; The loc(...)

Posted by Admin Secretariat, United Nations

Organized by Local2030: Localizin(...)

Financing the SDGs at local level

Co-organized with: United Capital Development Fund, United Nations Development Programme, UN-Habitat, United Cities and(...)

Posted by UN-Habitat Local, UN-Habitat

Organized by Government of Italy

The key role of partnerships for an inclusive impl...

On the 15th of July 2019, a side event of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) of 2019 will be held on the issue of "Th(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The Spanish Federati(...)

Summer School on SDGs

Cairo, Egypt

Objective: Increase knowledge of FEPS students on the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs and Egypt Vision 2030; Increase awarenes(...)

Posted by Mohamed Fawzy, UN Advocacy Program

Organized by UN advocates and Fac(...)

Impact Investing for the Local and Global Goals

Liverpool, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

How do your savings and investments have an impact on the world?  Have you ever wondered what your money does, after yo(...)

Posted by David Connor, 2030hub

Organized by 2030hub

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Developm...

The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2019 convened under the auspices of the Econ(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations

Universidades andaluzas: retos y compromisos de la...

En el marco de Diálogos en Andalucía para la Agenda 2030, organizado por la Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internaciona(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Agencia Andaluza de(...)

Rencontres de l'action Internationale des collecti...

Chaque année, cet événement permet aux collectivités françaises et étrangères - petites, moyennes et grandes villes, dép(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Cités Unies de Franc(...)

Sustainable development at the local level

On June 27, 2019, at the Portuguese Catholic University (Lisbon), the seminar entitled "Sustainable development at the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Centro de Estudios y(...)

Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: Wh...

This event is part of a series of conferences resulting from the Call for Papers "Implementing the Sustainable Developme(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNTFSSE

Addressing inequalities at territorial level - Wha...

Concrete experiences from Albania, Lebanon, Zambia and Spain will be presented during a quality-driven, inclusive and ge(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by PLATFORMA, the Basqu(...)

European Development Days

This year, the European Commission will be hosting once again the European Development Days (EDD), which this year will(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by European Commission

The role of decentralized cooperation to address r...

Organized by the European Commission, the European Development Days (EDD) bring together the development community to sh(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Regional Government(...)

Localizing SDGs. The implementation of 2030 Agenda...

"Localizing the SDGs" It will be discussed in an event promoted by the Lombardy Regional Council in collaboration with(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Lombardy Regional Co(...)

Jornada "Diálogos de Andalucía en el marco de la A...

Todos los agentes de la Cooperación Andaluza que deseen colaborar en la elaboración del III Plan Andaluz de Cooperación(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Agencia Andaluza de(...)

Conference in preparation for HLPF 2019: “Peaceful...

The conference will take stock of global progress towards achieving the SDG 16; share knowledge, success stories and goo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN DESA and IDLO

SDGsInMiami EcoWalk Virginia Key Beach Clean Up

Social Impact Movement and SDG 14 Life Below Water partner up with Debris Free Oceans bringing the #SDGs Sustainable D(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

SDG Global Festival of Action

The SDG Global Festival of Action is a ground-breaking event powered by the UN SDG Action Campaign with the support of t(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN SDG Action Campai(...)

e-Consultation on SDG 16 Report

The Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies is producing the SDG 16+ Report fo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Global Alliance for(...)

First Annual Smart Sustainable City Summit

Above is the 'Save the Date' flyer for the May 2019 summit. Young Moon invites you to join the event deploy technology s(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Young Moon

Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (FfD...

The ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (FfD Forum) is an intergovernmental process with universal parti(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ECOSOC

Regions and Cities Making the SDGs Happen

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR), the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and Eurocities, j(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The European Committ(...)

Day of Cities

The Day of Cities will bring together Mayors, urban managers and other key municipal practitioners for an exchange of(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNECE

Decentralized Cooperation and Agenda 2030 at the L...

On March 26-27 , the Forum Madrid Solidaria de Cooperación Decentralizada and Agenda 2030 will be held at the Local Lev(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Programa de Naciones(...)

Localizing SDG 5.2: Planning and paying for local...

The ambitious targets set by the SDGs demand new approaches, ways of working together and modes of financing. This inclu(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNDP

Human Rights and Global Agendas at the Local Level

Human rights cities will be discussed at a side-event of the UN Human Rights Council on Friday 8th March in Geneva. The(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UCLG, Permanent Miss(...)

SDGsInMiami Ambassador Series SDG #5 Gender Equali...

From Global to Local - Miami’s progress towards achieving SDG #5 Gender Equality As International Women's Day 2019 appr(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

International seminar on regional planning and SDG...

Nouakchott, Mauritania

The Government of Mauritania and the United Nations Development Programme are glad to announce the organization of an in(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Gouvernement maurita(...)

Etorkizuna Eraikiz - Open minded governance for fu...

The Gipuzkoa Provincial Council is organizing the Etorkizuna Eraikiz “Open minded governance for future” Congress, which(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Gipuzkoa Provincial(...)

Cities and Regions for Development Cooperation 201...

Jointly organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO)(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ​​European Committee(...)

The localization of the Sustainable Development Go...

All SDGs have goals directly or indirectly related to the daily work of local governments. In fact, former UN Secretary(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Diputacio Barcelona

“How are the SDGs traveling in your world?”

With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (2015) and the New Urban Agenda (2016) the world has a roadmap to(...)

Posted by Elaine Angeles, Columbia University

Organized by Center for Sustainab(...)

Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migra...

The global compact for migration is the first, intergovernmentally negotiated agreement, prepared under the auspices o(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations

“Cities for Rights” International Conference

2018 is the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the main internati(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Àrea de Drets de Ciu(...)

5th Mayoral Forum on Mobilitym Migration and Devel...

The Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development (“Mayoral Forum”) is the annual City-led dialogue on migr(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN Joint Migration a(...)

XXIII Mercocities Summit

MERCOCIUDADES, established as the sub-national multilateral network of the most important integration process in South(...)

Posted by Pablo Bernal Aguilar, Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de La Paz

Organized by Gobierno Autónomo Mu(...)

Assises régionales de la coopération et de la soli...

La Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté organisera ses prochaines Assises régionales de la coopération et de la solidarité int(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Service Affaires Eur(...)

The Sustainability Challenge: Implementing the UN'...

A symposium in which Mr. Evert Bessemans from Sint-Truiden local authority in Belgium will be talking about a pilot proj(...)

Posted by Richard Norman, Canterbury SDG Forum

Organized by Canterbury SDG Forum

Launch of the Guide "Migration and the 2030 Agenda...

Effective migration governance is a key success factor for the achievement of the SDGs. Many SDG targets can only be ach(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by International Organi(...)

La localisation des ODD en Afrique

La 8ème édition du Sommet Africités se tiendra du 20 au 24 novembre à Marrakech, Maroc. Avec plus de 5000 participants,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

8th Africities Summit

Africities is the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa’s flagship pan-African event that is held every three(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UCLG Africa

Venice City Solutions - Financing the SDGs at loca...

The approval of Agenda 2030 in September 2015 constitutes a unique opportunity for the world we live in. For the first t(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by AICCRE, Platforma, U(...)

Hack the Goals

Hack The Goals is a worldwide movement of hackathons organised by Enabel, the Belgian development agency. The ha(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Enabel


A seminar to exchange and deepen the knowledge of practitioners and local and regional government representatives on the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Junta de Extremadura


During the GEW - Global Entrepreneurship Week** we are proposing an interesting perspective for addressing the SDGs, foc(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

Localizing the SDGs at Smart City Expo World Congr...

Smart City Expo World Congress exists in order to empower cities and collectivize urban innovation across the globe. Thr(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UCLG

4th Symposium on Innovation for Sustainable Develo...

The inno4sd.net symposium event “Policies and partnership for the sustainable development transition” will take pl(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Inno4sd.net, Future(...)

Webinar on ‘Decentralisation & Local Governance in...

Bonn, Germany

On November 7 at 11 a.m. (CET), DeLoG will conduct a webinar on Decentralisation and Local Governance in Fragile and Con(...)

Posted by Madina Davletkildeeva, GIZ

Organized by DeLoG - Development(...)

2nd World Forum on Urban Violence and Education fo...

The World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace is a meeting place for local leaders, internat(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Madrid

2nd international Implementing the New Urban Agend...

The 2nd international Implementing the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Congress (...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by New Urban Agenda Imp(...)

Urban 20 Mayors Summit

Inaugural U20 Mayoral Summit will take place in Buenos Aires on 29-30 October, ahead of the G20 Heads of State Sum(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by C40 Cities and UCLG

3rd International Congress on Urban Studies Sustai...

Today, the phenomenon of sustainability emerges as a social, economic, environmental and multidimensional global paradig(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Kentarastirmalari, U(...)


Lomé, Togo


Posted by Yawo Dodji Mandela DJAHO, Observatoire Ouest Africain du Développement Durable

Organized by Observatoire Ouest A(...)

Asker Youth Conference, October 24th 2018 - Locali...

In 2014, the Norwegian government initiated a structural reform of the country’s municipalities and regions. A key eleme(...)

Posted by UN-Habitat Local, UN-Habitat

Organized by Asker municipality,(...)

Local Week of the Agenda 2030

From October 22 to 26, 2018, the Spanish Federation of Cities and Provinces (Federación Española de Municipios y Provinc(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Spanish Federation o(...)

THINK 2030 - Science-policy solutions for a more s...

In partnership with GLOBE EU, IEEP is creating a new sustainability platform, Think 2030. Informing a science-based age(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by IEEP, GLOBE EU

1st Regional Meeting on Sustainable Development

What is the Regional Meeting on Sustainable Development? The Regional Meeting on Sustainable Development is an opportu(...)

Posted by Christian Andrés Aramayo Arce, Centro de Desarrollo Humano y Empleabilidad

Organized by CEDHE - Centro de De(...)

Cities Conference II: Towards Safe, Affordable and...

The annual Cities Conference seeks be a strategic platform for dialogue which supports the implementation and monitoring(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Economic Commission(...)

Future of Cities: Transparent and Innovative Urban...

Brussels, Belgium

The United Nations Development Programme is holding a panel discussion on the Future of Cities: Transparent and Innovati(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Devel(...)

Over to Regions! Regional Government’s action for...

On the occasion of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Cata(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Devel(...)

Delivering Sustainable Development Goals at region...

The European Committee of the Regions, Eurocities, and the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, have joined f(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by European Committee o(...)

European Week of Regions and Cities

Organized by DG Regio and the Committee of the Regions, the 16th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities will(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by DG Regio and the Com(...)

Aligning the Local and Global: TReNDS' Annual "Dat...

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s (SDSN) annual International Conference on Sustainable Development(ICSD)(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Sustainable Developm(...)

The 3rd UN-SDGs Anniversary Celebration in Nigeria...

The whole essence of the celebration is to acknowledge the progress made so far by various leaders in keeping the promis(...)

Posted by Amb. Emmanuel Nkweke, Interntaional Association of World Peace Advocates

Organized by International Associ(...)

ART 2030 New York

This September, ART 2030 is launching the first of what will be an annual week of Art for the Global Goals across New Yo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ART-2030

9th annual Social Good Summit

ABOUT THE SUMMIT The intersection of technology and new media has redefined our understanding of human prog(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Devel(...)

Global Goals Week

Timed to coincide with the opening of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly, Global Goals Week 2018 takes place fr(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Project Everyone, UN(...)

Tour de France ODD : étape Grand Est

Comité 21 poursuit son engagement pour promouvoir l'Agenda 2030 et les Objectifs de Développement Durable partout en Fra(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Comité 21

Territorialize the Development Agenda

From September 17 to 18, the province of Santa Fe together with the UCLG Regions Forum will celebrate in the city of Ro(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Provincia de Santa F(...)

Stream: ‘The Political Economy Of Development In A...

ASAUK Biennial Conference 11 – 13 September 2018 University of Birmingham, United Kingdom  The next ASAUK conference(...)

Posted by Olumide Adisa, University of Suffolk

Organized by The African Studies(...)


There is increasing social and political awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and its contributions to nation(...)

Posted by Patrick Anucha, Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development ( SEEED)

Organized by Society for Economic(...)

XII Hemispheric Summit of Mayors and Local Governm...

We want to deepen the continental unity and give continuity to the impulse of agreements , to establish a real politica(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by FLACMA

United Nations Summer Academy 2018

Bonn, Germany

Theme - Bringing the 2030 Agenda to life An engaging 5-day programme that fosters rich interaction on issues relevant t(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

67th DPI/NGO Conference: Finding Global Solutions...

  ‘We the Peoples’… with this simple introduction, the United Nations Charter lays out an ambitious and noble mandate.(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN Department of Pub(...)

Symposium on Localising the SDGs and Realising Pov...

Overview The ASEAN Charter recognises the importance of sustainable development and provides guidance for ASEAN member(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ASEAN, China, UNDP


The Arcadia Institute, in association with the ODS State Nucleus / We Can, has the honor of inviting you to participate(...)

Posted by Santiago Martin, CNM

Organized by Movimiento Nacional(...)

Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating the Localiza...

Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, many state and municipal governments are involved in(...)

Posted by Patricia Menezes, Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability - State Government of Pará

Organized by Rede ODS Brasil and(...)

Sustainable Climate & Responsible Investment

As greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and with the looming threat of climate change affecting our climate and eco(...)

Posted by Sandy Chong, United Nations Association of Australia

Organized by United Nations Assoc(...)

Localizing the SDGs: local and regional government...

The Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF) will present on 17 July 2018 at the High Level Political Fo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Global Taskforce of(...)

Localizing the SDGs through Social and Solidarity...

An Official Side Event of the 2018 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development As an integrated and balanced(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNRISD, Global Socia(...)

Toward Sustainable Cities in Asia-Pacific

A Side event of the 2018 High Level Political Forum This event focuses on SDG 11 (sustainable cities), taking into acco(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Government of Japan,(...)

The SDGs In Action: Working together for inclusive...

How are cities accelerating progress towards the SDGs? And how can cities and human settlements contribute to a transfor(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN Sustainable Devel(...)

Local Action for Global Commitments

On 17 July 2018, Local2030 and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments will co-host the second Local Acti(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Local2030 and the Gl(...)

Local and Regional Governments’ Forum

The first Local and Regional Governments Forum will take place on 16 July, 2018,  in the framework of the High-Level Pol(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN-DESA, UN-Habitat,(...)

Public Call for the selection of articles - "Persp...

Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, many Brazilian institutions have been developing acti(...)

Posted by Patricia Menezes, Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability - State Government of Pará

Organized by Rede ODS Brasil and(...)

Localizing the SDGs: Regional governments paving t...

New York , United States of America

The parallel event "Localizing the SDGs: Regional governments paving the way", co-organized by nrg4SD, OECD and CIFAL Fl(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by nrg4SD, OECD and CIF(...)

Cities and Regions for the 2030 Agenda - A Place-b...

New York , United States of America

The launch of the program Cities and Regions for the 2030 Agenda - A Place-based and Multi-level Approach to the SDGs, o(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Organisation for Eco(...)

HLPF Joint Session (11 July, 10 am - 1 pm) - Capac...

New York, United States of America

The UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Ent(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

The Future of Cities: Leveraging Frontier Technolo...

Join the United Nations Development Programme, the World Resources Institute, and the Permanent Mission of the Republic(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Devel(...)

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Developm...

The High Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the main United Nations platform on sustainable development and it has a centra(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations (UN)

1st World Forum Intermediary Cities

The UCLG Forum on Intermediary Cities will take place on 5-7 July in Chefchouen, Morocco. The Forum is a consultation an(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

Webinar Localizing the SDGs through regional gover...

Hosted by Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD), the webinar Localizing the SDGs through(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Network of Regional(...)

Sustainable Global Goals (SDGs) in Miami

Miami, United States of America

You are invited to visit our tables - Education, Technology, Enterprises, City & People - and participate in an interact(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

Localizing the SDGs – Developing sustainability st...

Since the adoption of the SDGs in September 2015, an increasing amount of attention is payed to their implementation at(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Representation of No(...)

ICLEI World Congress 2018

The ICLEI World Congress will get together mayors, governors, city staff, community members, international organizations(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ICLEI – Local Govern(...)

Sustainable Development Seminar

The seminar will be held on June 13, in Quillota, Valparaíso Region and aims to disseminate the 2030 agenda and the SDG(...)

Posted by LIDIA LAZCANO, faciltadora independiente

Organized by FUNDACIÓN LA SEMILLA(...)

Norway Day 2018 – Translating Sustainable Developm...

  How can Norway and Europe contribute to a sustainable future through high quality education, research and innovation?(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Mission of Norway to(...)

¡Las diferencias nos unen!

 La Conferencia del Consejo de Municipios y Regiones de Europa (CMRE), el Ayuntamiento de Bilbao y la Asociación de Muni(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Consejo de Municipio(...)

3rd Rede ODS Brasil's National Meeting

The 3rd Rede ODS Brasil's National Meeting will be held from 05 to 06 of June 2018 in Brasília, Brazil. The Rede ODS Bra(...)

Posted by Patricia Menezes, Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability - State Government of Pará

Organized by Rede ODS Brasil

SDG Summer Deals


Posted by Local2030,

Organized by City of Gent, EUROCI(...)

The location of two SDGs and municipal public poli...

The Galician Fund for Cooperation and Solidarity organizes a day to promote the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG ) i(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Fondo Galego de Coop(...)

SDGs, Climate Change and the Future of Europe

The international conference “SDGs, Climate Change and the Future of Europe” will take place in Milan on the 31st of May(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Alleanza Italiana pe(...)

Using data to empower cities and their citizens

The Uraía platform will host the upcoming edition of the "Citizenship Series" on 30 and 31st May 2018, in Brussels.  Th(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Uraía platform

Bonn Sustainability Days


Posted by Local2030,

Organized by City of Bonn

Sustainable Cities Dialogue

This dialogue aims at bringing together Ministers, Mayors, Governors and other governmental representatives to contribut(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

2018 ECOSOC Special Meeting “Towards sustainable,...

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Heads of State and Government recognized that fostering inclusive societ(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Econo(...)

Governance of Business in Public Sector

Perth, Australia

  Governance of Business in Public Sector How can you ensure your business is contributing to a more sustainable and(...)

Posted by Sandy Chong, United Nations Association of Australia

Organized by United Nations Assoc(...)

The challenges of the metropolis beyond Habitat II...

 The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona is promoting the international congress on "The challenges of the metropolis beyond(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Metropolitan Area of(...)

Second Sustainable Development Festival

On May 22, 2018, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (“Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile – Asvi(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Alleanza Italiana pe(...)

6th Biennial High-level Meeting of the Development...

The Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) is the principal platform for global policy dialogue on development cooperation,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN Economic and Soci(...)

La gestión de servicios públicos locales y los ODS

El Seminario "La gestión de servicios públicos locales y los ODS" se celebra en la Casa Colón de Huelva, los días 14 y 1(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Fondo Andaluz de Mun(...)

South Asian Cities Summit 2018 - New Urban and Loc...

More than half of the world population living in urban areas is facing challenges to meet the new sustainable Developmen(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by All India Institute(...)

Resilient Cities 2018

Resilient Cities - The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation - is the global platform for urban resilie(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ICLEI – Local Govern(...)

Workshop to Localize the 2030 Agenda in Pará

The Rede ODS Brasil is promoting in collaboration with the Brazilian National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM), the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Rede ODS Brasil

Coloquio UCLG Learning - Cómo trasladar los ODS a...

25 April 2018. Barcelona, Spain Este encuentro de aprendizaje es una ocasión para compartir conocer la metodologí(...)


Organized by PEMB, UCLG

Generation SDG Applications Open Now for Young Lea...

Passionate about sustainable development in Canada? Applications are open for young leaders (aged 18-30) who reside in C(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Waterloo Global Sci(...)


The event is to raise the awareness on the Sustainable Deelopment Goals and also to celebrate the Global Youth Service D(...)

Posted by Amb. Emmanuel Nkweke, Interntaional Association of World Peace Advocates

Organized by International Associ(...)

Second Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of La...

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) will host on April 18-20 the second meeting of the F(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Economic Commission(...)

Aprendizaje en acción con ciudades pequeñas e inte...

 16-18 Abril, 2018. Riberalta, Bolivia  Bajo el tema "Políticas y proyectos para ciudades intermedias y pequeñas en la(...)


Organized by CGLU, FLACMA, OIT, e(...)

International Conference: “Think Globally, Act Loc...

The conference “Think Globally, Act Locally: SDGs Implementation through Local Governments” is one day side event, which(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

Presentation Agenda Euskadi Basque Country 2030

Act Scale: 17: 30-17: 35: The presenter of the Vanesa Sánchez Act welcomes and explains what it will consist of. Give(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Secretaría General d(...)

5th Pernambuco Congress of Municipalities

The 5th Pernambuco Congress of Municipalities, will gather mayors, specialists, authorities and the civil society to exc(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Municipal Associatio(...)

XIV Jornada por la Igualdad de Género

El Gobierno Provincial de Alicante en colaboración con la Diputación de Alicante, celebrará el 28 de marzo en Alicante,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Gobierno Provincial(...)

E-discussion: From global to local: supporting sus...

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Depar(...)

Encuentros2030: Saskia Sassen inaugura el ciclo de...

El próximo 11 de marzo arrancará en Madrid el proyecto #Encuentros2030, un ciclo de debates sobre la agenda internaciona(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Unión de Ciudades Ca(...)

The students of the 2nd Senior and Junior High Sch...

On Wednesday, 7th March 2018, we had the great pleasure and honor to welcome to our office 60 students, accompanied by t(...)

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations

Organized by United Nations Regio(...)

2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference

Co-organized by a diverse group of international, urban and scientific organizations, including Intergovernmental Panel(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by City of Edmonton

Foro Continental De Ciudades Intermedias: Latinoam...

El Foro Continental De Ciudades Intermedias: Latinoamérica “Hacia la Agenda 2030” se realizará en base a los Objetivos d(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Municipalidad de Cue(...)

National Forum for a Renewed Development Policy

The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs invites an exceptional event to give a new impetus to the development policy(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Secrétariat du CNDSI(...)

Webinar on Localizing the SDGs in North American C...

Winnipeg, Canada

Cities are drivers of change and innovation, and they are important engines for progress toward the 2030 Agenda for Sust(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by International Instit(...)

Regional Governments & 2030 Agenda: dialogue on th...

The Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) is organizing the webinar “Regional Governments(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Network of Regional(...)

University and Sustainable Development Colloquium

Coordination: Doctor Patricio Yépez. UDUAL Advisor The colloquium is a space for discussion and exchange of experience(...)

Posted by María Cristina Ayala, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Organized by Unión de Universidad(...)

World Urban Forum 9

The Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum will be the first session to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Age(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by UN-Habitat, Governme(...)

Chile- Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals

The Chilean Association of Municipalities is calling, within the framework of the Municipal Training School, Summer 201(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Asociación Chilena d(...)

Think Europe: Compromiso 2030

'Think Europe: Commitment 2030' aims to be a space of thought and debate of two dimensions. On the one hand, we(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Consejo Europeo de M(...)

Signing Ceremony for the launch of the Organic Cit...

Supporting the development of organic farming in Europe is a major lever to help improve the health of European residen(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Mairie de Paris

The World Family Summit 2017

In September 2015 at an historic UN Summit for Sustainable Development, 193 world leaders approved the 2030 Agenda for(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The World Family Org(...)


The 2017 UCLG World Council meetings will be held from 6 to 9 December 2017 in Hangzhou, China, at the kind invitation o(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

Third UN Environment Assembly

The UN Environment Assembly, the world's highest-level decision-making body on the environment, will gather under the ov(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by United Nations Envir(...)

Training day // Sustainable Development Goals in B...

In September 2015, the 193 member countries of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;(...)

Posted by Andrés Amayuelas, Amycos.org

Organized by Amycos.org, Ayuntami(...)

Intercultural Cities 2017 Milestone Event - Urban...


Posted by WFD 2017 & ICCities Secretariat, Council of Europe

Organized by Council of Europe -(...)

3rd CITIES Forum 2017 - Working Together for Bette...

This two-day major event of the European Commission brings together key stakeholders from European, national and local l(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by European Commission(...)


The next meeting of ORU Fogar’s Executive Bureau and General Assembly will be held in the Basque Country on the 27th and(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by ORU Fogar


SDGs Village is an event organized by AIESEC in Ecuador, where young people from 18 to 30 years old will be able to dis(...)


Organized by AIESEC

Locating the ODS. Transforming global objectives (...

In 2016, a group of European cities and regions, including Extremadura and its national associations, decided to jointl(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Junta de Extremadura(...)

Commonwealth Local Government Conference

The Commonwealth Local Government Conference is CLGF's flagship event, held every two years in different regions of the(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Commonwealth Local G(...)

SDGs seminar for Greek Public Administration Execu...

A training and informative three-day seminar for executives of the Greek public administration  took place in November 2(...)

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations

Organized by National Center for(...)

The European Urban Agenda in Light of Habitat III...

The Habitat III Agenda, adopted in Quito during the conference that took place in October 2016, establishes a new common(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by CIDOB and the Barcel(...)

Global Conference on Cities and Migration

On 19 of September 2016, the Heads of States and Governments and High representatives adopted the political “New York De(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by IOM, UCLG and UN-Hab(...)

Creating the Conditions for Decent Work for All: L...

Sustainable Development Goal 8 promotes sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employ(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by NYC Mayor’s Office f(...)

Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders at CO...

At the 23rd United Nations Climate Change Conference in November 2017, local and regional governments will once again pr(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by ICLEI on behalf of t(...)

The Future We Want – Transforming Our World Local...

What is the role of municipalities in achieving climate justice and what can they learn from the Global South? These key(...)

Posted by Silke Lunnebach, Climate Alliance

Organized by Climate Alliance

Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030 – Towards Policy C...

The Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development present many overlapping and complementary topics, w(...)

Posted by Silke Lunnebach, Climate Alliance

Organized by Climate Alliance

2017 CityNet Congress

The CityNet Congress, held once every four years, is the biggest gathering of CityNet members. It is a unique opportunit(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by CityNet

Meeting of Regional Governments: "A Territorial Ag...

The Meeting of Regional Governments that the Generalitat Valenciana is organizing for the 2nd and 3rd of November of 201(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Generalitat Valencia(...)

World Cities Day

The United Nations General Assembly has designated the 31st of October as World Cities Day, by its resolution 68/239. Th(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by United Nations

Accessible Cities United: Enabling Future Cities t...

By 2030 more than 60% of the world’s population are projected to live in urban areas. Ensuring that everyone is included(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNDESA’s Division fo(...)

From Companies to Cities: Crucial Climate Role of...

Join the United Nations System Staff College(UNSSC) for the next session of the webinar series 'SD Talks Special Series(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

4th World Forum of Local Economic Development

The 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development will be hosted by the city of Praia (Cabo Verde) from the 17th to 20th(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Government of Cabo V(...)

Fourth International Congress territorial manageme...

From 17 to 20 October 2017 will be held in Campeche-Mexico the "Fourth International Congress territorial management fo(...)

Posted by German Gallego, Universidad Católica del Norte

Organized by Redes de gestión ter(...)

Tercera Conferencia Internacional en Reducción del...

The 3rd DRR aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and young researchers to share their experie(...)

Posted by Jorge Diaz, Consultor

Organized by Universidad de Varso(...)

Meeting of internationalization of local and regio...

Following the success of the 2016 Forum of International Action of Local and Regional Authorities, with more than 1,500(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Ministère des Affair(...)


Posted by Analia Pastran, Smartly, Social Entrepreneurship in SDGs

Organized by Smartly Consulting,(...)

MUNICIPALIST DIALOGUE - "Sustainable Development O...

This event aims to value local diversity and discuss practices for quality management of cities and municipalities. The(...)

Posted by Isabella Santos, National Confederation of Municipalities

Organized by Confederación Nacion(...)

Celebration of Teens on SDGs

Alexandria, United States of America

Teens Dream hosted its 3rd annual celebration honoring the 2016 winners of its competition celebrating teens who express(...)

Posted by Linda Staheli, Global Co Lab Network

Organized by Global Co Lab Networ(...)

WE the People #Act4SDGs - Global Day of Action

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the SDGs on 25th September 2017 we are calling for actions across the world(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by UN SDG Action Campai(...)

Provincial Conference on the "Involvement of Local...

In September 2015, the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 were approved in t(...)

Posted by Elías Casado, Diputación de Córdoba

Organized by Diputación de Córdob(...)

XII Ibero-American Congress of Municipalities - A...

The XII Ibero-American Congress of Municipalities, organized by the Government of Caldas (Colombia), the UIM, and UNDP,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Gobierno de Caldas,(...)

SDG Second Anniversary Celebration in Anambra Stat...

The celebration will feature lecture presentation on SDG as a world aganda, Climate Change and Paris Agreement. Guest Sp(...)

Posted by Amb. Emmanuel Nkweke, Interntaional Association of World Peace Advocates

Organized by International Associ(...)

Urban Lunch-time: Adapting and Implementing the Su...

It is increasingly being recognized that cities face a range of complex and interrelated challenges. Agenda 2030 and the(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Mistra Urban Futures

The Festival of the SDGs

We will come together to discuss how we can implement SDG's 11 and 13 on a local level. We also want to celebrate the In(...)

Posted by Kristine Tauch, MasterPeace Wiesbaden

Organized by MasterPeace Wiesbade(...)

Localising the SDGs through Innovative Resource Mo...

UNGA Side Event on Localizing the SDGs organized by the Nigerian Mission Prof Jeffrey Sachs and Dr Sara Sievers  are ex(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Nigerian Mission to(...)

High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the...

On September 5 and 6, New York will host the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the implementation of the N(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Office of the Presid(...)

Free Webinar: Climate and Sustainable Development...

Boosting climate and sustainable development finance for a low-emission, resilient future – while creating the necessary(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Qualification to Locate Office

The Qualification to Find Workshop, promoted by Barcarena City Hall, in partnership with the National Confederation of(...)

Posted by Patricia Menezes, Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability - State Government of Pará

Organized by Prefeitura de Barcar(...)

Third ASEAN Mayors Forum 2017

The Philippines, as the Chairman of the ASEAN this year, will be hosting the 3rd ASEAN Mayors Forum on July 26-27, 2017,(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by UCLG-ASPAC, Taguig C(...)

Regional Governments in the 2030 Agenda

On the occasion of the HLPF in New York City, a series of presentations and a panel discussion will be held to contribut(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by General Delegation o(...)

5th Assises of Decentralised Cooperation

The Assises of Decentralised Cooperation for development represents a unique opportunity to bring together local and reg(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by European Commission,(...)

High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Developm...

To follow-up with the historic adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Developmen(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Economic and Social(...)

Conversation with CNM in the framework of the Semi...

Next Friday, July 7th, at 10.00 hours, the Conversation with CNM will be held in the framework of the Seminar on Strateg(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Brazilian National C(...)

Delivering the SDGs at the subnational level: oppo...

Barcelona, Spain

JOIN US for the WEBINAR: Delivering the SDGs at the subnational level: opportunities and best-practices for regional go(...)

Posted by Samuel Alarcón, ORU Fogar

Organized by nrg4SD, ORU Fogar &(...)

[WEBINAR] Delivering the SDGs at the subnational l...

In the efforts of nations worldwide to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the involvement and contributio(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by nrg4SD, ORU Fogar an(...)

Séminaire international "la mise en œuvre des ODD...

Avec l’Appui et en Partenariat avec la Commune de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, le CIFAL de Ouagadougou, ALGA-Francophone/O(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Académie Africaine d(...)

Videoconferencia Internacional: ¿Cómo construir un...

En el proceso de trabajo que permitirá el desarrollo del XXII Congreso Iberoamericano de Municipalistas que en el mes de(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Unión Iberoamericana(...)

Global challenges: Major cities in action · 12th M...

Under the theme ”Global Challenges: Major Cities in Action”, the XII Metropolis World Congress – World Association of th(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by METROPOLIS- world as(...)

Free Webinar: Leveraging (Mobile) Data to Predict...

Title: Leveraging (Mobile) Data to Predict and Prevent Crime 12 June 2017, 2:30-3:30 pm CEST | Register now: http://bit(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cen(...)

European Development Days 2017

The European Development Days (EDD) are Europe’s leading forum on international cooperation and development. The forum b(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by European Commission

UN Global Goals – Triggering a wave of local actio...

Triggering a wave of local actions in Europe and beyond It is essential, as the UN does, to call for action to end pove(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Council of European(...)

The Second International Conference on National Ur...

The Second International Conference on National Urban Policy | 15th – 18th May 2017, Paris, France The Se(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Organisation for Eco(...)

March to Brasilia in Defense of Municipalities

Held since 1998, the March is a democratic mobilization that has gained strength and has become the largest Brazilian po(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Brazil National Conf(...)

2nd UCLG Culture Summit 2017

Following the success of the first UCLG Culture Summit, and considering the growing importance of culture in the framewo(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by UCLG

Resilient Cities 2017 (8th Global Forum on Urban R...

Resilient Cities 2017 will explore current and pressing issues for urban resilience and adaptation to climate change suc(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by ICLEI

Primer Festival ODS-one

UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research in Ecuador) with its strategic partners UNDP, UNESCO, CCE, G(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNITAR (Instituto de(...)

Forum of Latin American and the Caribbean on Susta...

Mexico will host from 26 to 28 April the first meeting of the Forum of Latin American and the Caribbean on Sustainable(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Comisión Económica p(...)

Book Launch: Universities and the Sustainable Deve...

Washington, DC, United States of America

Join the APLU Knowledge Center for Advancing Development through Higher Education for an evening with Dr. Peter H. Koehn(...)

Posted by Michelle DeFreese, APLU

Organized by APLU

Cities are Where the Future is Being Built

With the global productivity slowdown and stagnating progress in poverty reduction, new sources of growth are needed to(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by World Bank-IMF

"Don’t Waste Our Future” Towards a global commitme...

This conference will be an opportunity to present the results of the project on education to the fight against food wast(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Association of Citie(...)

Foro Mundial sobre las Violencias Urbanas y Educac...

El Foro Mundial sobre las Violencias Urbanas y Educación para la Convivencia y la Paz de Madrid se concibe como un lugar(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Ayuntamiento de Madr(...)

UN City Hall Talk Hasselt

UN City Hall Talk in Hasselt (in Dutch) on 18 April 2017: how to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals in the poli(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Cifal Flanders / UNI(...)

Local governments facing the challenge of localizi...

In view of the universal nature of the new Development Agenda 2030, policy makers at all levels of government must commi(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Federación Española(...)

Americas Youth Speak Forum

Un lugar donde la inspiración y la colaboración se convierten en acción a favor de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenibl(...)

Posted by Daniel Corzo Arévalo, AIESEC

Organized by AIESEC en Perú

Global Forum on Development 2017

Working together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Closing the gap between the actual and the desired level(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by OECD

Maintaining the Momentum for the SDGs – Latin Amer...

Maintaining the momentum for the SDGs – Latin America | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The Guardian

21st EAUC Annual Conference: Global Goals: Local A...

The 21st EAUC Annual Conference will take place at Lancaster University on 28 – 30 March 2017. This year’s theme, Global(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The Environmental As(...)

First Meeting of South-South Cooperation links bet...

In order to carry out a mission of exchange and transfer of knowledge on issues related to local governance, open gover(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by PNUD Ecuador / PNUD(...)

Return of TERRINCLUS approach

The Assembly of Departments of France leads the last three years, an action-research approach on international cooperat(...)

Posted by Simon Letonturier, Assemblée des Départements de France

Organized by Assemblée des Départ(...)

Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land...

The Land and Poverty conference will present the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by World Bank

Urban Mobility in Emerging Economies: Challenges a...

Cities are already growing at a rapid rate and becoming focal points of human community. The achievement of the Sustaina(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by IRU, MobiliseYourCit(...)

UKSSD Annual Conference - Unlocking the UK's poten...

UKSSD Annual Conference - 1 March 2017 Unlocking the UK's potential: From ambition to transformation The world’s first(...)

Posted by Francesca Burton, UKSSD

Organized by UKSSD

Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Developme...

The Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development plans to catalyse a revolution in the way we think about intern(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UN SDG Action campai(...)

Africa Knowledge Fest

Africa Knowledge Fest 2017 The World Bank Africa Knowledge Fest(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by World Bank

Bahamas Symposium- Implementing the 2030 agenda fo...

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SAMOA Pathway recognized the specific challenges faced by Small Isla(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The Government of th(...)

32 ideas to keep the Sustainable Development Goals

Paris, France

How to find concrete solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? It was the subject of the annual conference of G(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Global Public Policy(...)

National Youth Day Celebrations

National Youth Day is celebrated in India on 12 January on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984 the Government of(...)

Posted by Sailesh Singhal, United Nations Inter Agency Network on Youth and Gender Equality

Organized by Department of Youth(...)

Localizing the SDGs to accelerate effective implem...

While great progress was made towards sustainable development during the MDG era, this progress has been unevenly distri(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by UN-Habitat, UNDP, Gl(...)

VIII Congress of the National Association of Munic...

Following the last municipal elections in Cabo Verde held on the 4th of September, 2016, the National Association of Mun(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by National Association(...)

Sustainable City Development 2016

Between the 30th November - 2nd December 2016, the City of Malmö is organising an international conference on how ci(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by City of Malmö


ESCAP resolution 72/6 ‘Committing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the P(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Econo(...)

XXI Summit Mercociudades

Mercociudades the XXI Summit will be held in the city of Santa Fe Argentina from 23 to 25 November, under the theme "Bui(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Mercociudades

Third Global Forum “Business for Gender Equality:...

From November 21st to the 23rd, the Government of Panama and UNDP will co-host the Third Global Forum “Business for Gend(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The Government of Pa(...)

Learning from Each Other: Municipal Public Works I...

Background Half of humanity - 3.5 billion people live in cities today and by 2030, almost 60 percent of the world’s pop(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNITAR and the New Y(...)

Museon Exhibition: One Planet

The Science and Culture Museum of The Hague is opening a permanent exhibition, called “One Planet”, dedicated to the Sus(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Museon

Making Global Goals Local Business.

The UN Global Compact invites you to Dubai for a series of events as part of our Making Global Goals Local Business camp(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by The UN Global Compac(...)

Managing migration well: for more inclusive and re...

The side event “Managing migration well: for more inclusive and resilient cities” to be held in October 2016 in the cont(...)

Posted by Joanne Irvine, UNDP

Organized by JMDI, IOM, UN-Habita(...)

Habitat III: The United Nations Conference on Hous...

Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, is set to take place in Quito,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Habitat III Secretar(...)

World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders - 5th U...

Held every three years, the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders has acquired, during the course of previous editi(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

Third Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migr...

The Third Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development took place in September 2016 in Quezon, Phil(...)

Posted by Joanne Irvine, UNDP

Organized by Quezon City Governme(...)

Joint Learning Event on Localizing Global Agendas

All global agendas, which are interlinked, have recognized the role of subnational governments in achieving global polic(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Asian Development Ba(...)

9th Ordinary Plenary Session of the Euro-Latin Ame...

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly will hold its 9th Ordinary Plenary Session in September 2016 in Montevide(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Euro-Latin American(...)

Action for Localizing SDGs

The United Nations Secretary General has emphasized that sub-national governments play an important role in the SDGs: “M(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UCLG ASPAC, UCLG, an(...)

The Future of Local Government in a new Developmen...

Visby, Sweden

In late May, there was an ICLD Conference held in Visby, Sweden on "The Future of Local Government in a new Developmen(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Swedish Internationa(...)

Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders

On the fringes of the COP22 Morocco, 07-18 November 2016, the Association of Moroccan Regions (ARM) and the Moroccan Ass(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Association of Moroc(...)

Past Trainings

Virtual UN Summer Academy 2022


Introduction The virtual UN Summer Academy aims to bring together sustainability actors from multiple different sec(...)


Organized by UNSSC

Localising the 2030 Agenda - Strengthening the cap...

The 2030 Agenda emphasises the necessity for all countries and stakeholders to act in collaborative partnerships to addr(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Communications and Advocacy for the 2030 Agenda an...

This 3.5-day course equips UN and non-UN personnel with knowledge and skills required to communicate and advocate for th(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Free online course on Policy Coherence for Sustain...

Introduction This course explores approaches to cross-organizational and cross-sectoral policy coherence on the nationa(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Organized by UN System Staff Coll(...)

Online Course on Circular Economy and the 2030 Age...

Circular Economy and the 2030 Agenda  This brand new, engaging five-week online course will focus on harnessing circula(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Financing the SDGs: Mobilizing Finance for Sustain...

Channelling global financial flows towards Sustainable Development is imperative to achieving the 2030 Agenda. This cour(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Unleashing the power of the private sector in impl...

This course introduces participants to the different types of private sector entities and demonstrates how strategically(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

United Nations Summer Academy

Bonn, Germany

United Nations Summer Academy 2030 Agenda: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead  The UN Summer Academy (UNSA) is an engagin(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Summer School of the SDGs

The SDG Summer School is a development learning process based on the Sustainable Development Goals and an opportunity t(...)

Posted by Elvis A . Agbayizato, CHALLENGES International

Organized by CHALLENGES Internati(...)

Building Partnerships for Sustainable Development

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming face to face course, Building Partnerships for Sustainable Development r(...)


Organized by UN System Staff Coll(...)

The 2030 Agenda, the dispute of the common

The current context presents a panorama crossed by great challenges and inequalities that demand our attention as a civ(...)

Posted by Mariela Belén Agüero, INCIDEM

Organized by INCIDEM, Encuentros(...)

Formación "Perspectivas y Desafíos de la Agenda 20...

La Fundación Academia Europa e Iberoamericana de Yuste, organiza un curso que versará sobre las Perspectivas y Desafíos(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Fundación Academia E(...)

Applying Design Thinking in Implementing the 2030...

Applying the principles of design thinking in the context of sustainable development, this engaging four-day course enab(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Training on the Localization of Sustainable Develo...

Morocco has initiated, since its independence, a "progressive" process of regionalization that has made local authoritie(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Devel(...)

Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development - May

An engaging online course designed to equip participants with a sound understanding of why policy coherence is important(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

UN Country Teams (UNCT) Leadership Skills Course:...

Building on the repositioning process of the UN Development System, this executive 5-day programme will strengthen skill(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Tutored E-learning Course on “Enhancing Developmen...

The DeLoG Network is announcing the next E-learning Course on Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation a(...)

Posted by Jelena Karamatijevic, GIZ DeLoG Secretariat

Organized by DeLoG Network

SDGs Voices In Miami

Celebrate the 49th anniversary of Earth Day with Social Impact Movement and Venture Café Our featured speaker, Fernando(...)

Posted by Claudia Akel, Social Impact Movement

Organized by Social Impact Moveme(...)

Juntos por el desarrollo sostenible en Paraguay

El objetivo del Taller, a través de jornadas de entrenamiento, que se realizara es para la capacitación a  los “mentores(...)

Posted by Mercedes Belloso Y Santiago Martín Gallo, Flacma (Federación LatinoAmericana de ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones)

Organized by Fundación CIRD

UN Country Teams (UNCT) Leadership Skills Course:...

UN Country Teams (UNCT) Leadership Skills Course: Leveraging UN Country Teams for the 2030 Agenda - March Building on t(...)


Organized by UNSSC

Joint learning event on local governance and susta...

Brussels, Belgium

DeLoG’s next Joint Learning Event on Local Governance and Sustaining Peace will take place on March 12-15, 2019 in Bruss(...)

Posted by Madina Davletkildeeva, GIZ

Organized by DeLoG - Development(...)

Capacity Development Workshop on Transformational...

From 6 to 8 March 2019, the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia will host a “Capacity Development Workshop on Transformational(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Econo(...)

Unleashing the power of the private sector in impl...

This course introduces participants to the different types of private sector entities and demonstrates how strategically(...)


Organized by UNSSC

Rural Development Academy: making rural areas more...

DESCRIPTION Promoting decent private-sector employment in rural Egypt making rural areas more attractive to Egyptian yo(...)

Posted by Agnese Pallaro, ITCILO

Organized by ILO Cairo

Municipios, ciudadanía y desarrollo local

La Asociación Chilena de Municipalidades (AChM), en colaboración con la Federación Latinoamericana de Ciudades, Municipi(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Asociación Chilena d(...)


DESCRIPTIONPromoting economic development and social service are two key challenges local governments face all over the(...)

Posted by Agnese Pallaro, ITCILO

Organized by ITCILO - Internation(...)

Local Planning Processes and the Sustainable Devel...

The Training on Local Planning Processes and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to highlight how the principl(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Cities and Lo(...)

UNSSC & Data-Pop Alliance course on Leveraging Big...

We are pleased to inform you about the next edition of the UNSSC and Data-Pop Alliance training programme, Leveraging Bi(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Online pilot training on Policy Coherence for Sust...

Be part of the pilot online program on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development. This is an engaging 5-week online c(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Tutored E-learning Course on ´Enhancing Developmen...

DeLoG's upcoming tutored E-learning Course will cover a wide range of decentralisation and local governance (DLG) relate(...)

Posted by Hendrik Frieling, GIZ

Organized by DeLoG

Foundational Course on the 2030 Agenda for Sustain...

The foundational course equips participants with a sound understanding of the concept of sustainable development as(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Urban Strategists: Strategic Planning and Sustaina...

The course " Strategic Planning and Sustainable Development Goals" organized by the Government of the Autonomous City o(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Gobierno de la Ciuda(...)

Distance Education course on the SDGs

The Distance Education course on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) starts on 18 July 2018, with the goal of stren(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by National Confederati(...)

Summercourse: Decentralisation & the SDGs

Course Introduction: Cities and local authorities are catalysts for change and drivers of development. A multilevel gov(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by The Hague Academy fo(...)

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: avances y reto...

El curso internacional ‘Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: avances y retos de la Agenda 2030’ organizado por la Fundaci(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Fundación Academia E(...)

Unleashing the power of the private sector in impl...

This course introduces participants to the different types of private sector entities and demonstrates how strategically(...)


Organized by Unites Nations Syste(...)

Social Protection for Sustainable Development - On...

Introduction The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lay out a set of(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)


As part of a local initiative to monitor Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11) in the city of Chimbote and within the(...)

Posted by Guillermo Martinez Pinillos, Instituto Natura

Organized by Instituto Natura

Executive Training for UN Staff: UN Country Teams...

The UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development is pleased to present the UN Country Teams (UNCT) Leadership Skil(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Tutored E-learning Course on “Enhancing Developmen...

DeLoG´s next tutored E-Learning course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Development Partners(...)

Stakeholder Engagement and Consensus Building Cour...

Introduction Designed and delivered in partnership with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI), this course provides(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Leveraging Big Data for Sustainable Development

This training programme is designed to strengthen the skills of UN staff and development practitioners in selecting, cre(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Training of Trainers – The SDGs as roadmap for pla...

Durban, South Africa

The Durban IDP Unit, UCLG Learning, UCLG Africa and the African Local Governments Academy (ALGA), with the support of UN(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Durban IDP Unit, UCL(...)

Mobilizing Big Data for Sustainable Development

Dakar, Senegal

Join the Big Data revolution focused on individuals! This training program strengthens the skills of United Nations st(...)


Organized by Un cours par Data-Po(...)

Communicating as One

Registration Deadline EXTENDED to 2 March 2018 This course equips UN staff with tools and methods to communicate for re(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

UN Country Programming in the Context of the 2030...

This course explores effective and innovative approaches to country programming and equips UN staff with an enhanced kno(...)


Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

Training: Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Financ...

Course Introduction: How a country organises its public finances forms the basis for how local authorities govern prior(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by The Hague Academy fo(...)

Online Course: Community Change in Public Health

In bringing about behavior change in public health, we often focus on the individual mother, student, or farmer. We shou(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Johns Hopkins Univer(...)

Online Course: Urban Sociology

Urbanization is reaching a new peak in the contemporary world with the rise of mega cities. Researchers try to make sens(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Sciences Po

UN Catalytic Support to South-South & Triangular C...

The course, designed for UN staff and development practitioners, builds a common understanding of the theory and practic(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Leading in Sustainable Development (09 Oct - 13 Oc...

This executive course explores the role of leaders as catalysts of transformative change in the context of the 2030 Ag(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Sustainable Urban Mobility in Developing Countries...

COURSE DESCRIPTION The rapid, disorderly and disorderly growth of cities seriously undermines existing transport syste(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR en partenaria(...)

Sustainable Urban Mobility in Developing Countries...

ABOUT THE COURSE The rapid and often unplanned and uncoordinated growth of cities has seriously compromised existing tr(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR in partnershi(...)

Sustainable Urban Mobility in Developing Countries...

COURSE DETAILS The rapid, unplanned and uncoordinated growth of cities has seriously jeopardized existing transport sy(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR & Deutsche Ge(...)

Online Course: Foundational Course on the 2030 Age...

Sign up today for this online course, which introduces participants to key conceptual and practical aspects of sustain(...)


Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Renewable Energies for Sustainable Development

Do you wish to gain a comprehensive overview of renewable energy as a means for fostering resilience in your community(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR, University o(...)

UN Summer Academy 2017 "Localizing the 2030 Agenda...

We are pleased to invite you to the UN Summer Academy 2017 titled Localizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNSSC KNOWLEDGE CENT(...)

Global Partnerships to implement the 2030 Agenda

This week delegations from around the world are in New York to review the progress on the implementation of the Sustai(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Ministry for Foreign(...)

Summercourse: A local perspective to the Sustainab...

Cities and local authorities are catalysts for change and drivers of development, as recognised in the recent post-2015(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by The Hague Academy fo(...)

Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative Leadership E-learning Presented by UNITAR Do you wish to gain a comprehensive overview of the different(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR (United Natio(...)

Tutored e-learning course on ´enhancing developmen...

Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance The course will cover the following topic(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Development Partners(...)

Foundational Course on the 2030 Agenda for Sustain...

An online course that equips participants with a sound understanding of the concept of sustainable development as well a(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by UNSSC Knowledge Cent(...)

Training on Local Economic Development

Training will take place in French! This practice-oriented training is focused on strengthening the economic capacity(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by The Hague Academy fo(...)

Open SDG Action Learning Day

CIFAL Flanders organizes its first Agenda 2030 Action Learning Day in Antwerp. How to use the 17 Sustainable Development(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by CIFAL Flanders

International Territorial Planning course Sustaina...

General objective Provide a conceptual and policy framework for participants to be able to implement sustainable devel(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Instituto Latinoamer(...)

Agenda 2030: Location and Action for Sustainable D...

[FR] The toolbox on the "location of ODD" which indicates how the Agenda 2030 program of action for sustainable develop(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Regione Toscana | An(...)

International Course "Participatory planning" mech...

This training proposal is intended to incorporate the dimension of citizen participation in planning processes at diffe(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Organized by Instituto Latinoamer(...)

Resilience Action Plans - Implementing the Framewo...

Throughout the last 20 years, disasters have affected 4.4 billion people, costing a total of $ 2 trillion in damages an(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR y UNISDR

Resilience Action Planning - Implementing the Send...

Over the past 20 years disasters have affected 4.4 billion people, caused USD 2 trillion of damage and killed 1.3 millio(...)

Posted by Angela Montano, UNITAR

Organized by UNITAR and UNISDR

The ODS of the UN: challenges and debates for impl...

Under the Diploma in approaches, strategies and tools of local economic development from 20 to 22 February will be held(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by Red Iberoamericana d(...)

Acting Locally: Citizen Participation for Resilien...

Introduction This course equips participants with practical tools and skills to promote models of community-based mon(...)

Posted by Local2030,

Organized by United Nations Syste(...)

SDG Training Workshop at The University of Waterlo...

Interested in Social Justice? Passionate about creating a better world? Then the UW General Equality Club has just the e(...)

Posted by Maggie Chang, UW General Equality Club

Organized by UW General Equality(...)


Shizuoka Local2030 Hub Student Meeting 2024

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Local2030 Coalition engagement at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Localizing the SDGs in Small Island Development States Takeaways ideas from the SIDS4 Conference

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

First Local2030 Coalition UN Directors Group Retreat in Bilbao [6-9 February 2024]

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

BM30: The Bay Urban Visioning Awards [Open Call 2024 - Deadline: 10 July 2024]

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

WUF12 launches partner-led events applications [Deadline: 22 April 2024]

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Local2030 Coalition Side Event at COP28: "Multilevel governance for climate, food, and biodiversity action"

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Support Monitoring SDG indicator 11.3.2 Civic engagement in urban planning and management!

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Global Gateway: Commission launches Civil Society and Local Authorities Dialogue Platform

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Acting together: City, subnational and national governments reshaping agrifood systems

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Secretary General’s Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

G20 PLIC: Platform on SDG Localization and Intermediary Cities

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

World’s To-Do List Cities

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

From ECOSOC Youth Forum to International Youth Day, Building a Sustainable Village and Creativerse

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Sweden Local 2030 Hub supports the Swedish VNR and multiple VLRs

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Barcelona 2030 Agenda Awards

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Results 5th version Index of Social Progress of Cities- IPS Cities 2021

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

The first University of Mayors is announced in Paraná

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

The first ever Local2030 Coalition Steering Committee Meeting was held in New York City

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Multilevel perspectives on SDG localization in the Eastern Partnership

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Liverpool City Region To Rebuild Visitor Economy With Sustainability At Core

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Local Businesses Driving a Green Growth Economic Recovery

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

2022 Edition of the UN SDG Action Awards

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

A pledge for Liverpool

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Enabling multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development at the local level

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

The Local2030 Coalition is launched!

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN

Carnegie Mellon University Completes Voluntary Review of Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Alexandra Hiniker, Carnegie Mellon University

Hawaiʻi Voluntary Local Review

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Local 2030 Sweden Hub Digital Campaign

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 4

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Food strategy Ghent: Ghent en garde

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 3

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 2

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

We the mayors for the SDGs

Posted by Hanne Albers, VVSG vzw

Élas Social

Posted by Fabíola Colombo, Univates/ Élas Social

TakeAction4cities Campaign

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Swedish Hub for Localizing SDGs

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Deshpande Foundation and COVID-19

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Local2030 Spotlight Series- Topic 1

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Local 2030 response to COVID-19

Posted by Reverse Thought, Reverse Thought

Capital Locast: Why Local Government Finance is Essential to the COVID-19 Response -

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Whatsapp Coronavirus Information Hub

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

UK Guidance for Local Governments during COVID-19 outbreak

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Cities for Global Health: Collective responses to global health emergencies

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Agreement for sustainable development in Lombardy

Posted by Serena Ceppi, Regione Lombardia

The Deshpande Foundation Hubbali Sandbox: Innovation and Relevance for Impact

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat

Can Effective Municipal Governance Save Nigeria?

Posted by Shade Amole, .

SDGs in Action Seminar Series

Posted by Brett Bryan, Deakin University

New guidance document presents towns and cities with 15 pathways to localise the SDGs

Posted by Robert Morrow, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

BiciConecta UGR



Posted by Francisco Palavicini Torres, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

2030 Agenda Workshop

Posted by Francisco Palavicini Torres, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Strategic Plan City of Seville 2030

Posted by ESPERANZA CARO, Ayuntamiento de Sevilla

Week of the Sustainable Municipality

Posted by Hanne Albers, VVSG vzw

Buenos Aires presents its first Voluntary Local Review

Posted by Local2030,

Helsinki first European city to present the Sustainable Development Report to the UN

Posted by Local2030,

New York City presents its second Voluntary Local Review on its SDG progress

Posted by Local2030,

Bristol's Voluntary Local Review and One City Plan

Posted by Local2030,

The role of decentralized cooperation to address rising inequalities

Posted by Local2030,

Accelerating the achievement of the SDGs at local level: the case of the Regional Strategic Plan for Oé-Cusse

Posted by Local2030,

OneNYC 2050: building a strong and fair city

Posted by Local2030,

Closing and final declaration of the 3rd Regional Forum of Local Economic Development (LED)

Posted by Local2030,

SDG Caravan in Venezuela: Local Dialogues for Development

Posted by Local2030,

Guatemala: National Priorities for the Development of Territories

Posted by Local2030,

Integrated approach to support the localization of the 2030 Agenda by subnational governments in Mexico

Posted by Local2030,

SDGs Local Monitoring – China’s Pilot Practice

Posted by Local2030,

1st OECD Roundtable on Cities and Regions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Posted by Local2030,

The Voluntary Local Review of the Sustainable Development Goals in Helsinki

Posted by Local2030,

Your opportunity to shape the Global Alliance’s HLPF Report on SDG 16+

Posted by Local2030,

Cities take up the challenge and report on their advances on the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

Voluntary Local Reviews LAB

Posted by UN-Habitat Local, UN-Habitat

SDG 16+ Technical Consultation on Inclusive Institutions at the Local Level

Posted by Local2030,

Meeting in Madrid to build Peaceful and inclusive cities within the framework of the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

Utrecht: a Global Goals City

Posted by Local2030,

Expo’s Global Best practice & the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Posted by Local2030,

Consolidating the local-global movement to enhance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


The Seville Commitment: putting ´Local Action´in the center of the global development agenda


From Policy Transfer to Urban Sustainability Exchange

Posted by Local2030,

Bonn aiming for more sustainability

Posted by Local2030,

Mauritania: New regional presidents commit to further localization of SDGs through regional planning

Posted by Local2030,

Putting into practice the new Learning Module 2 about territorial planning to achieve the SDGs! Now in Santiago de Chile!

Posted by Local2030,

Global call to share good practices in public management

Posted by Local2030,

SDG: Five institutions unite by Agenda 2030

Posted by Local2030,

How are American cities taking on the SDGs?

Posted by Local2030,

SDSN Italia Launches SDG Cities Index for Italy

Posted by Local2030,

Localising the SDGs in Jamaica

Posted by Local2030,

A call for SDGs-based provincial planning in Nepal

Posted by Local2030,

Advancing the localization of the SDGs in Tunisia

Posted by Local2030,

The quest for cities of peace

Posted by Local2030,

How the SDGs became the solution for merging municipalities

Posted by Local2030,

Recognition of the Confederation of Private Employers of Bolivia to the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz

Posted by Pablo Bernal Aguilar, Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de La Paz

How are Flemish municipalities already working on SDG localization?

Posted by Local2030,

The University of Piraeus celebrates the UN Day and calls for the localization of the SDGs

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations

Buenos Aires develops its vision towards 2035

Posted by Local2030,

UN-Habitat and Colab launch a mobile app for open public consultation on living conditions in Brazilian cities

Posted by Local2030,

[OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS] Good practices, success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation

Posted by Local2030,

The III Good Practices Award goes to Antioquia, Nariño, Trentino, Barcelona and Catalonia

Posted by Local2030,

UCLG Regions supports the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda


Regions take the lead in implementing the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

The City of Los Angeles announces partnership with Occidental College to advance Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

Shimokawa, Hokkaido: Advancing SDG-Based Community Building

Posted by Local2030,

UN Youth of Finland, Children’s Foundation for the Year of Independence (ITLA) and the City of Hämeenlinna launch a cooperation project for the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

The municipality of Ouled Ben Abdelkader lays the foundations to build a shared vision of the territory for the future

Posted by Local2030,

Quito develops its communication strategy of the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

Sucre begins the process of Integration of SDGs into Municipal Integral Planning

Posted by Local2030,

Chad converts SDG targets and prepares Roadmap for domestication and localization

Posted by Local2030,

Mannheim 2030 – Tailoring the 2030 Agenda to local interests and needs

Posted by Local2030,

Raising awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals in the neighborhoods of Praia, Cabo Verde

Posted by Local2030,

UN Public Service Day and Awards

Posted by Local2030,

The very first Week of the Sustainable Municipality: more than 80 Flemish municipalities participate!

Posted by Local2030,

Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals in German municipalities

Posted by Local2030,

Scaling government innovation in Georgia: the case of Rustavi

Posted by Local2030,

Madrid, Montevideo, La Paz, Sucre and Praia share their localization strategies for the 2030 Agenda

Posted by Local2030,

Human rights cities and the Sustainable Development Goals: the case of Lund

Posted by Local2030,

Call for expressions of interest to become a pilot city

Posted by Local2030,

Buenos Aires advances in the 2030 Agenda

Posted by Local2030,

Local and Regional Governments’ 2nd Report to the HLPF: Towards the Localization of the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

New people-centred approaches needed to ensure no one is left behind in ASEAN

Posted by Local2030,

Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in SDG Implementation - Call for Submissions

Posted by Local2030,

Sharing learnings on Bristol’s experience of localising the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

How the civil society is organized in Brazil for the location of the SDGs: charter, organizational model and form of work.

Posted by Santiago Martin, CNM

Social and Solidarity Economy for the SDGs: Spotlight on the Social Economy in Seoul

Posted by Local2030,

2018 high-level political forum: the territorialisation of the SDGs, in global engagement of local authorities and strongly elected French elected representatives (9-18 July 2018, New-York)

Posted by Lisa Bonnet, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

Sustainable Development Goals Report on Cities - Launch of SDG City Reports on Shimokawa, Toyama, and Kitakyushu

Posted by Local2030,

Regional governments report their efforts for the territorial implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Posted by Local2030,

New York City is the first city in the world to submit a Voluntary Local Review to the HLPF

Posted by Local2030,

Gender priorities are part of the domestic and cooperation policies of Spanish regions

Posted by Local2030,

Distance education on the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

We have a Goal! We spread the SDG's in our neighborhood and our town! 1st Primary School Nea Ionia, Attica, Greece

Posted by Vasiliki Strataki, 1st Primary School Nea Ionia

2nd Child Street Festival of Art and Acceptance , Attica, Greece

Posted by Vasiliki Strataki, 1st Primary School Nea Ionia

The registration for the SDGs Brazil Award is open!

Posted by Local2030,

Social and Solidarity Economy to localize the SDGs: the maps of SocioEco

Posted by Françoise Wautiez, Ecosol/socioeco

Local economic development as a vehicle to localize the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

From global to local: supporting sustainable and resilient societies in urban and rural communities

Posted by Local2030,

The second phase of the project Localizing the SDGs in Brazil was launched today

Posted by Local2030,

Youth and Sustainable Development

Posted by Alvaro Andrade, Grupo FARO

Pará, Brazil, hosts a workshop on localizing the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

NYC takes historic step in local tracking of progress toward Global Goals

Posted by Local2030,

The 2030 Agenda in Colombia: tracking the progress in each department

Posted by Local2030,

National Council for Development and French International Solidarity: territories at the heart of the debate

Posted by Lisa Bonnet, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

Athens, Greece has 17 additional goals. The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations

“Think Globally, Act Locally” Conference For Empowering Local Govts Concludes Successfully

Posted by Local2030,

The Lehendakari presents the Euskadi Basque Country 2030 Agenda, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

Seoul City Announces its plan to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

Localization of the SDGs in Algeria: strengthening local capacities for inclusive local development

Posted by Local2030,

What are the current and emerging challenges to building sustainable and resilient societies and what actions can be taken, especially at the local level to address these challenges?

Posted by Local2030,

Intermediate Cities of Latin America towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Posted by Local2030,

Piloting Localizing the SDGs in Southern Africa and beyond!


Four Ways Cities are Localizing the SDGs in North America

Posted by Jennifer Temmer, IISD

Spread your goals with SDG wings!

Posted by Local2030,

French decentralized cooperation in favor of achieving the SDG5

Posted by Lisa Bonnet, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

Brazil steps up its efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda

Posted by Local2030,

GOLD V Report to inform about the localization of the SDGs at the local and regional level


Sensitization for the location of the ODS in Burgos

Posted by Local2030,

Technical Secretariat of the SDGs of Costa Rica and UNDP support methodology for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

SDGs seminar for Greek Public Administration Executives

Posted by Local2030,

Puerto Montt anima una reflexión en torno a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Posted by Local2030,

Tracking the SDGs in Canadian Cities

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Students in Nea Ionia, Greece have Goals: The 17 UN Goals for Sustainable Development.

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations

The “Ficha Limpa” (Clean Record) Campaign of the 2030 Agenda

Posted by Local2030,

Localizing the SDGs at WUF9

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Towards a more resilient future for Hawai’i: the SDGs lead out the way

Posted by Local2030,

How to implement the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level in Benin?

Posted by Local2030,

The Court of Auditors of São Paulo launches unit to implement the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

The Greek mayors support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations

First AChM’s Workshop on SDGs held in Viña del Mar, Chile

Posted by Local2030,

CNM calls Brazilian Municipalities to implement the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

Localizing the SDGs: Local economic development and gender diversity

Posted by Local2030,

Sensibilisation des gouvernements locaux à la localisation des ODD en Afrique de l'Ouest

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Lancement des rapports de localisation des ODD dans 4 provinces de la République démocratique du Congo

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

UNDP's perspective on Localizing the Implementation of the SDGs at World Bank High level seminar

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Valencia, the Basque Country and Jalisco awarded with the II Regional Best Practices Award

Posted by Local2030,

Grupo Parlamentario por la Erradicación de la Pobreza y el Cumplimiento de los ODS - ECUADOR

Posted by Juan Herrera, Grupo FARO

SDGs Strategic Thinking National Group - Ecuador

Posted by Juan Herrera, Grupo FARO

Spanish local and regional governments are driving the localization process

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

SDGs Project in the Municipalities of Parana receives award in Switzerland

Posted by Local2030,

Local practices on the SDGs from 20 Flemish municipalities

Posted by Hanne Albers, VVSG vzw

Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN calls for the scale-up of localizing the SDGs

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Launch of the second ODS localization learning module within the framework of the Mercocities Summit

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

One Young World 2017: My Takeaways as a Delegate and Sustainability Professional

Posted by Salem Afeworki, Value Sustainability

Mesa Redonda| Localizando los ODS. Transformando los Objetivos globales en realidades locales y regionales

Posted by Local2030,

I Global Forum of Local Governments

Posted by Local2030,

Countries from the Commonwealth of Nations share their vision on how to transform the Global Goals into concrete action

Posted by Local2030,

Local and regional actors share visions and strategies for the localization of the SDGs in Guinea

Posted by Local2030,


Posted by Analia Pastran, Smartly, Social Entrepreneurship in SDGs

Achieving a sustainable urban America: SDSN tracks the status of SDG implementation in US cities

Posted by Local2030,

Nearly 500 people participated in the XII Ibero-American Congress on "A Territorial Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals"

Posted by Local2030,

Athens Marathon – UNRIC cooperation for the UN@70 and SDGs promotion

Posted by Local2030,

One football match, 17 Goals scored

Posted by Local2030,

UN DAY in Paris : Engaging youth to support the Sustainable Developement Goals

Posted by Local2030,

Valencia concludes the first meeting of regions with the commitment of governments to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Posted by Local2030,

UNDP Partners with the first SDGs Center in Indonesia

Posted by Local2030,

Building neighborhoods: starting from the local level, Madrid works towards the attainment of 2030 Agenda

Posted by Local2030,

Sustainable Antioquia: A collective action path towards the location of the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

Dialogue between Ibero-American and African networks of local and regional governments on SDGs localization

Posted by Local2030,

Latin American and Caribbean municipalities trained to localize the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

At the 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development, local development, sustainability and civil society leaders shared their creative ideas and practical solutions to achieve a sustainable world

Posted by Local2030,

New Askers work on the SDGs

Posted by Vibeke Sand, The new Asker municipality

Play the simple part: connecting the SDGs and our communities

Posted by Dennis Ekwere, Children and Young People Living for Peace

The localization of the SDGs: Implementing the SDGs in Colombia, Indonesia, and Kenya

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Global Goals Municipality Campaign in the Netherlands

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

The SDG Territory Ecuador project

Posted by Mireya Villacís, Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano

The Province of Napo in Ecuador initiates the process of prioritization of strategic ODS

Posted by Juan Herrera, Grupo FARO

Flanders regional government reiterates its commitment towards achieving the SDGs with its development cooperation strategy

Posted by Local2030,

UN Summer Academy - Localizing the 2030 Agenda

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

How cities in Southeast Asia are acting on the SDGs ahead of their national governments

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat


Posted by AHM Bazlur, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication

Asian Cities at the front lines of Sustainable Development

Posted by Local2030,

¿Cómo medir indicadores en la localización de los ODS en Brasil?

Posted by Santiago Martin, CNM

Three ways to ‘localize’ financing for sustainable urban development

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

POLICY TRANSFER PLATFORM: access case studies from cities around the world in less than 10 seconds!

Posted by Camille Toggenburger, Policy Transfer Platform

Report highlights role of local and regional governments in implementing and monitoring the SDGs


SDG Game 2017

Posted by Daria Zharova, Academy of Youth Diplomacy

Using bricks to build SDGs awareness

Posted by Local2030,

In Mâcon (France), from the heat network to the global energy strategy

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France

Pontarlier (France) implements its global energy policy

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France

Local actions in Europe and beyond

Posted by Local2030,

Barcarena, Brazil includes SDGs in their planning mechanisms

Posted by Local2030,

An ambitious new program aims to support Regional Governance and Local Economic Development in Mauritania

Posted by Local2030,

Become an SDG Pioneer 2017

Posted by Local2030,

Ecuador rewards the best ideas to spread the ODS

Posted by Local2030,

UCLG held the first Training Module on the Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Posted by GOLD , UCLG

Sixty young leaders to localize the SDGs in more than 50 cities through the Local Pathways Fellowship, UN SDSN Youth program

Posted by Anastasiya Kostomarova, SDSN Youth

The Basque Government launches education strategy for social transformation (H) ABIAN 2030

Posted by Local2030,

Argentina launches a new platform to connect businesses with ODS

Posted by Local2030,

CapDEL: Local Development and Participatory Democracy in 10 towns of Algeria

Posted by Local2030,

Sao Paulo and the multidimensional implementation of the SDGs at a regional level

Posted by Local2030,

Saumur (France) fight against fuel poverty

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France

The Brazilian National Confederation of Municipalities will represent local voices in the newly established SDGs National Commission

Posted by Local2030,

France strengthens its commitment to achieve a sustainable and inclusive local development

Posted by Local2030,

Is Asia-Pacific on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030?

Posted by Local2030,


Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France

Bioloos: Eco-friendly Sustainable Sanitation

Posted by Sanjay Banka, Banka BioLoo

Want to meet the SDGs? Invest in longitudinal data

Posted by Local2030,

Navarra works at the location of the ODS

Posted by Local2030,

The city of Bayonne (France) chose the eco-solidarity water tariff

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France

How Baltimore is using the Sustainable Development Goals to make a more just city

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

A Platform for Sustainable Harmony: The Give First Initiative

Posted by Patrick Glenn, Give First Initiative

Saint-Brieuc Agadez cooperation and for access to basic health care for the population

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France

Accountability Systems for Measuring, Monitoring and Reporting on Sustainable Cities Policies in Latin America

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

German municipalities begin to localize the SDGs

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Flemish municipalities work towards integrating the SDGs in their local policies

Posted by Hanne Albers, VVSG vzw

Papua New Guinea Documentary ‘Driving The Change’

Posted by Local2030,

Teens Dream - Youth video competition on the SDGs

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat

Thus co-we create in Medellin

Posted by Local2030,

Suriname developed a Card Game on SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

Academic discourse on opportunities and challenges for Small States in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030,

In Ghana UN Volunteers embark on community advocacy on the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

Outreach on the SDGs with High Schools in Ghana

Posted by Local2030,

Defining, agreeing and contrasting the basis of a White Paper on Democracy and Citizenship for Euskadi

Posted by Local2030,

City Partnership Program: Addressing Complex Development Challenges Together

Posted by Local2030,

Orange The World Celebrations

Posted by Sailesh Singhal, United Nations Inter Agency Network on Youth and Gender Equality

Share One, Plant One

Posted by Sailesh Singhal, United Nations Inter Agency Network on Youth and Gender Equality

Want sustainable urban development? It’s time for Local Agenda 2030

Posted by Local2030,

The Proactivists Inspire Hundreds Across Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Asia in 2015

Posted by Stephen King, The Pro-Activists

Videos from Seoul: Achieving Accountability and Transparency in the Public Construction Sector

Posted by Local2030,

Local Pathways Fellowship

Posted by Local2030,

VVSGs efforts in Localising the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

CNM shares its first-hand experience on localizing the SDGs in Brazil with Cabo Verdean municipalities

Posted by Local2030,

A new app turns the “SDGs in Action”

Posted by Local2030,

Suriname starts Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs GI YU, SDGs GI MI, SDGs GI WI ALA, GI WAN BETRE TAMARA!

Posted by Local2030,

We App Heroes

Posted by Local2030,

2016 World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders: SDGs Localization Workshop

Posted by Local2030,

Bike 4 SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

HLPF Side Event: Localizing the SDGs

Posted by Local2030,

Localizing the SDGs in the municipalities of Brazil

Posted by Local2030,

A train brings the SDGs on tour through Belarus

Posted by Local2030,