Raising awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals in the neighborhoods of Praia, Cabo Verde

Posted by Local2030, October 2 2018 0 Local experience

In the framework of the "Local platforms for achieving 2030 Agenda" programme, the city of Praia, Cabo Verde organized over the past weeks several trainings and awareness activities in its different neighborhoods.

As highlighted in this video by the coordinator of the programme,  Cristino Pedraza, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals strongly depends on local action and leadership, in coordination with all levels of governance. Development starts in the community and it is therefore crucial to make sure that everyone knows the role is called to play for the achievement of these Global Goals.


While Governmental actors must play a leading role in the implementation of these goals, the private sector, the civil society, the local institutions and the community leaders can strongly contribute to define the best way to attain the Global Goals in their communities.

This is why similar activities in the various neighborhoods of a municipality are so important: they encourage local communities to take ownership of these Global Goals and to take action to transform them into local reality.

The "Local platforms for achieving 2030 Agenda" programme is a joint effort of the Government of Cabo Verde and UNDP, in partnership with the National Association of Municipalities, Ministry of Finance and National Association of NGOs and financed by The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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