latest Stories

Local2030 Coalition engagement at the 2024 High-Level Politi(...)

The Local2030 Coalition successfully promoted localization at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum by co-organizing and p(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

July 19 2024


Localizing the SDGs in Small Island Development States Takea(...)

During the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) that took place between 27 to 30 Ma(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

June 12 2024

Local experience

First Local2030 Coalition UN Directors Group Retreat in Bilb(...)

Three years after its creation, the Local2030 Coalition convened its first UN Directors Group Retreat at the Local2030 S(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

February 9 2024

Local experience

BM30: The Bay Urban Visioning Awards [Open Call 2024 - Deadl(...)

Bilbao Metropoli 30 is launching the 1st Edition of The Bay Urban Visioning Awards, which will be granted to pioneering(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

March 15 2024

Local experience

WUF12 launches partner-led events applications [Deadline: 22(...)

The WUF Coordination Team has announced the opening of the online application process for partner-led events for the twe(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

March 13 2024

Local experience

Local2030 Coalition Side Event at COP28: "Multilevel governa(...)

The side event, co-lead by the Local2030 Coalition, FAO, UN-Habitat, UNDP, UCLG and the Global Task Force for Local and(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

December 10 2023

Local experience

Support Monitoring SDG indicator 11.3.2 Civic engagement in(...)

Your action is needed to avoid SDG 11.3.2 indicator – which focuses on participatory planning processes – from being rem(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

November 16 2023

Local experience

Global Gateway: Commission launches Civil Society and Local(...)

On 24th October 2023, the European Commission announced the 57 members of the Global Gateway Civil Society and Local Aut(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

October 24 2023

Local experience

Acting together: City, subnational and national governments(...)

Global challenges of food insecurity and malnutrition - driven by climate, biodiversity and socio-economic crises and co(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

July 24 2023

Local experience

Secretary General’s Advisory Group on Local and Regional Gov(...)

The UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, launched on 6th October his Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governm(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

October 6 2023

Local experience

G20 PLIC: Platform on SDG Localization and Intermediary Citi(...)

The G20 PLIC Annual Report offers a platform for local governments to make written contributions, in the form of feature(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

August 29 2023

Local experience

World’s To-Do List Cities

Project Everyone is a United Nations global partner for SDG advocacy and outreach, seeking to put the power of communica(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

August 23 2022

Local experience

From ECOSOC Youth Forum to International Youth Day, Building(...)

Young people are at the forefront of creative industries and social innovation. While this year’s  ECOSOC Youth Forum re(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

August 10 2022

Local experience

Sweden Local 2030 Hub supports the Swedish VNR and multiple(...)

In 2021 the Swedish government decided to submit a Voluntary National Review to the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sus(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

June 15 2022


Barcelona 2030 Agenda Awards

Barcelona City Council has created the Agenda 2030 BCN Awards, with the aim of both recognising and raising awareness of(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

May 25 2022

Local experience

Results 5th version Index of Social Progress of Cities- IPS(...)

On May 5, the results of the Social Progress Index of the Cities of Colombia 2021 (IPS) were announced. The IPS provides(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

May 11 2022


The first University of Mayors is announced in Paraná

Picture:Lehi Illescas This month, the Government of Paraná presented the project of the University of Mayors to mayors(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

May 6 2022


The first ever Local2030 Coalition Steering Committee Meetin(...)

The Local 2030 Steering Committee convened for the first time on 29 April 2022 in New York and online. Ms. Amina J. Moh(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

April 29 2022


Multilevel perspectives on SDG localization in the Eastern P(...)

The central coordinator of the Swedish Local2030 Hub, the independent think tank Global Utmaning, has for the past two y(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

April 15 2022


Liverpool City Region To Rebuild Visitor Economy With Sustai(...)

Marketing Liverpool and 2030hub have announced a new event to kickstart the sustainable rebuilding of Liverpool's visito(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

April 1 2022


Local Businesses Driving a Green Growth Economic Recovery

Convened by the Hawaii Local2030 Hub, the Sustainability Business Forum (SBF) published its 2021 Annual Report outlining(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

March 25 2022


2022 Edition of the UN SDG Action Awards

The UN SDG Action Awards are back! The UN SDG Action Campaign is looking for initiatives and individuals from around th(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

March 22 2022

Local experience

A pledge for Liverpool

Businesses across Liverpool City Region are being asked to pledge in a new zero-carbon campaign, 2030zero. 2030zero is (...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

March 5 2022


Enabling multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable deve(...)

With less than ten years ahead to meet the global goals set on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the need for(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

February 4 2022


The Local2030 Coalition is launched!

New York, United States of America

Under the guidance of the UN Deputy Secretary General, Ms. Amina Mohamed and the leadership of UN-Habitat and UNDP, an u(...)

Posted by Local2030 Coalition,

September 21 2021


Carnegie Mellon University Completes Voluntary Review of Sus(...)

Pittsburgh, United States of America

  CMU Completes Voluntary Review of Sustainable Development Goals By Heidi Opdyke Email September 16, 2020 Carnegie(...)

Posted by Alexandra Hiniker,
Carnegie Mellon University

October 21 2020

Local experience

Hawaiʻi Voluntary Local Review

The Hawaiʻi Green Growth Local2030 Hub has released the executive summary for the first statewide Voluntary Local Revi(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

September 22 2020


Local 2030 Sweden Hub Digital Campaign

Local 2030 Sweden Hub  (Global Utmaning) is multi-stakeholder group* has launched a Local2030 hub to accelerate the impl(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

September 15 2020


Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 4

Dear friends and colleagues, Local 2030 is pleased to announce the fourth topic of dicussion of the Local2030 Spothligh(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

July 26 2020


Food strategy Ghent: Ghent en garde

Ghent is a frontrunner in the promotion of sustainable food and has developed a comprehensive Food Strategy under the ti(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

May 29 2020


Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 3

Dear friends and colleagues,  Thank you for the videos you have been contributing to the Local2030 Spotlight Series glo(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

May 18 2020


Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 2

Dear friends and colleagues, Thank you for all your support and contributions to the Local2030 Spotlight Series.  Last(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

April 28 2020


We the mayors for the SDGs

In Flanders (Belgium), local governments and its association (VVSG) are working hard towards localizing the SDGs. More t(...)

Posted by Hanne Albers,
VVSG vzw

April 27 2020

Local experience

Élas Social

Lajeado, Brazil

Our social business was born from the common dream of the three partners (designer Fernanda, social worker Carine and ad(...)

Posted by Fabíola Colombo,
Univates/ Élas Social

April 26 2020

Local experience

TakeAction4cities Campaign

UN-Habitat has launched its #COVID19 Response Plan focusing on immediate action for the urban poor in 64 countries. And(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

April 23 2020


Swedish Hub for Localizing SDGs

  Sweden is considered to be one of the countries in the best position to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and reach the 17 S(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

April 22 2020


Deshpande Foundation and COVID-19

All of us are busy addressing the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. Who would have imagined the dramati(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

April 21 2020


Local2030 Spotlight Series- Topic 1

Dear friends and colleagues, In its effort to support partners throughout the globe in responding and recovering from t(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

April 20 2020


Local 2030 response to COVID-19

Spreading as a wave across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest challenges of our times. Countries a(...)

Posted by Reverse Thought,
Reverse Thought

April 10 2020


Capital Locast: Why Local Government Finance is Essential to(...)

Local governments have been on the frontlines when it comes to the COVID-19 response, in large part because of their com(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

April 9 2020


Whatsapp Coronavirus Information Hub

WHO, UNICEF and UNDP partner with WhatsApp to get real time health information to billions around the world. WhatsApp to(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

March 24 2020


UK Guidance for Local Governments during COVID-19 outbreak

Up to 1.5 million people in England identified by the NHS as being at higher risk of severe illness if they contract cor(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

March 24 2020


Cities for Global Health: Collective responses to global hea(...)

Cities for Global Health is an initiative co-led by Metropolis and the Euro-Latin-American Alliance of Cooperation among(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

March 24 2020


Agreement for sustainable development in Lombardy

The UN 2030 Agenda "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" calls for a general reflection(...)

Posted by Serena Ceppi,
Regione Lombardia

March 24 2020


The Deshpande Foundation Hubbali Sandbox: Innovation and Rel(...)

The Deshpande Foundation Innovation Sandbox, in Hubli, Karnataka, India was launched in 2005 to create a Silicon-Valley(...)

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO,
UN Habitat

March 20 2020


Can Effective Municipal Governance Save Nigeria?

Lagos, Nigeria

CAN EFFECTIVE MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE SAVE NIGERIA? *Shade Amole   Many countries in Africa are facing various challenge(...)

Posted by Shade Amole,

March 8 2020


SDGs in Action Seminar Series

The Local SDGs Program:Charting pathways towards achieving the SDGs in local communities On Wednesday 19 February, The(...)

Posted by Brett Bryan,
Deakin University

March 6 2020


New guidance document presents towns and cities with 15 path(...)

ICLEI, alongside the City of Aalborg and the Basque Country, recently launched a new publication, which presents tow(...)

Posted by Robert Morrow,
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

December 9 2019


BiciConecta UGR

From 1th until 9th of October 2019, has been carried out for the first time the ‘Biciconecta Project’. The Biciconecta P(...)


October 19 2019



2030 Agenda Workshop CINDEHU 10/08/2019   Promote the interest and socialization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable D(...)

Posted by Francisco Palavicini Torres,
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

October 15 2019


2030 Agenda Workshop

DACEA 09/23/2019 Promote the interest and socialization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, lead actions in(...)

Posted by Francisco Palavicini Torres,
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

October 15 2019


Strategic Plan City of Seville 2030

Given the new challenges we face globally from the city of Seville, we decided to promote a Strategic Plan. The Seville(...)

Ayuntamiento de Sevilla

September 20 2019


Week of the Sustainable Municipality

From 18th until 25th of September 2019, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG)  will for the second(...)

Posted by Hanne Albers,
VVSG vzw

July 25 2019

Local experience

Buenos Aires presents its first Voluntary Local Review

During the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), which took place from 9-19 July 2019, the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 25 2019

Local experience

Helsinki first European city to present the Sustainable Deve(...)

In the leading up to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), held from 9-19 July 2019 in New York, the City of Helsinki h(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 25 2019


New York City presents its second Voluntary Local Review on(...)

Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs Penny Abeywardena has just announced that New York City sub(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 17 2019

Local experience

Bristol's Voluntary Local Review and One City Plan

The City of Bristol, in partnership with the University of Bristol, the Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRC) and(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 15 2019

Local experience

The role of decentralized cooperation to address rising ineq(...)

Within the framework of the European Development Days (EDDs), which were held in Brussels during the 18-19 of June 2019(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 9 2019


Accelerating the achievement of the SDGs at local level: the(...)

The Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse (and the Special Zone of Social Market Economy (RAEOA-ZEESM TL) aim to div(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 1 2019

Local experience

OneNYC 2050: building a strong and fair city

After having presented its first Local Voluntary Review during the High Level Political Forum in New York last July, New(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 7 2019

Local experience

Closing and final declaration of the 3rd Regional Forum of L(...)

From May 7 to 9, the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) held the 3rd Regional Forum on Local Economic Development (LED), wh(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 4 2019


SDG Caravan in Venezuela: Local Dialogues for Development

The caravans of the SDGs have functioned as a measure inter-sectorally implemented by the SNU in Venezuela, to identify(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 28 2019

Local experience

Guatemala: National Priorities for the Development of Territ(...)

In 2018, the Secretariat of Planning and Programming of Guatemala (Segeplan) published the Guidelines for the Formulatio(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 28 2019

Local experience

Integrated approach to support the localization of the 2030(...)

In 2017, the UNDP Mexico Office and the Office of the President of Mexico initiated a process to localize the 2030 Agend(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 24 2019

Local experience

SDGs Local Monitoring – China’s Pilot Practice

In Deqing county, situated in the Zhejiang region of China, efforts have been made to respond to the United Nation's cal(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 24 2019

Local experience

1st OECD Roundtable on Cities and Regions for the Sustainabl(...)

On the 7th March of 2019, at Paris, numerous stakeholders met at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developm(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 24 2019


The Voluntary Local Review of the Sustainable Development Go(...)

Helsinki wants to be a pioneering local implementer of global responsibilities and in September 2018, it decided to foll(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 2 2019


Your opportunity to shape the Global Alliance’s HLPF Report(...)

The Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies - a coordinating platform for Memb(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 2 2019


Cities take up the challenge and report on their advances on(...)

Every year Member States are invited to report their progress on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 2 2019


Voluntary Local Reviews LAB

This online platform provides all you need to know about cities and regions taking a lead on “Voluntary Local Reviews.(...)

Posted by UN-Habitat Local,

April 10 2019


SDG 16+ Technical Consultation on Inclusive Institutions at(...)

On the 26th and 27th of March, the city of Tunis (Tunisia) held the SDG 16+ Technical Consultation on Inclusive Institut(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 5 2019


Meeting in Madrid to build Peaceful and inclusive cities wit(...)

The city of Madrid and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have established an alliance to promote peaceful an(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 2 2019

Local experience

Utrecht: a Global Goals City

Looking forward to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals enclosed in the 2030 Agenda, the city of Utrecht is stepp(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 1 2019

Local experience

Expo’s Global Best practice & the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl(...)

The Expo 2020 Dubai is proud to organize the first ever World Expo held in the region welcoming the world to learn and e(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 14 2019


Consolidating the local-global movement to enhance the imple(...)

Seville, Spain

The localization of the 2030 Agenda calls for the involvement of all stakeholders, and requires a shift in focus towards(...)

Posted by UCLG CGLU,

March 7 2019


The Seville Commitment: putting ´Local Action´in the center(...)

From the 25th to 27th of February a high level international meeting was held in Seville (Spain) to discuss the localiza(...)

Posted by UCLG CGLU,

March 7 2019


From Policy Transfer to Urban Sustainability Exchange

On 6th March 2019, at the invitation of the President of Metropolis Michael Müller, Governing Mayor of Berlin, during a(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 7 2019


Bonn aiming for more sustainability

In the coming years, the City of Bonn will focus on the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals in its own municipal act(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 1 2019

Local experience

Mauritania: New regional presidents commit to further locali(...)

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, through the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization and the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 20 2019

Local experience

Putting into practice the new Learning Module 2 about territ(...)

Photo credits: @AChMChile . UCLG participated actively in the summer school organized by the Associat(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 31 2019

Local experience

Global call to share good practices in public management

ORU Fogar and the UNDP have launched the fourth edition of the Regional Best Practices Award The award is intended fo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 31 2019


SDG: Five institutions unite by Agenda 2030

Sucre is the first city in Bolivia to build a "Strategy for locating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)" with the s(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 28 2019

Local experience

How are American cities taking on the SDGs?

New York, United States of America

On November 29, 2018, officials from New York City, Pittsburgh and Los Angeles participated in a panel discussion at the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 7 2018


SDSN Italia Launches SDG Cities Index for Italy

On November 29th, 2018, SDSN Italia hosted a conference entitled “For a Sustainable Italy: Local Leadership as a Driver(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 7 2018


Localising the SDGs in Jamaica

Photo credits: CLGF.   A strategic partnership between the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) and the European(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 4 2018

Local experience

A call for SDGs-based provincial planning in Nepal

Photo credits: UNDP Nepal.   The National Planning Commission in partnership with UNDP Nepal is looking to boost local(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 4 2018

Local experience

Advancing the localization of the SDGs in Tunisia

Since the very beginning, the national government of Tunisia confirmed its strong commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sust(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 27 2018

Local experience

The quest for cities of peace

Local governments are the primary actors that can tackle the roots causes of violence and conflict, and reduce inequalit(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 26 2018


How the SDGs became the solution for merging municipalities

Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg (in the middle), and Lene Conradi, mayor of Asker municipality (to the left, holdi(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 26 2018


Recognition of the Confederation of Private Employers of Bol(...)

On the occasion of the act of "Recognition of Good Practices for Sustainable Development", held on Wednesday, November 2(...)

Posted by Pablo Bernal Aguilar,
Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de La Paz

November 23 2018

Local experience

How are Flemish municipalities already working on SDG locali(...)

This video produced by the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities presents how Flemish municipalities are alre(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 21 2018

Local experience

The University of Piraeus celebrates the UN Day and calls fo(...)

On Wednesday 24 October, the United Nations day was celebrated at the University of Piraeus with an exceptional event ti(...)

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros ,
United Nations

November 16 2018


Buenos Aires develops its vision towards 2035

The city of Buenos Aires has strongly assumed its commitment to the SDGs by embarking on a comprehensive participatory p(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 15 2018

Local experience

UN-Habitat and Colab launch a mobile app for open public con(...)

The Sustainable Cities Consultation, a partnership between UN-Habitat and Colab, have launched an innovative online plat(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 13 2018

Local experience

[OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS] Good practices, success stories(...)

Submit your contribution! Three years into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 12 2018


The III Good Practices Award goes to Antioquia, Nariño, Tren(...)

During the closing of the annual meeting of ORU Fogar, celebrated last October 23rd, in Rabat, Morocco, the five good re(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 1 2018


UCLG Regions supports the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa in(...)

Photos Credits: @Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa   19.10.2018 On the International Day for the Eradication of(...)

Posted by UCLG CGLU,

October 29 2018

Local experience

Regions take the lead in implementing the SDGs

In the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, celebrated from the 8th to 11th of October 2018 in Brussels(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 23 2018


The City of Los Angeles announces partnership with Occidenta(...)

Partnership will help City collect data and track progress on broad range of economic, environmental, and other targets(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 18 2018

Local experience

Shimokawa, Hokkaido: Advancing SDG-Based Community Building

Japanese Governmental Efforts toward the SDGs and 'SDGs Future Cities' In response to the United Nations' adoption of(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 18 2018

Local experience

UN Youth of Finland, Children’s Foundation for the Year of(...)

What if next time you grabbed a durable bag for a shopping spree instead of buying numerous plastic bags? What if you di(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 18 2018

Local experience

The municipality of Ouled Ben Abdelkader lays the foundation(...)

In the framework of the first operation of the type inscribed, for the benefit of ten pilot municipalities of Algeria, u(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 17 2018


Quito develops its communication strategy of the Sustainable(...)

On October 3, the last day of Habitat III + 2 , a series of dialogues and reflections on strategies and successful exper(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 15 2018

Local experience

Sucre begins the process of Integration of SDGs into Municip(...)

Building an integrated SDG localization strategy As part of the process of locating the Sustainable Development Objecti(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 9 2018

Local experience

Chad converts SDG targets and prepares Roadmap for domestica(...)

The validation of the national contextualization and prioritization report of the SDG targets is came at the end of a wo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 5 2018

Local experience

Mannheim 2030 – Tailoring the 2030 Agenda to local interests(...)

At the beginning of 2016, the city of Mannheim, Germany, hosted its first Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) entitled “Urban Ci(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 2 2018

Local experience

Raising awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals in th(...)

In the framework of the "Local platforms for achieving 2030 Agenda" programme, the city of Praia, Cabo Verde organized o(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 2 2018

Local experience

UN Public Service Day and Awards

Call for Nominations for the 2019 United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) is now open. Nomination(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 24 2018


The very first Week of the Sustainable Municipality: more th(...)

More than 80 Flemish municipalities put their Sustainable Heroes in the spotlight during the 'Week of the Sustainable Mu(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 21 2018

Local experience

Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals in German municipa(...)

Photo contrastwerkstatt -© United Nations/ Seven German partners have jointly developed(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 17 2018

Local experience

Scaling government innovation in Georgia: the case of Rustav(...)

Irakli Tabaghua, Rustavi Mayor, and Wojciech Rosicki, Deputy Mayor of the City of Lodz. Photo: Magda Nowakowska/UNDP  (...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 17 2018

Local experience

Madrid, Montevideo, La Paz, Sucre and Praia share their loca(...)

The five cities have held a meeting in Madrid, within the framework of the collaboration agreement between the Madrid Ci(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 7 2018

Local experience

Human rights cities and the Sustainable Development Goals: t(...)

Departing from the human rights city criteria established in the Swedish platform developed by the Swedish Association o(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 4 2018


Call for expressions of interest to become a pilot city

United Nations ESCAP and UN-Habitat invite cities and towns in Asia and the Pacific to join the project “Integrating the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 31 2018


Buenos Aires advances in the 2030 Agenda

The City is the first government to establish its commitment to the SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Solid Institutions - at(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 29 2018

Local experience

Local and Regional Governments’ 2nd Report to the HLPF: Towa(...)

During the 2018 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 23 2018


New people-centred approaches needed to ensure no one is lef(...)

Siem Reap – While there has been extraordinary economic progress in the ASEAN region, pockets of multi-dimensional pover(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 23 2018


Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in SDG I(...)

Three years into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals (SDGs), many Governments, U(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 23 2018


Sharing learnings on Bristol’s experience of localising the(...)

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a globally-agreed agenda for sustainable and inclusive prosperity that(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 15 2018


How the civil society is organized in Brazil for the locatio(...)

Brasilia, Brazil

Charter of Principles and Organizational Model of the SDGs Brazil Network. WHO WE ARE? The SDGs Brazil Network is a su(...)

Posted by Santiago Martin,

August 13 2018


Social and Solidarity Economy for the SDGs: Spotlight on the(...)

The UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is currently implementing a project, whose purpose is to exami(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 13 2018

Local experience

2018 high-level political forum: the territorialisation of t(...)

Pour la première fois cette année, des élus locaux et régionaux français se sont joints  à la délégation  française cond(...)

Posted by Lisa Bonnet,
Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

July 31 2018


Sustainable Development Goals Report on Cities - Launch of S(...)

16 July—IGES is pleased to announce the launch of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Reports today on the side(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 16 2018


Regional governments report their efforts for the territoria(...)

The Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) in collaboration with the University of Strathc(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 13 2018


New York City is the first city in the world to submit a Vol(...)

On July 11,  during the 2018 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), the city of New York (NYC) presented its Voluntary Local(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 12 2018


Gender priorities are part of the domestic and cooperation p(...)

In the framework of the European Development Days 2018 (EDDs) , organized by the European Commission in June of this yea(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 29 2018


Distance education on the Sustainable Development Goals

During the XXI March to Brasilia in Defense of the Municipalities, an event that brings together mayors, and government(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 18 2018


We have a Goal! We spread the SDG's in our neighborhood and(...)

The 1st Primary School Nea Ionia, Attica, Greece has produced two interesting videos to raise awareness on the Sustainab(...)

Posted by Vasiliki Strataki,
1st Primary School Nea Ionia

June 13 2018

Local experience

2nd Child Street Festival of Art and Acceptance ,(...)

The network of art and action People With Balloons, under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens and with the suppor(...)

Posted by Vasiliki Strataki,
1st Primary School Nea Ionia

June 13 2018


The registration for the SDGs Brazil Award is open!

The SDGs Brazil Award aims to encourage, recognize and give visibility to the best practices promoted by all levels of g(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 12 2018


Social and Solidarity Economy to localize the SDGs: the maps(...) is a resource web site on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) which tries to present in one place the docum(...)

Posted by Françoise Wautiez,

June 11 2018


Local economic development as a vehicle to localize the SDGs

The fourth edition of the World Forum of Local Economic Development, which started in 2011, took place from October 17 t(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 1 2018


From global to local: supporting sustainable and resilient s(...)

In support of the 2018 session of ECOSOC, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the United Nations De(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 28 2018


The second phase of the project Localizing the SDGs in Brazi(...)

The second phase of the project "Strengthening the role of municipalities for the localization, and specifically for mon(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 23 2018

Local experience

Youth and Sustainable Development

The role of young people is fundamental for the implementation and fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, th(...)

Posted by Alvaro Andrade,
Grupo FARO

May 9 2018


Pará, Brazil, hosts a workshop on localizing the Sustainable(...)

The efforts to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Brazil continues advancing.   The 3-day Workshop to(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 3 2018

Local experience

NYC takes historic step in local tracking of progress toward(...)

By: Alexandra Hiniker, Strategic Relationships Manager, NYC Mayor’s Office for International Affairs On April 20, Mayor(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 2 2018


The 2030 Agenda in Colombia: tracking the progress in each d(...)

For the Government of Colombia, the 2030 Agenda poses a key opportunity to generate transformations and give political i(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 27 2018

Local experience

National Council for Development and French International So(...)

Paris, 22.02.2018 The National Council for Development and International Solidarity (CNDSI)   is a framework for(...)

Posted by Lisa Bonnet,
Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

April 26 2018


Athens, Greece has 17 additional goals. The 17 United Natio(...)

Since Monday 16 April 2018 and for the next four months, the  capital of Greece, has 17 additional goals. The 17 United(...)

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros ,
United Nations

April 24 2018

Local experience

“Think Globally, Act Locally” Conference For Empowering Loca(...)

On Wednesday, heads of local governments from across Pakistan reiterated to bridge the gap between key nation Sustainabl(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 17 2018

Local experience

The Lehendakari presents the Euskadi Basque Country 2030 Age(...)

The article It was published originally in   this page   by the Basque Government .   The Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu (...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 12 2018

Local experience

Seoul City Announces its plan to achieve the 2030 Sustainabl(...)

Many cities around the world are using the SDGs as drivers of change for a fairer and more equitable distribution of bot(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 10 2018

Local experience

Localization of the SDGs in Algeria: strengthening local cap(...)

In the framework of the #CapDEL Program, in preparation for the training of trainers that will take place in the months(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 29 2018

Local experience

What are the current and emerging challenges to building sus(...)

If the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to be truly transformative – an Agenda “of the people, for the people,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 28 2018


Intermediate Cities of Latin America towards the 2030 Agenda(...)

From February 28 to March 2, 2018, Cuenca, Ecuador hosted the Continental Forum of Intermediate Cities: Latin America "(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 21 2018


Piloting Localizing the SDGs in Southern Africa and beyond!

Leaving no one behind - this overarching goal has special significance in South African cities. The challenge of African(...)

Posted by UCLG CGLU,

March 19 2018

Local experience

Four Ways Cities are Localizing the SDGs in North America

What do Hawaii, Kelowna, Baltimore and Winnipeg have in common?   Not much, you might think. But actually, each of the(...)

Posted by Jennifer Temmer,

March 16 2018


Spread your goals with SDG wings!

Angel Wings campaign launched on social media and 6 German cities The UN SDG Action Campaign and media company Weischer(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 16 2018


French decentralized cooperation in favor of achieving the S(...)

At the last Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICID) of 8 February 2018, France(...)

Posted by Lisa Bonnet,
Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

March 15 2018


Brazil steps up its efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda

Source: Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil webpage On March 1, 2018, the Minister of the Secretari(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 14 2018

Local experience

GOLD V Report to inform about the localization of the SDGs a(...)

The Global Observatory on Decentralization and Local Democracy (GOLD) is launching, from March to the end of April 2018,(...)

Posted by UCLG CGLU,

March 13 2018


Sensitization for the location of the ODS in Burgos

Fonte: The Courier of Burgos, Raúl G. The awareness campaigns of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are of ex(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 9 2018

Local experience

Technical Secretariat of the SDGs of Costa Rica and UNDP sup(...)

  Municipality of Curridabat began the process of applying the "COMBOS" methodology The canton of Curridabat became th(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 7 2018

Local experience

SDGs seminar for Greek Public Administration Executives

A training and informative three-day seminar for executives of the Greek public administration  took place in November 2(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 6 2018


Puerto Montt anima una reflexión en torno a los Objetivos de(...)

La Municipalidad de Puerto Montt organizó el Primer Seminario Internacional “Ciudades de América Latina por el Desarroll(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 6 2018

Tracking the SDGs in Canadian Cities

In 2011, 81 per cent of Canadians lived in urban centres. Cities are the epicentres of arts and culture as well as hubs(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

March 5 2018

Local experience

Students in Nea Ionia, Greece have Goals: The 17 UN Goals(...)

I had the great pleasure to meet a few days ago a group of students of the 1st Elementary School of the city of Nea Ioni(...)

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros ,
United Nations

March 2 2018

Local experience

The “Ficha Limpa” (Clean Record) Campaign of the 2030 Agenda(...)

Several goals of the 2030 Agenda highlight the importance of adequate public policies and legislation to ensure their ef(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 23 2018


Localizing the SDGs at WUF9

The localization of the SDGs was among the various topics discussed during the Ninth World Urban Forum held in Kuala Lum(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

February 20 2018

Towards a more resilient future for Hawai’i: the SDGs lead o(...)

The Senate of the Hawai’i State (United States of America) has recently declared its commitment to the Sustainable Devel(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 13 2018

Local experience

How to implement the Sustainable Development Goals at the lo(...)

Porto-Novo, Benin

The following video illustrates all relevant aspects of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the local level in Ben(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 12 2018

Local experience

The Court of Auditors of São Paulo launches unit to implemen(...)

With the aim of monitoring the implementation of the SDGs, the Court of Auditors of the State of São Paulo (TCESP) launc(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 8 2018

Local experience

The Greek mayors support the 17 Sustainable Development Goa(...)

On the occasion of the annual meeting of the governing council of the Union of the Greek Municipalities (KEDE)  that too(...)

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros ,
United Nations

January 31 2018

Local experience

First AChM’s Workshop on SDGs held in Viña del Mar, Chile

On 24 -25 of January, the “First Workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” of the Chilean Association of Mun(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 26 2018

Local experience

CNM calls Brazilian Municipalities to implement the SDGs

The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) of Brazil launches the "Municipalities for Tomorrow - Together in the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 24 2018

Local experience

Localizing the SDGs: Local economic development and gender d(...)

Finalizing global agendas is one thing. Implementing them is another. We need to change for the better: the way we l(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 24 2018

Sensibilisation des gouvernements locaux à la localisation d(...)

Une série d'événements ont été organisé en 2017 pour sensibiliser les collectivités locales du Cameroun, du Togo, du Sén(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

January 22 2018

Lancement des rapports de localisation des ODD dans 4 provin(...)

Le Système des Nations Unies en RDC en général, et le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement en particulier,(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

January 22 2018

Local experience

UNDP's perspective on Localizing the Implementation of the S(...)

A high-level seminar on October 12, 2017 highlighted the perspectives of the World Bank partners—including local and reg(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

January 22 2018

Valencia, the Basque Country and Jalisco awarded with the II(...)

November 27-28, ORU Fogar’s Executive Bureau and General Assembly was held in the Basque Country , under the auspices of(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 10 2018

Local experience

Grupo Parlamentario por la Erradicación de la Pobreza y el C(...)

La iniciativa ODS Territorio Ecuador, ejecutada por la Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA) en conjunto con Grupo FAR(...)

Posted by Juan Herrera,
Grupo FARO

January 9 2018

Local experience

SDGs Strategic Thinking National Group - Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador

As part of the ODS Territorio Ecuador initiative, led by FFLA and Grupo FARO, the "SDGs Strategic Thinking National Grou(...)

Posted by Juan Herrera,
Grupo FARO

January 9 2018

Local experience

Spanish local and regional governments are driving the local(...)

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has developed together with UCLG a dedicated webpage about(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

January 5 2018


SDGs Project in the Municipalities of Parana receives award(...)

The second vice president of the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) of Brazil, Marcel Micheletto, and presid(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 14 2017


Local practices on the SDGs from 20 Flemish municipalities

In May 2017, VVSG kicked off a pilot project on localizing the SDGs. Together with 20 Flemish municipalities, we experim(...)

Posted by Hanne Albers,
VVSG vzw

December 14 2017


Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN calls(...)

In Hangzhou (China) on 7 December 2017, at the occasion of UCLG World Council, H.E. Ms. Amina Mohamed, Deputy Secretary(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

December 12 2017


Launch of the second ODS localization learning module within(...)

Within the framework of the Mercocities Summit , in Córdoba, Argentina, the Latin American network Mercociudades togeth(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

December 12 2017


One Young World 2017: My Takeaways as a Delegate and Sustain(...)

I have been fortunate enough to attend various local and international summits in my life, but this is the first confere(...)

Posted by Salem Afeworki,
Value Sustainability

December 5 2017

Local experience

Mesa Redonda| Localizando los ODS. Transformando los Objetiv(...)

El dia 22 de noviembre tuvo lugar en Merida (Extremadura, España) la Mesa Redonda “Localizando los ODS. Transformando lo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 29 2017

I Global Forum of Local Governments

The city of Seville, Spain hosted the First Global Forum of Local Governments from November 22 to 24. During the event,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 28 2017


Countries from the Commonwealth of Nations share their visio(...)

Ahead of the Commonwealth Local Government Conference, which is about to start in a few hours in Valletta, Malta (21-24(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 21 2017


Local and regional actors share visions and strategies for t(...)

Representatives of regional governments, prefectures, civil society and the private sector, have participated in several(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 17 2017



6 de octubre de 2017, ciudad de Salta, Argentina- La consultora en Desarrollo Sostenible Smartly Consulting lanzó en la(...)

Posted by Analia Pastran,
Smartly, Social Entrepreneurship in SDGs

November 16 2017

Achieving a sustainable urban America: SDSN tracks the statu(...)

The U.S. Cities SDG Index, developed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), serves as a(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 15 2017

Nearly 500 people participated in the XII Ibero-American Con(...)

The City of Manizales, in the Department of Caldas, has gathered more than 450 people in the XII Ibero-American Congres(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 14 2017


Athens Marathon – UNRIC cooperation for the UN@70 and SDGs p(...)

Following an initiative taken by the Greek MFA and UNRIC,  the Athens  Marathon  - The Authentic  (8 November 2015),  ha(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 9 2017

Local experience

One football match, 17 Goals scored

On Sunday, 30 April 2017, Greek football Club PAS GIANNINA 1966  joined forces with the United Nations to raise awarenes(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 9 2017

Local experience

UN DAY in Paris : Engaging youth to support the Sustainable(...)

Organisers expected around 300 visitors, mainly students, but an hour after opening, the main hall of UNESCO’s headquart(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 9 2017


Valencia concludes the first meeting of regions with the com(...)

The Ministry of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation has closed the First Meeting of Regi(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 6 2017

Local experience

UNDP Partners with the first SDGs Center in Indonesia

JAKARTA – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) joins forces with one of Indonesia’s leading universities, Unive(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 6 2017

Local experience

Building neighborhoods: starting from the local level, Madri(...)

Conscious about the essential role that the citizenship have in ensuring the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustaina(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 3 2017

Local experience

Sustainable Antioquia: A collective action path towards the(...)

If you are looking for an example of a multisectoral regional platform that actively works to locate the SDGs, Sustaina(...)

Posted by Local2030,

November 3 2017

Local experience

Dialogue between Ibero-American and African networks of loca(...)

The Learning session on Localizing the SDGs – a Dialogue between Ibero-American and African networks, was held last week(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 27 2017

Latin American and Caribbean municipalities trained to local(...)

In the framework of the 2nd Regional Forum of Local Economic Development, celebrated in Cochabamba, Bolivia last June 20(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 26 2017

Local experience

At the 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development, local(...)

The fourth edition of the World Forum of Local Economic Development, which started in Andalusia (Spain) in 2011, took pl(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 25 2017


New Askers work on the SDGs

The new Asker municipality (1) has formally decided to utilise the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals as a(...)

Posted by Vibeke Sand,
The new Asker municipality

October 24 2017


Play the simple part: connecting the SDGs and our communitie(...)

We selected 50 participants as SDGs champions for awareness workshop at Goverment Girls Secondary School, Abubakar Kigo(...)

Posted by Dennis Ekwere,
Children and Young People Living for Peace

October 23 2017


The localization of the SDGs: Implementing the SDGs in Colom(...)

By Mahmoud Mohieldin, World Bank Group Senior Vice President for the 2030 Agenda, United Nations Relations and Partne(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

October 23 2017

Global Goals Municipality Campaign in the Netherlands

VNG International launched a campaign revolving around the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The Global Goals Mu(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

October 12 2017

Local experience

The SDG Territory Ecuador project

The initiative ODS Territorio Ecuador contributes to the implementation of the SDGs through the generation of participat(...)

Posted by Mireya Villacís,
Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano

October 10 2017

Local experience

The Province of Napo in Ecuador initiates the process of pri(...)

As part of component 1 of the ODS Territorio Ecuador project on August 22 in the city of Tena, the first meeting of the(...)

Posted by Juan Herrera,
Grupo FARO

September 29 2017

Local experience

Flanders regional government reiterates its commitment towar(...)

To celebrate its decade long partnership with Malawi, the Government of the Belgian region of Flanders hosted on Septemb(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 15 2017

Local experience

UN Summer Academy - Localizing the 2030 Agenda

The 6th edition of the UN Summer Academy took place from 21 to 25 August 2017 on the UN premises in Bonn, Germany on the(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

September 13 2017

How cities in Southeast Asia are acting on the SDGs ahead of(...)

‘The common characteristic found among the frontrunner cities — regardless of country, size and socio-economic profile(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

September 6 2017


Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) strives for the following core interventions to contribute i(...)

Posted by AHM Bazlur,
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication

August 30 2017

Local experience

Asian Cities at the front lines of Sustainable Development

Why the fight for a sustainable world without poverty just moved to the cities by Hannie Meesters, Policy Specialist, U(...)

Posted by Local2030,

August 28 2017

¿Cómo medir indicadores en la localización de los ODS en Bra(...)

Brasilia, Brazil

El sistema de Mandala de Desempeño Municipal de los ODS en los Municipios Brasileños  Descripción de la Metodología, de(...)

Posted by Santiago Martin,

August 19 2017

Three ways to ‘localize’ financing for sustainable urban dev(...)

The Financing for Development process made possible a broadly participatory discussion on urban sustainable developmen(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

August 16 2017


POLICY TRANSFER PLATFORM: access case studies from cities ar(...)

The Policy Transfer Platform is a tool created by the City of Berlin and supported by Metropolis and other partners to s(...)

Posted by Camille Toggenburger,
Policy Transfer Platform

July 31 2017


Report highlights role of local and regional governments in(...)

The report, a contribution of UCLG to the Global Taskforce, was presented at the High Level Political Forum on Sustain(...)

Posted by UCLG CGLU,

July 28 2017

Local experience

SDG Game 2017

Recap: SDG Game, April 6-9 About two months ago, Kazan UN Club (Academy of Youth Diplomacy) organised the «SDG Internat(...)

Posted by Daria Zharova,
Academy of Youth Diplomacy

July 20 2017


Using bricks to build SDGs awareness

Since 2003, Lego, the toy manufacturing Company, started working together with United Nations through the Global Compact(...)

Posted by Local2030,

July 19 2017


In Mâcon (France), from the heat network to the global energ(...)

The town of Mâcon (33,500 inhabitants, Saône-et-Loire, France) has set up a heating network associated with the constru(...)

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL,
Villes de France

June 29 2017

Local experience

Pontarlier (France) implements its global energy policy

The town of Pontarlier (17,413 inhabitants, Doubs, France) places great emphasis on controlling energy expenditure unde(...)

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL,
Villes de France

June 8 2017

Local experience

Local actions in Europe and beyond

The need for local governments to participate not only as implementors but as actors for development has been increasing(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 6 2017


Barcarena, Brazil includes SDGs in their planning mechanisms

The city of Barcarena (PA), aiming to be recognized as a sustainable city, is preparing its Pluriannual Investment Plan(...)

Posted by Local2030,

June 2 2017

Local experience

An ambitious new program aims to support Regional Governance(...)

On 24 May 2017, the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization (MIDEC) organized in Nouakchott a workshop to official(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 29 2017

Become an SDG Pioneer 2017

The UN Global Compact launches a call for nominations for the SDG Pioneers 2017 edition. Individuals engaged with achiev(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 22 2017


Ecuador rewards the best ideas to spread the ODS

In a joint action, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (AEI(...)

Posted by Local2030,

May 18 2017

Local experience

UCLG held the first Training Module on the Localization of t(...)

Building on the partnership on “localizing the SDGs” between the Global Taskforce and UN organizations, United Cities an(...)

Posted by GOLD ,

May 2 2017


Sixty young leaders to localize the SDGs in more than 50 cit(...)

60 young leaders, 52 cities The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth) has se(...)

Posted by Anastasiya Kostomarova,
SDSN Youth

April 28 2017


The Basque Government launches education strategy for social(...)

In conjunction with the provincial councils, municipalities and civil society, the Basque Government (GV) by the Basque(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 26 2017

Local experience

Argentina launches a new platform to connect businesses with(...)

In early 2017, the Argentine Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) has launched a new online platform ODS(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 19 2017

Local experience

CapDEL: Local Development and Participatory Democracy in 10(...)

A new cooperation project in Algeria between the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government, the European Union (EU)(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 19 2017

Local experience

Sao Paulo and the multidimensional implementation of the SDG(...)

Right after the presentation of the Sustainable Development Goals as a global agenda, the regional government of Sao Pau(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 12 2017

Local experience

Saumur (France) fight against fuel poverty

The Community Center for Social Action (CCAS) of the French town of Saumur (27 300 inhabitants) offers to accompany the(...)

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL,
Villes de France

April 12 2017

Local experience

The Brazilian National Confederation of Municipalities will(...)

The Secretariat of Government (SEGOV) of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil announced on Wednesday, April 5, the r(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 12 2017

Local experience

France strengthens its commitment to achieve a sustainable a(...)

Since ensuring good cooperation projects became the backbone for the achievement of a sustainable and inclusive local de(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 5 2017

Local experience

Is Asia-Pacific on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030?

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) has published some fascinating infographics, which explore Asia-Pacific's l(...)

Posted by Local2030,

April 4 2017



Albi (French town of 49 531 inhabitants) was elected "city of biodiversity" because it has a food self-sufficiency proj(...)

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL,
Villes de France

April 3 2017

Local experience

Bioloos: Eco-friendly Sustainable Sanitation

Sanitation facilities, globally and in India, are alarmingly poor. India has nearly 600 million people (half of the popu(...)

Posted by Sanjay Banka,
Banka BioLoo

March 25 2017


Want to meet the SDGs? Invest in longitudinal data

Source: Asian Development Bank Blog Authors: Arturo Martinez, Iva Sebastian, Jude David Roque   To meet the Sustainab(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 23 2017

Navarra works at the location of the ODS

The community of Navarra in Spain is made up of 272 municipalities and more than 640 thousand inhabitants. Since 1998,(...)

Posted by Local2030,

March 23 2017

Local experience

The city of Bayonne (France) chose the eco-solidarity water(...)

The City of Bayonne, France, decided to test the introduction of an eco-solidarity tariff of drinking water. She partic(...)

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL,
Villes de France

March 23 2017

Local experience

How Baltimore is using the Sustainable Development Goals to(...)

Written by CAREY L. BIRON, Citiscope     BALTIMORE, United States — In April 2015, this aging industrial city(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

March 22 2017

A Platform for Sustainable Harmony: The Give First Initiativ(...)

Dear Government officials, NGOs, CEOs, employees, volunteers, SME owners, non-profits, individuals of all nations, today(...)

Posted by Patrick Glenn,
Give First Initiative

March 18 2017

Saint-Brieuc Agadez cooperation and for access to basic heal(...)

Bruno Joncour, Mayor of Saint-Brieuc, received in February 2017 in Paris one of the trophies awarded to reward municipa(...)

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL,
Villes de France

March 7 2017

Local experience

Accountability Systems for Measuring, Monitoring and Reporti(...)

UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, has launched the “Accounta(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

March 7 2017

Local experience

German municipalities begin to localize the SDGs

Fifteen municipalities and the provincial (Land) government of North Rhine Westphalia in Germany are developing SDG(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

March 7 2017

Local experience

Flemish municipalities work towards integrating the SDGs in(...)

For the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG), the sustainable development goals are key for the futur(...)

Posted by Hanne Albers,
VVSG vzw

February 27 2017

Local experience

Papua New Guinea Documentary ‘Driving The Change’

A unique and powerful documentary, which focuses on the struggle and success of the remote highlands community of Domil(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 22 2017


Teens Dream - Youth video competition on the SDGs

TEENS DREAM ENGAGES TEENS ACROSS THE PLANET TO CONNECT THEM ON THE SDGs! Teens Dream, inspired by Dr. King, is a collab(...)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca,

February 17 2017


Thus co-we create in Medellin

The talent is scattered and out of organizational and governmental boundaries. Through social technologies can integrat(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 13 2017

Local experience

Suriname developed a Card Game on SDGs

In Suriname, the Ministry of Regional Development, with technical assistance of and funding from the UNDP, implements a(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 8 2017

Local experience

Academic discourse on opportunities and challenges for Small(...)

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Country Office Suriname in collaboration with the Institute of Internation(...)

Posted by Local2030,

February 8 2017


In Ghana UN Volunteers embark on community advocacy on the S(...)

The launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was accompanied by the need for increased awareness and knowledge(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 30 2017


Outreach on the SDGs with High Schools in Ghana

In Ghana, the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was accompanied by the need for increased awareness and(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 30 2017

Local experience

Defining, agreeing and contrasting the basis of a White Pape(...)

The Basque Government since 2013 has promoted a process to define, agree and contrast the basis for a White Paper on De(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 27 2017

Local experience

City Partnership Program: Addressing Complex Development Cha(...)

At first sight, Yokohama and Toyama cities in Japan might not have much in common. Yet, they both represent models of su(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 27 2017

Local experience

Orange The World Celebrations

The 2016 UNiTE campaign strongly emphasizes the need for sustainable financing for efforts to end violence against women(...)

Posted by Sailesh Singhal,
United Nations Inter Agency Network on Youth and Gender Equality

January 21 2017

Share One, Plant One

Last year, Youth Of Siliguri initiated The Pocket Money Campaign, which involved sensitizing youngsters to contribute a(...)

Posted by Sailesh Singhal,
United Nations Inter Agency Network on Youth and Gender Equality

January 16 2017


Want sustainable urban development? It’s time for Local Agen(...)

Key will be moving beyond aspiration to focus on specific implementation mechanisms and road maps for action. Writt(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 10 2017

The Proactivists Inspire Hundreds Across Europe, Middle East(...)

Over the course of 2015 we have worked across Amsterdam, Budapest, Dubai, Geneva, Hong Kong, Korea, London, Ras Al Khaim(...)

Posted by Stephen King,
The Pro-Activists

January 6 2017


Videos from Seoul: Achieving Accountability and Transparency(...)

Together with the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) in the Republic of Korea, the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) has(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 5 2017

Local Pathways Fellowship

By 2050 almost 70% of global population will live in urban areas. The success of the SDGs rests in our ability to transf(...)

Posted by Local2030,

January 3 2017


VVSGs efforts in Localising the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals are an important tool for Flemish local authorities and their partner towns in the glo(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 23 2016


CNM shares its first-hand experience on localizing the SDGs(...)

The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) in Brazil presented the project Localizing the Sustainable Developmen(...)

Posted by Local2030,

December 12 2016

Local experience

A new app turns the “SDGs in Action”

A new mobile application is available to get to know the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and engage all actors to j(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 26 2016


Suriname starts Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals(...)

For the implementation of the SDG 17, which reads “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global part(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 25 2016

We App Heroes

Citizens all over the globe will now be able to get together to advance local sustainability with the support of a new a(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 20 2016

Local experience

2016 World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders: SDGs Locali(...)

Local and regional governments, their associations and International Organizations discuss together about  their experie(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 20 2016


Bike 4 SDGs

Devoted to support Sustainable Development Goals and focusing on inclusion, environment, healthy lifestyle and partnersh(...)

Posted by Local2030,

October 7 2016

Local experience

HLPF Side Event: Localizing the SDGs

New York, United States of America

From 11 to 20 July 2016, the United Nations Member States together with a wide array of stakeholders participated in the(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 28 2016


Localizing the SDGs in the municipalities of Brazil

This month marks the beginning of a partnership between the National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM) and(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 28 2016

Local experience

A train brings the SDGs on tour through Belarus

The eight-day journey of the train "UN 70 Belarus Express for SDGs" has been a creative approach to the 2030 Agenda for(...)

Posted by Local2030,

September 28 2016

Local experience

Your stories are central to everything.
Be it trying or triumphant, insightful or inspiring, we would love to hear your story and consider it for publication.

Are you looking for concrete solutions and innovations to localize the SDG's? Search among a wide list of examples and local experiences.

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