Sustainable Antioquia: A collective action path towards the location of the SDGs

Posted by Local2030, November 3 2017 0 Local experience

If you are looking for an example of a multisectoral regional platform that actively works to locate the SDGs, Sustainable Antioquia - launched in the department of Antioquia in Colombia - can be your reference.

The initiative arose precisely with this idea: to become the first initiative in Colombia of participatory regional character for the consolidation of a Territorial Vision 2030. Launched in 2016, the initiative is led by 6 promoter organizations: Proantioquia, the Center for Social Thought, Innove , Corporación ProSur, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Eafit University. In addition, 150 entities have come together and are now linked to this initiative.

How does it work? Sustainable Antioquia is conformed as a ' Community of Practice' ; an open learning and articulation space where the different territorial actors (public, private and social sectors) can deepen their knowledge and experience about the SDGs by interacting with others continuously.

The learning process, the core of the initiative, is divided into thematic cycles (image 1). Each cycle corresponds to a thematic module, whose structural management is as follows

1. Formation of critical mass and spaces of joint creation. Chairs of the Center for Social Passing

2. Creation spaces and joint actions . Deepening workshops.

3. Knowledge management for compliance with the SDGs. Systematization of good local practices

4. Indicators and goals of public management for sustainability. Indicators Sustainable Antioquia.

5. Integration of business, academic and social sector reports for sustainability

In this framework (during cycle 5), to close the year 2016, the data available for the Department of Antioquia was mapped: Baseline of indicators available in Antioquia for the measurement of OD S (image 2)

After 1 year of work, more than 330 people and 150 organizations were present throughout the cycles. Multi-level alliances were achieved such as;

  • At the local level: the Mayor's Office of Medellín, the Departmental Assembly of Antioquia, Council of Medellín, Metropolitan Area of ​​the Aburrá Valley.
  • At the national level: National Planning and Statistics Department: DANE and DNP or CEPEI (International Thinking Center of Colombia)
  • At the International level: Earth Institute of the University of New York, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network - SDSN, and Engagement Global, of the Federal Government of Germany.

As an example of these alliances, the " Medellín and Antioquia on the Sustainable Development Goals Route " working table held within the framework of the Medellín how we are program is highlighted, and which reflects the commitment of joint action by the SDGs between Antioquia Sustainable, Medellín as we go, DNP, DANE and UNDP Antioquia.

During this year 2017, Sustainable Antioquia is in the process of transcending the Learning and Practices Community through the creation of a multisectoral platform that will allow the different actors to integrate their respective ODS indicators so that they can report their contributions and progress in achieving by the SDGs.

In addition, the initiative is offering the opportunity to generate alliances with new Colombian actors to possibly support the replication of the model in other territories. The objective? The construction of a global network of sustainable territories!

  Source of all the photos; Sustainable Antioquia Memories 2016 - Year 1. pdf

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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