Local 2030 Sweden Hub Digital Campaign

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat September 15 2020 0 Hubs

Local 2030 Sweden Hub  (Global Utmaning) is multi-stakeholder group* has launched a Local2030 hub to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs at the local level. The focus of our hub is on to build capacity for inclusive urban development (SDG 5, 10, 11 and 17) among cities, municipalities and regions as a means to achieve the other SDGs locally contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda globally.

Within this overarching focus, the hub aims to support the achievement of the following target(s):

  • By 2030, create a comprehensive and proactive hub for capacity building in inclusive urban development
  • By 2030, increase inter-regional and North-South collaboration for local implementation of the 2030 Agenda
  • By 2030, organise bi-annual multi-stakeholder Urban Forums
  • By 2030, highlight local challenges and local solutions in adapting the SDGs to local governance and urban settings
  • By 2030, advocate for the importance of increasingly bringing local issues to the global scene

Global Utmaning moreover commits the 2030 hub to:

  • Ensure that our SDG priorities are implemented in a participatory manner, guaranteeing that the most vulnerable and marginalized members of our community are included;
  • Within the next year, develop an SDG action plan/policy or series of plans/policies to ensure the implementation of the Hub objective; and
  • Within the next two years, begin reporting regularly on progress in achieving the agreed the targets and implementing the corresponding actions, policies and plans developed.

Global Utmaning acknowledges that our continued status as a “Local2030 Hub” is contingent on complying with the requirements outlined above. Acknowledging that the achievement of the SDGs is a common effort, we moreover commit to sharing innovations, new solutions and knowledge with other Local2030 partners and Hubs.

Follow Global Utmaning on social media: FacebooK:@SwedenLocal2030 , Twitter: @swedenlocal2030 and Instagram: @swedenlocal2030.

For more information, visit Sweden Local2030 Hub




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