Is Asia-Pacific on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030?

Posted by Local2030, April 4 2017 0 Perspectives
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) has published some fascinating infographics, which explore Asia-Pacific's likely progress on the SDGs if the trends until 2016 continue.
These infographics have been drawn from the SDG Scorecard 2030, an initiative to project where the world will be in 2030 across the SDG agenda.
The SDG Scorecard selects one target for each goal, which represents the goal’s main aims. It analyzes the best available projections for that target. For each of the selected 17 targets, trends are reviewed and current rates of progress are projected forward to see how close they will get to being realised.

Based on these projections, each target is given a grade. The result is a ‘scorecard’ of where the world will be in 2030, against select targets, assuming progress continues at its present rate.

To read more about these projections across different regions, visit the SDG Scorecard 2030



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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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