Bristol's Voluntary Local Review and One City Plan

Posted by Local2030, July 15 2019 0 Local experience

The City of Bristol, in partnership with the University of Bristol, the Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRC) and Bristol One City, has released its Voluntary Local Review (VLR) for 2019. This report summarises the progress and challenges encountered by the City of Bristol with regard to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The document combines a comprehensive review of statistical indicators with an extensive consultation exercise to provide a goal-by-goal overview of Bristol's initiatives to achieve the SDGs.

The full report can be found here.

Furthermore, the city of Bristol, together with the University of Bristol, Bristol Green Capital Partnership and Bristol One City, has launched its One City Plan with which it looks into the future to plan what city it wants to be in 2050. Envisioning a path to create a fair, healthy and sustainable city, the Council of Bristol has partnered with public, private, voluntary and third sector actors to attempt to identify the opportunities and challenges lying ahead and bring the city together around its common causes. The document identifies objectives to accomplish within specific timeframes listing them individually within particular SDGs.

Bristol's One City Plan can be accessed here.

For further information, don't hesitate to visit Bristol's One City Plan website here!

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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