Distance education on the Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030, June 18 2018 0 Perspectives

During the XXI March to Brasilia in Defense of the Municipalities, an event that brings together mayors, and government representatives from all over Brazil, the Project Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched the Distance Education course on the SDGs.

The project is an initiative of the Brazilian National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) and the ART Initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in coordination with UNDP Brazil.

The 5-week course will have four modules, which will be done entirely online through the Distance Education Platform (EAD) and will begin on July 18, 2018.

Among the topics of the classes are the introduction to the SDGs and their importance for municipal management; awareness raising, promotion and dialogue for the localization of the SDGs; alignment with municipal development plans; monitoring and evaluation. Students will also build an Action Plan as an exercise to conclude the course.

The action takes place in the framework of the second phase of the project, focused on raising awareness and training of municipal public managers for the implementation and scope of the 17 SDGs.

"The course, first in Latin America, for local authorities aims to strengthen the management capacity of the municipalities of Brazil with concrete tools that improve the quality of life of citizens in line with Agenda 2020", says the Director of the Project, Santiago Martin Gallo.

The project has also contributed to the global debates on sustainable development by sharing the Brazilian experience on the local implementation of the SDGs with other countries through the exchange of best practices and the promotion of the guides that can also be found on this platform, such as: 1 ) Guide for the location of the SDGs in the Brazilian municipalities ; 2) Guide for the integration of the SDGs in the Brazilian municipalities ; and 3) Mandala ODS .

Read more information on the website ( http://ods.cnm.org.br/ ) or send an email to ods@cnm.org.br .

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