Concept notes and papers
The Municipal Performance Mandala is a "radar" type chart, which shows the degree of development of the Municipality according to 4 dimensions: economic, social, environmental and institutional. Twenty-seven indicators were selected, a product of the project: Strengthening the role of municipalities in locating, and specifically in monitoring and accountability systems of local ODS. In order to propose a grouping of municipalities for the Mandala of the ODS, the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) used the following indicators: • The total population; • The Net Current Revenue (RCL) per capita; • Population in extreme poverty; And • the Municipal Human Development Index (HDI).
Available in Português
The SDG in Action Project–a partnership between Metropolitan SDG Observatory (METRODS), University Newton Paiva, and Nossa BH Movement–developed and tested an indicator framework to monitor the achiev...
Available in Português
This platform provides access to data compiled through the UN System in preparation for the Secretary-General's annual report on "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals". The data series...
Developed by United Nations Statistics Division
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation