Guidance and systemization of experiences
This EU Guide “Connecting Universities to Regional Growth” has been designed to enable public authorities to promote the active engagement of universities and other higher education institutions in regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation, in cooperation with research centres, businesses and other partners in the civil society. It can also be used by academic and economic partners to explore the benefits they can expect from working together for regional development. Moreover, this guide might support those interested in submitting an application to the RegioStars award 2013 on this topic, based on good practice co-funded by Cohesion Policy.
Available in English
This report summarises the results of a global mapping exercise of local authorities’ M&D practices conducted by the Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI). The study is based on the consul...
Developed by Joint Migration and Development Initiati...
Posted by Joanne Irvine
Concept notes and papers
Available in English
This roadmap aims to support local and regional governments and their associations to implement and monitor the SDGs and to influence national policy-making with a view to creating an enabling environ...
Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Raising Awareness