The Province of Napo in Ecuador initiates the process of prioritization of strategic ODS

Posted by Juan Herrera, Grupo FARO September 29 2017 0 Local experience

As part of component 1 of the ODS Territorio Ecuador project on August 22 in the city of Tena, the first meeting of the group that formed the Provincial Dialogue Space on ODS in Napo was held with the participation of 30 people from 14 organizations: the decentralized Autonomous Governments (Prefecture and Municipality of Tena); the Technical University of Loja (UTPL); the Ministry of Tourism; SENPLADES Zone 2; the Chamber of Commerce; media; the Kichwa People, the Women's Committee and NGOs; as well as International Cooperation (GIZ).

After a debate and feedback from the plenary, and through a participatory methodology based on the strategic priorities of the province, the group prioritized 4 objectives that will guide the reflection on the implementation and monitoring of ODS in Napo.

It is expected to replicate this space in the provinces of Manabí, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Azuay and Galápagos.

Below is the video of this space held in the city of Tena!

About the ODS Territory Ecuador Initiative

The ODS Territorio Ecuador Initiative promotes the implementation of ODS in Ecuador through spaces for dialogue and participation, supervised observatories for ODS monitoring and a capacity building program.

More information about the project in the following video.

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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