Closing and final declaration of the 3rd Regional Forum of Local Economic Development (LED)

Posted by Local2030, June 4 2019 0 Perspectives

From May 7 to 9, the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) held the 3rd Regional Forum on Local Economic Development (LED), which included the participation in plenary sessions, sessions and workshops of some 670 guests from 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and beyond. The objective of the event was to deepen and advance in the reflection on the benefits of LED, as a framework for SDGs localization, with this year's theme being "Local economic development in fragile territories and affected by conflicts and violence: a framework of resilience and cohesion for sustainable and inclusive development "

The final statement

The Forum concluded with a declaration in which it reaffirms "the potential of local economic development to promote a territorialization of public policies and governance mechanisms, as a common denominator to combine social inclusion, cohesion and territorial competitiveness; the bases of resilience ". of the territories in a framework of continuity between the processes of reintegration and socio-economic recovery, and the social reinvestment of their benefits in the processes of consolidating peace, preventing conflicts and conflicts and long-term sustainable development trajectories."

To read the full Final Declaration, click here.

To see the photos of the 3rd Regional Forum of Local Economic Development (DEL), do not hesitate to click here.

Or watch the recorded sessions of the event here.

And now that? On the way to the next Forum.

At the end of this 3rd Regional Forum, efforts are being made to organize the 5th World Forum for Local Economic Development to be held in Córdoba (Argentina) from December 2 to 4, 2019 under the theme "Innovation in the territories for improvement in the Quality of life."

You can follow the preparations and information about the event here.


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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