CapDEL: Local Development and Participatory Democracy in 10 towns of Algeria

Posted by Local2030, April 19 2017 0 Local experience

A new cooperation project in Algeria between the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government, the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) entitled "Strengthening Program actors local / common development models (CapDEL) "was officially launched Monday, January 16, 2017.

A cross-sectoral and participatory framework to bring out local solutions

The CapDEL program, funded by the European Union, the Algerian Government and UNDP totaling nearly 12 million dollars, and a 4-year period, aims to strengthen the capacity of local authorities and civil society as local development actors, to improve strategic planning and local democratic systems, integrating particularly women and youth, and their articulation with the different levels of governance. It technically and financially support local authorities, civil society, women and young people in response to their priorities in terms of improved economic opportunities and access to administrative and quality social services. It will thus contribute to the consolidation of governance, strengthening the social fabric and social capital, and diversification of the economy.

A vast project covering several provinces across the country

The initiative will be implemented in 10 towns representing pilots of different priorities, the typological diversity and geographic, demographic, cultural, social, economic and ecological common in Algeria. The 10 municipalities involved drivers: Timinoune (Adrar), Djemila (Setif), Ouled Ben Abdelkader (Chlef), blessed Maouche (Bejaia), Ghazaouet (Tlemcen) Tighziret (Tizi Ouzou), Messaad (Djelfa) El Khroub (Constantine), Djanet (Illizi) and Babar (Khenchela). They will serve as a reference for scaling nationally. The action represents a pilot, as an application of concrete local development policies and local governance developed at national level.

A look at the international

The CapDEL is the program that will initiate the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) at the local level, integrating them into phases: design, implementation and monitoring of local development plans in municipalities drivers. This innovative model of inclusive and sustainable development will be promoted internationally within the framework of multilateral strategic partnerships, South / South and Decentralized. The promotion of best practices, tools and mechanisms at regional and international level, will help position Algeria as a model in terms of local human development, particularly in the context of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.

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