Integrated approach to support the localization of the 2030 Agenda by subnational governments in Mexico

Posted by Local2030, May 24 2019 0 Local experience

In 2017, the UNDP Mexico Office and the Office of the President of Mexico initiated a process to localize the 2030 Agenda by state and municipal governments by encouraging the implementation of all 17 SDGs by Local and Regional Governments (LRGs). During its implementation, the practice extended its areas of activity towards integrating local capacity building to enhance efforts in attaining sustainable development.


The objective of the practice is to increase the institutional and technical capacity of state and municipal governments in Mexico to incorporate the sustainable development approach and principles into legal, organizational and planning instruments, through inclusive and participatory processes. Based on these challenges, the UNDP designed an integral intervention strategy that includes the following components;

(1).  Support for the creation and operationalization of so-called “2030 Agenda follow-up and implementation commissions” in each state;

(2).  Provide state governments with the knowledge and ad hoc tools necessary to integrate the 2030 Agenda/sustainable development approach and principles

(3). Support state governments in incorporating the 2030 Agenda approach and principles into their planning and citizen participation laws

(4). Support the capacity development of state and municipal staff by offering an integrated and personalized training on results-based planning for sustainable development

(5). Support state governments in the creation and strengthening of their monitoring and evaluation systems in such a way that these can be aligned with the 2030 Agenda and provide government officials with the necessary information about their progress

Actors involved

Apart from the UNDP Mexico Office and the Office of the President of Mexico, other key partners, which have carried out specific tasks with the support of specific local governments, include;

(1). Office of the Presidency: Creation and operationalization of “2030 Agenda follow-up and implementation commissions”

(2). GIZ: organization of seminars for local government staff on how to strengthen local planning and monitoring practices by adopting a sustainable development approach

Moving forward

Furthermore, the document also contains a list of results/outputs/impact, enabling and constraining factors and a final conclusion which highlights the relevance and positive results of this practice, while providing an exemplary model for other countries and regions to follow.

The full document can be viewed here


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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