A new app turns the “SDGs in Action”

Posted by Local2030, October 26 2016 0 Perspectives

A new mobile application is available to get to know the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and engage all actors to jointly find ways to make these goals a reality. The app, called “SDGs in Action”, has been designed by the United Nations Secretariat in cooperation with the mobile industry, Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA) and the Project Everyone, a non-profit global campaign.

“The Goals were adopted by Member States, but it is up to everyone – civil society, businesses and citizens alike – to achieve them. That is why the SDGs in Action mobile app is so timely. The app will bring the Goals closer to people and help make them more understandable and relatable to everyday life,” said Cristina Gallach, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. “So many people and groups around the world are already undertaking innovative projects in support of the Goals. What is special about this app is that it connects people and activists who want to make a difference in this world. I’m looking forward to seeing and reading about all these grassroots projects and achievements.[1]

The SDGs in Action app teaches everything about each of the 17 goals and its targets, by providing detailed information, key facts and explanatory videos. The app is also a collaborative tool, where users from around the world can interact and learn through the stories and experience shared.


Further, users are able to follow the latest news on preferred goals, find sustainable actions and events near them, as well as create their own initiatives to support the achievement of the SDGs.


Join this global effort to transform our world. To see more, visit: sdgsinaction.com

The SDGs in Action App is available in the App Store and Google Play:


[1] Read the full statement here

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