Your opportunity to shape the Global Alliance’s HLPF Report on SDG 16+

Posted by Local2030, May 2 2019 0 Perspectives

The Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies - a coordinating platform for Member States, private sector, civil society and UN entities to work together for peace, justice and strong institutions - is producing a SDG 16+ Report for the UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development  2019.

The SDG 16+ report seeks to show that measuring SDG 16 is possible and Progress on SDG 16 enables progress on other goals. It seeks to provide an overview of existing analyses and experiences on SDG 16 gathered since 2015. While it will be launched at the HLPF on Sustainable Development in July this year, its key messages will already be presented at major events in the run-up to the HLPF.

Read more about the report here.

To shape the key takeaways of the report, the Global Alliance is keen to receive feedback on the emerging priority areas for action from a wide range of stakeholders. 

You can participate in the eConsultation through the SDG16 Hub at

The consultation focuses on the key action areas identified by the report and one of them is a ‘whole of government’ approach which involves sub-national actors. All local governance actors and SDG localization community is therefoire invited to contribute.

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