Athens, Greece has 17 additional goals. The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations April 24 2018 0 Local experience

Since Monday 16 April 2018 and for the next four months, the  capital of Greece, has 17 additional goals. The 17 United Nations  Sustainable Development Goals.

On this day, the official radio station of the City of Athens “Athina 9.84” started, in cooperation with UNRIC, a series of radio programs entitled “Athens has Goals.” which are focused on the 17 SDGs. 

The inaugurating program of 16 April  was a two-hour informative program on the Goals, their foundation  and the way they will be accomplished by 2030. For two hours,  the well-known journalists Eleftheria Koumandou (left) and Eleonora Orphanidou (center), together with UNRIC Desk officer for Greece Dimitri Fatouros (right)  discussed about the 17 Goals  and how  these  could  make our world a better place for everyone. They were really two hours full of optimism, two hours that proved that change is possible.

During the program there also interviews with  Mr. Nikos Trantas, Head of the Office of Coordination for the SDGs  of the Greek Government, Mr. Asteris Houliaras, Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese and Mr. Konstantinos Machairas, coordinator of the Hellenic Platform for the Development.

Commenting on the cooperation between “Athena Radio 9.84" and the UN, Director of UNRIC Mrs. Debbie Seward,  stressed that in the United Nations we firmly believe that the Goals will be achieved only with the active participation of well-informed citizens, especially through well-informed young people who will grow up with them and benefit more from the success of the Goals. She also expressed her gratitude to the Athenians and Greek citizens for their active participation in the joint effort to make the world a better place for all of us.

The radio broadcasts will continue on every Monday until July 2018 with the presentation and analysis of each Goal individually by alternating exceptional guests and speakers.

UNRIC would like to  thank “Athina 9.84” , its director Mrs. Noni Karagianni and its  producer Mrs. Myrsini Lionaraki and most of all the presenters Mrs. Eleftheria Koumantou and Mrs. Eleonora Orfanidou for the excellent cooperation and their great contribution to our efforts in sharing the Goals with the Athenians and all Greek citizens. We  would also like to thank the journalists of Athena Radio 9.84, Mrs. Ioanna Papadimitropoulou and Alexandra Voudouri for their valuable help.

Stay tuned on Mondays to "Athina 9.84," the City of Athens radio station.

Because Athens, like the rest of the world, has 17 additional Goals: The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Dimitris Fatouros, Communications Officer for Greece and Cyprus, UN Regional Information Center (UNRIC)


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