Local Businesses Driving a Green Growth Economic Recovery

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN March 25 2022 0 Hubs

Convened by the Hawaii Local2030 Hub, the Sustainability Business Forum (SBF) published its 2021 Annual Report outlining progress to advance the Aloha+ Challenge Goals–Hawaii’s framework to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Annual Report also highlights the collective and individual actions that business leaders are taking to ensure a more sustainable, resilient future for Hawaii. 

The SBF includes 25 companies operating in Hawaii that are committed to driving private-sector action to achieve the state’s SDGs. The Hawaii Local2030 Hub is a public-private partnership committed to achieving economic, social, and environmental goals. 

In 2021, the SBF : 

  • Developed a set of locally and culturally relevant Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics and committed to measuring progress on those metrics; 
  • Contributed to the development of a carbon offset market in Hawaii; 
  • Helped to advance a green growth economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic related recession through sustainable tourism and other independent initiatives.

To increase transparency and accountability, the 25 companies agreed to track localized ESG metrics, including Diversity & Inclusion and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, on the Aloha+ Dashboard.

“As a diverse group of Hawai‘i companies, SBF members are united by a shared kuleana to reduce our environmental impact while helping drive socioeconomic improvements across our island communities. The Dashboard is incredibly helpful as a basis for dialogue and collective action toward these goals,” said Peter Ingram, Hawaiian Airlines President and CEO. 

The COVID-19 pandemic and related disruptions seen in 2020 underscore the importance of cross-sector partnerships and green growth policies that can stimulate the economy and create employment opportunities while supporting community well being and environmental stewardship. 

“As an island economy on the frontlines of climate change, Hawaii is vulnerable to severe weather events and prolonged hazards, including sea-level rise, increased frequency and severity of storms, and flooding. The COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic backlash is a preview of a climate-disrupted future. The SBF is working to reduce those risks by prioritizing climate change mitigation and adaptation, and helping to make our island communities more resilient and sustainable,” said Scott Seu, Hawaiian Electric Industries President and CEO. 

In 2022, the SBF will continue to respond to the emerging needs of the community, including increasing localized ESG reporting, ocean stewardship, workforce development and support the Sustainable Tourism Forum, modeled on the SBF. The Sustainability Business Forum provides a platform for business leaders to make collective progress on a green, resilient and equitable recovery to achieve Hawaii’s 2030 goals. 

The 2021 SBF Annual Report is available to the public, which can be accessed here

About Sustainability Business Forum

The Sustainability Business Forum (SBF) is a group of business executives who are taking the initiative to shape a sustainable future for Hawaii. SBF members share a deep commitment to their island home and a desire to drive private sector action to achieve Hawai‘i’s statewide sustainability goals. SBF members operate under Chatham House Rule to facilitate a candid dialogue and concrete action. They commit to align their company values with a triple-bottom-line approach (people, planet and profit) to achieve economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and community resilience to advance Hawaii’s Aloha+ Challenge and the global SDGs. The SBF represents 25 companies that operate in the Hawaiian Islands.


The story was originally posted here.

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