Cities for Global Health: Collective responses to global health emergencies

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat March 24 2020 0 Perspectives

Cities for Global Health is an initiative co-led by Metropolis and the Euro-Latin-American Alliance of Cooperation among Cities, AL-LAs, and is part of the live Learning Experience: beyond the immediate response to the outbreak, developed by UCLG and supported by UN-Habitat and Metropolis.

The global crisis generated by the COVID-19 outbreak is pushing cities of all shapes to give immediate answers to an emergency that is seriously threatening not only citizens’ health, but the social cohesion, the economy and the infrastructures of our territories.

While the virus spreads regardless of administrative boundaries, territorial scales or weather conditions, affecting millions of individuals simultaneously in different ways, it drives us to overcome management barriers. In metropolitan spaces, the collaboration of central cities and peripheries can make a huge difference to ensure that quality of life is not further threatened under scenarios of fragility and that no one is left behind.

Collaboration between administrations of different levels is key to deal with this crisis. Seeking to foster collective responses and facilitate the access of decision-makers to first-hand experiences about how urban areas across the globe can deal with situations alike, local and regional governments of all sizes from across the globe are invited to share: for more information here:

-Initiatives (e.g. plans, strategies, policies) designed specifically as a reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak

-Initiatives designed to face other health emergencies such as sanitary crisis or epidemics

Register and share your experience here

More information can be found here.

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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