National Council for Development and French International Solidarity: territories at the heart of the debate

Posted by Lisa Bonnet, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international April 26 2018 0 Perspectives

Paris, 22.02.2018

The National Council for Development and International Solidarity (CNDSI)   is a framework for dialogue and regular consultation between all the actors of development and international solidarity on the orientations of development policy. This consultative body of non-state actors is composed of 53 personalities gathered in college   : local authorities, NGOs, trade unions, employers, businesses, parliamentarians, universities and research centers, high-level foreign personalities.

Following the conclusions of   Interdepartmental Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICID)   of February 8, 2018,   an expanded CNDSI format was organized on 22 February 2018 to invite non-state actors to exchange and reflect on a renewed French development policy . The day was divided into two parts, the morning was devoted to a plenary with a high-level panel and the afternoon was dedicated to five thematic workshops.

In his introductory speech, the State Secretary to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs,   Jean-Baptiste LEMOYNE , emphasized three essential points of the conclusions of the CICID   :

  • the government's desire to increase the means   implementation of French development policy. By 2022, 0.55% of gross national income will be spent on official development assistance   ;
  • the   renewal of the partnership of France   with Africa, education and training, gender equality, climate and health are the main priorities of the five-year period   ;
  • the   partnership development   and one   increased accountability for more effective and closer interventions .

The plenary "   Together for a renewed development policy   »Allowed high level speakers to share their expertise. Thus, was emphasized the   need to better integrate Southern partners in project design . More decentralized and readable political leadership is recommended. The panelists want a   clarification as to the means and method for achieving the rebalancing of ODA for grants and least developed countries.   The adhesion and the appropriation of the populations, of the North as of the South, appeared as a key of the development. Evaluation is recognized as a fundamental tool, which must be relied upon to ensure better accountability of development policies. Finally, "   the purpose of the aid is to do without help   ". For this, it is necessary to strengthen the state capacities of developing countries for example in the field of state taxation and local taxation.

At this expanded CNDSI,   Oumou SALL SECK , Mayor of Goundam (Mali) and   Christine MORO , Ambassador for the external action of local authorities co-chaired the workshop dedicated to   "   Territorialization of development   : how to better intervene at the local level   ?   ". The diversity of the speakers and the quality of the exchanges made it possible to define the concept of territorialization of development, to make better known the relevance of the territorial level and the strategic role of the local authorities to arrive at integrated sustainable development and finally of discuss tools and policies that France can put in place to support the implementation of global agendas in the territories.

Annick GIRARDIN , Minister of Overseas Territories defined the concept of territorialisation of development as a "   Development aid policy adapted to the specificities of the territories in a logic of regional cooperation   ".

Johannes KRASSNITZER , International Coordinator of the UNDP's Territorial Articulation (ART) Initiative, emphasized the importance of localizing the SDGs. Political will is essential to put territories, their assets, their resources and their needs at the heart of development. He also underlined the historical support of the French State for the internationalization of territories and invited France to be more present and more active in advocating for the localization of the SDGs and partnerships at the national level. to achieve the 2030 Agenda. In this sense, the Minister of Overseas Affairs affirmed that the SDGs highlighted the issues of co-development, both in the North and in the South. It wants to make overseas a laboratory experimentation for the implementation of the Agenda 2030.

The President of the Centraider Regional Multi-stakeholder Network,   Tony BEN LAHOUCINE acknowledged that the SDGs can be real vehicles for transforming society profoundly. The issue of ownership of the SDGs has been raised by   Jocelyne BOUGEARD , Deputy Mayor of Rennes. It has thus recalled the challenges of multi-stakeholder cooperation, at the territorial level, in order to make public policies a reality that meets the expectations of citizens. Territorial cooperation with territory must not be limited to cooperation between public powers, it must bring with it all the forces of territories   young people, associations, the private sector, schools and training institutions, etc.

What to remember from the workshop «   Territorialization of development   : how to better intervene at the local level   ?   "   :
  • The SDGs have a structuring and transformative role , they must be the framework of development, in the North as in the South, at the local, national and global scales.
  • The SDGs have educational value . Raising citizens' awareness of the issues of international cooperation and sustainable development is fundamental.
  • The   decentralization process   must be under control and local authorities strengthened in their capacities.
  • Partnerships must be territorial and   involve all the local actors . RRMAs are relevant networks and serve the principle of   diplomacy multiplied   ".
  • Solutions must be sought for security problems encountered   by local authorities to allow the continuation of cooperation
  • Regional cooperation of the overseas collectivities is an example of territorialisation of development.
Download   the CNDSI report   (PDF) 
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