Local2030 Spotlight Series - Topic 4

Posted by Formisano FORMISANO, UN Habitat July 26 2020 0 covid-19

Dear friends and colleagues,

Local 2030 is pleased to announce the fourth topic of dicussion of the Local2030 Spothlight Series: Innovative Partnerships.

Before introducing the new topic, we would like to thank all partners and stakeholders that contributed to the inspiring debate on livelihoods and local communities. If you missed it, please click below to see some of the contributions that were shared from partners around the world: 

The COVID-19 crisis is impacting many aspects of our way of living. The health emergency has been rapidly transforming into a global economic crisis with unprecedented consequences on our societies; while inequalities, injustices and the structural bias characterizing today’s world have been revealed as COVID-19 is disproportionally impacting the marginalized and most vulnerable. 

The outbreak thus poses a significant challenge for all countries and communities – creating an exceptional need for international solidarity and a coordinated global response. The COVID-19 response requires rapid action and innovation. Tackling this crisis effectively requires increased partnership across all sectors and levels of governance – including public institutions, businesses, research, civil society, community associations, UN institutions, and others. Only by joining forces will we be able to overcome sectoral boundaries and the impacts of the crisis. 

What many COVID-19 partnership initiatives have in common is the willingness of institutions to work together pooling resources, knowledge and expertise to achieve a greater impact. Partnerships are developing innovative approaches to prevention, treatment and diagnosis; scaling production of vital equipment, PPE, soaps and sanitizers; increasing public awareness of COVID-19 prevention methods; strengthening food supply systems; protecting employment and income; and providing food and financial assistance to the most vulnerable. 

More than ever, partners are breaking down silos. The crisis has shone a light on the interconnected nature of our world, has demonstrated the need for deep systemic change, and has revealed that often, the best solutions lie in local capacity and knowledge. Local and regional governments have been at the frontline of these partnerships, coordinating territorial actors and designing innovative multi-stakeholder approaches to public management.  

The local level is where the most inspiring partnerships and solutions are being designed and promoted. By sharing these experiences, we can help each other — we invite you to let us know which kind of partnership and innovation the fight against the virus outbreak has triggered in your community.

  • How has the COVID-19 crisis created opportunities for partnerships in your community?
  • Which kind of partnerships have been established?
  • How are the different stakeholders ( local governments, civil society, business etc.) working together?
  • How have local governments connected with businesses to safeguard basic public services for the entire local population during the pandemic and beyond?
  • How has civil society worked together with the public institutions and other sectors in the fight against the pandemic? Which are the most inspiring "partnered" solutions developed by and within your community?
  • How partnerships have proven to be effective in monitoring preparedness response and collect data on situations related to COVID-19?

Record your video using your phone or camera and share it directly with us via Twitter or Dropbox.

  • Local2030 Dropbox: Record your video and upload it by clicking on this link. Videos will be shared on the Local2030 YouTube channel and some also on the Local2030 twitter account. NB: by uploading your video on Drobpox you are giving us your consent to republish it on our social media channels and use it as part of our advocacy efforts.
  • Twitter: Record your video and share it on twitter using the hashtags #Local2030, #SpotlightSeries. Local2030 will retweet the most relevant videos and make your voice heard within the global community.

Should you want to participate to the debate on Innovative Partnerships, please upload your video by Wednesday 12 August 2020.

When recording and uploading the video, please bear in mind the following requirements:

  • Tell us your name, position and institution (include them in the video title or description if you are uploading the video on Dropbox)
  • Length: Videos must be max. 2 minutes length
  • Resolution: the maximum resolution for videos is 1920x1200 or 1200x1900
  • Format: MP4 or MOV
  • Size: maximum file size is 512MB

For any questions related to your participation and technical support, please contact: martino.miraglia@un.org and maritza.formisano@un.org.

Should you want to know more about the work of Local2030 please visit our website and the dedicated page on Local2030 response to COVID-19.  We look forward to receiving your videos and to your contribution to the Local2030 global debate.

Kind regards,

The Local2030 Team 

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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