Helsinki first European city to present the Sustainable Development Report to the UN

Posted by Local2030, July 25 2019 0 Perspectives

In the leading up to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), held from 9-19 July 2019 in New York, the City of Helsinki has released its own (and European) first Sustainable Development Report, in June, officially handing it over the UN on July 18th. This report was to be included within the preparations for the HLPF which is the UN’s most important conference on sustainable development, tasked with assessing global progress towards the goals stated in the Agenda 2030 action program for sustainable development. Kicked off in 2015, the Agenda 2030 action program aims at eradication of extreme poverty and at sustainable development taking environment, economy and people equally into account. 

Helsinki's Sustainable Development Report is a welcomed document, which has its origins in September 2018, when the city committed to reporting on its own progress on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, following the groundbreaking report released by New York with which Helsinki has cooperated closely. The findings of the report show that the goals in Helsinki’s latest City Strategy match the UN sustainable development goals correctly and adequately. Furthermore, Helsinki has already carried out or is in the process of carrying out many measures that promote the UN goals. The findings of the report will also be used to support the planning of the city’s actions in the future.

The focus of the report

Through this report, the Finish delegation, together with several other actors such as representatives from the City of Helsinki, several ministries, the local Agenda 2030 youth organizations as well as civil organizations and businesses, highlighted its priorities during the HLPF, emphasizing areas such as education, competence and future-skills and their links to sustainable development. During the forum, Finland hosted two related events and organizes, in its fresh capacity of President of the Council of the European Union, and together with the EU, the first event within the UN framework that presents the EU’s work on the Agenda 2030.

To view the full report named "From Agenda to Action – The Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Helsinki 2019", click here.

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