Chad converts SDG targets and prepares Roadmap for domestication and localization

Posted by Local2030, October 5 2018 0 Local experience

The validation of the national contextualization and prioritization report of the SDG targets is came at the end of a workshop held in N'Djamena from 11 to 14 September 2018 by the Ministry of Economy and Development Planning with the support of the United Nations system through the UNDP. Work has regroup nearly four to twenty -Ten (90) participants from N'Djamena and representative provinces all structures ( Government , National Assembly , Sector Private , Media , Civil Society Organizations , United Nations System ) involved in monitoring the implementation of implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A sample representative and timing that have led the Country Director of UNDP, Ms. Carol Flora-Smereczniak to exclaim as question in his opening remarks Official Workshop in these terms : '' If this not now, what will be the better time to do this exercise ? And if this is not you who will thus have the responsibility to do ''.

Indeed the Country Director, '' success in setting implementation of the SDGs requires domestication in each country, considering the priorities national and challenges specific . To ensure the successful implementation implement ODD Chad, he East essential that development interventions defined, are put in artwork both nationally and locally, taking in the needs specific communities. In effect , so to honor the principle of "do not leave person on the side, "the development put into work in Chad must power provide access for all to basic social services, only jobs decent and others opportunities economic in sure to take consider " all layers of society" and " reach the most vulnerable ". To this end, the coordination and consultation mechanisms that will be put in place will have to ensure a strong coherence between the planning and budgeting processes. national and sectoral, in order to have the resources and means of implementation implementing interventions at the local level, and with the participation of all actors in development ''.

Following the UNDP Country Director , the Minister Chad Economy and Development Planning, Mr Issa Doubragne highlighted character strategic work of this workshop comes as the government Chad '' was committed to present its first voluntary national report monitoring the implementation implement ODD, commonly called Voluntary National Review at the Political Forum of top Level on Sustainable Development of July 2019 '' in New York.
In effect , enlightened Dr Issa Doubragne , '' The High Political Forums Level on Sustainable Development, held under the auspices of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations play a central role in the control of monitoring and reviewing the implementation 2030 work program at world ''. It is Why , for the Minister of the Economy and Development Planning , the quality of the report that will present the Chad will depend on the implication real stakeholders in the coming stages of its elaboration.

In this meaning, participants in the N'Djamena workshop work assiduously following a participatory process marked by presentations by the national experts and Ms. Mylène Lavoie from the team Inclusive Growth of the UNDP Regional Service Center based in Addis Ababa . These presentations have focused globally on the understanding of international development agendas, the key points of the implementation of the SDGs at the national level and the results of the alignment of the SDG targets in Chad's National Development Plan (NDP) 2017-2021 after the evaluation. fast integrated (RIA) '' which is a tool developed by UNDP to help countries evaluate their degree of readiness and operationalization of the SDGs. This analysis has therefore highlighted the degree of recognition account of the SDGs in the PND 2017-2021 and therefore the '' Vision 2030, Chad we want ''.

Clearly, though, the Chad National Development Plan emphasizes proper alignment with the SDGs targets (67% of target relevant to the context of Chad are taken in account of the NDP 2017-2021), it do remains no less than the RIA has put in highlight the lack of cross-sectoral synergies. What is a weakness, being given with a 2030 Agenda presenting a very top degree interconnection between targets and domains intervention, strengthening intersectoral contribute significantly to a set more coherent and effective implementation of development policies. Participants in outraged followed all a string presentations on the results of the ODD prioritization exercise Chad (which retained 34 targets ODD whose prosecution will allow to have the results expected from the 2030 Agenda in Chad ) and the process of developing the roadmap for their implementation implemented at national and local level. More specifically, the identification of local priorities, identifying partners and funding opportunities as well as the coordination mechanisms for domestication and localization of the SDGs have also the subject of presentations. Compared to local development, a detailed presentation on the PADLIT (Local Development Support Program and Inclusive Finance in Chad) which by its magnitude (since touch all 23 provinces of Chad) highlighted its role strategic in achieving the SDGs in Chad.
These different presentations served as orientation guides group work themes the results are finalized and the technical validation of the report of contextualization and prioritization of targets and drafts (national and local) of the roadmap for the domestication and location of the Sustainable Development Goals in Chad, by focusing on the rest of the planning period for 2017-2021 NDP.

The roadmap both Regarding the national dimension as local highlights the key items in front of contribute to the successful implementation of Agenda 2030 in Chad. The document demonstrates aligning national policy frameworks across sectors on the SDGs; analyses the institutional, suggests interventions to contribute to the acceleration of progress through the ODD and targets; mobilization of funding innovative to ensure their implementation work ; the improvement of data for proper monitoring and ODD at deployment of advocacy and commitment to ensure a approach holistic is adopted to advance the program.

The globally roadmap East organized around the seven areas that are alignment , prioritization and acceleration , location, data statistics , coordination mechanisms , advocacy / awareness raising and funding .

The article was initially published on the UNDP Chad website.


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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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