Argentina launches a new platform to connect businesses with ODS

Posted by Local2030, April 19 2017 0 Local experience

In early 2017, the Argentine Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) has launched a new online platform . to disseminate private initiatives aligned with the ODS. The initiative provides a framework to support, collect and analyze the contribution of the private sector with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Argentina, in order to understand where efforts go into building of the local agenda road to 2030. the project, developed by CEADS and EY Argentina, gathers experiences of companies contributing locally with different ODS and their respective goals.

The platform, which functions as support good ideas and initiatives has 50 member companies CEADS 26. This project aims to showcase the multiplicity of voices oriented Agenda 2030, as well as a space to promote collaboration and generate outside interest. Not only the relationship between the ODS, but also creating alliances will be critical to disseminate initiatives and to do that they generate long-term impact.

On the other hand, the new site provides companies seeking new tools to work in alignment with sustainability strategies with ODS. Also it brings a first analysis of the 50 companies that presented practices and other resources that may be of interest (To find out more details go to: / ).

Companies generally regarded as an obstacle to sustainable development, they can actually create opportunities for the implementation of Agenda 2030, which requires new skills and leadership. Companies can offer innovation (ODS 9), best practices necessary for decent work and economic growth (ODS 8) as well as responsible production and consumption (ODS 12) to drive progress. These three ODS have been recognized by UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) as the primary on which the private sector can focus. Given that "The business activity, private investment and innovation are major drivers of productivity, inclusive economic growth and job creation , " for leadership in achieving the ODS can not dispense with the private sector.

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