Mauritania: New regional presidents commit to further localization of SDGs through regional planning

Posted by Local2030, February 20 2019 0 Local experience

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, through the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have initiated a dialogue to accompany the process of decentralization reform in Mauritania. In this respect, the Program of Support to Regional Governance and Local Economic Development (PAGOURDEL), which is the direct result of this dialogue, constitutes the frame of reference for conveying and harmonizing the joint efforts of the various partners competing with process.

It is in this context that Nouakchott hosted the 18 and 19 of February 2019, within the premises of the Region, the International Seminar on Regional Development Planning and the Sustainable Development Goals in Mauritania. The Seminar was an opportunity for dialogue and sharing of best practices and experiences around how the regions can play a central role in guiding, stimulating and cohering the local development process, in the pursuit of sustainable and sustainable development. inclusive in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the same time, the exchanges brought out the imperative to strengthen the framework of action of the regions by equipping them with instruments and capacities necessary to face the challenges that their renewed functions imply in the framework of the institutional reform in progress.

The participation of several foreign partners, thanks to the support of the UNDP ART Initiative - including representatives of Moroccan, Andalusian, Basque, Catalan and Turkish institutions, as well as of the European Union - has made it possible to illustrate diverse models and experiences with the potential to contribute to and feed the ongoing regionalization process in Mauritania.

In this context, the participants expressed their will to continue their collaboration in order to identify opportunities for exchange of skills and technical cooperation in support of the action of the Mauritanian regions in the identified areas.

The Mauritanian regions, in turn, are committed to continuing and strengthening the dialogue, working in a network in a spirit of pooling resources and skills, which will be acquired, in favor of consolidating an effective and shared regionalization framework. .

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