The 2030 Agenda in Colombia: tracking the progress in each department

Posted by Local2030, April 27 2018 0 Local experience

For the Government of Colombia, the 2030 Agenda poses a key opportunity to generate transformations and give political impetus to issues of international, national and local interest that will improve the quality of life of all Colombians, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. , being also a tool to generate the enabling conditions of a stable and lasting peace.

This Agenda becomes the roadmap for sustainable development in three aspects:

  • Vision: The 2030 Agenda proposes goals that require thinking about actions with a long-term vision of the country.
  • Coherence: The commitment of the SDGs is to have a vision of development that includes, in addition to the economic dimension, the social, environmental and prosperity dimension. In this sense, the programs and policies for the coming years will seek to be more and more consistent with this purpose.
  • Interlocution and Voice: The implementation of the Agenda requires a permanent dialogue of all sectors of the National Government, the Departmental and Municipal Governments, but its adoption is not enough, this requires the appropriation of all the actors of society.

Colombia is a unitary and decentralized State, made up of 32 departments and 1,102 municipalities. Subnational governments play a fundamental role in the implementation and compliance of the SDGs in the territories, incorporating them into planning instruments, committing resources and implementing concrete actions to advance towards higher levels of welfare and progress of their inhabitants.

In this framework, a new virtual platform includes a tool that shows the progress of each department in the SDGs . By selecting an Objective, it is possible to see and analyze the trends of each of the available indicators, over time. The blank spaces show information gaps.

In addition, on the same platform it is possible to find the Departmental Development Plans 2016-2019 as well as the identification of departmental strategies that are aligned with the SDGs.

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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