Buenos Aires presents its first Voluntary Local Review

Posted by Local2030, July 25 2019 0 Local experience

During the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), which took place from 9-19 July 2019, the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina presented its first-ever Voluntary Local Review on the 17th of July. The VLR aims to track and showcase the city progress in terms of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) included within the 2030 Agenda. This year's HLPF focused on "quality education" (SDG 4), "decent work and economic growth" (SDG 8), "reduced inequalities" (SDG 10), "climate action" (SDG 13) and "peace, justice, and strong institutions" (SDG 16). This report was to be included within the preparations for the HLPF which is the UN’s most important conference on sustainable development, tasked with assessing global progress towards the goals stated in the Agenda 2030 action program for sustainable development. Kicked off in 2015, the Agenda 2030 action program aims at eradication of extreme poverty and at sustainable development taking environment, economy and people equally into account.

Measuring progress

In this year's HLPF the City of Buenos Aires exposed its results, together with other cities such as Helsinki and Wales, with Buenos Aires also adding an additional section to measure progress in "gender equality" (SDG 5), demonstrating the city's engagement and political priority in this matter. In its objective of localizing the SDGs, the City of Buenos Aires has moved to the forefront of city-capitals to release Voluntary Local Reviews showing, as well, the engagement of the city with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

For access to Buenos Aires' full report named "Voluntary Local Review: building and Inclusive and Sustainable Buenos Aires", please click here.

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