Under the guidance of the UN Deputy Secretary General, Ms. Amina Mohamed and the leadership of UN-Habitat and UNDP, an unprecedented effort was put in place by the UN System to define a new strategic direction for the Local2030 Iniative.
These efforts culminated in the relaunch of Local2030 as the Local2030 Coalition - a multi-stakeholder platform designed to facilitate cooperation across the UN and to support the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals, in September 2021, during the SDG moment at the 76 UN General Assembly.
The Local2030 Coalition was built on the premise that communities are closest to the challenges we face today – from health to climate to inequality and conflict – and are therefore in the best position to address them. It aims to mainstreaming SDG localization in the work of the UN. Likewise, the Local2030 Coalition will promote trust, coordination and collaboration across the different spheres of government and between sectors, as they are essential to ensure short-term results as well as the long-term transformational change that we have foreseen in the 2030 Agenda 2030.
The ultimate goal of the Local2030 Coalition is to bring together an extensive network of partners to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and innovative solutions that can accelerate SDG progress at local level. Through the Coalition we will engage and empower every local actor, everywhere. Check out that video and listen to what Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, the Executive Director of UN-Habitat and Mr. Achim Steiner, the Administrator of UNDP, have to say:
Governance of the Local2030 Coalition
The Secretariat is hosted by UN-Habitat that is also the permanent co-chair of the Coalition. The other co-chair is appointed for a period of two years, on a rotational basis. UNDP is the first co-chair, followed by FAO.
The Local2030 Coalition Steering Committee gathers key stakeholders and will provide strategic guidance to the work. It has five members – a national government representative, a local government representative, a civil society representative, a local government networks’ representative; and a private sector representative. The Steering Committee will meet for the first time on April 29th in New York on the margins of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.