Saint-Brieuc Agadez cooperation and for access to basic health care for the population

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France March 7 2017 0 Local experience

Bruno Joncour, Mayor of Saint-Brieuc, received in February 2017 in Paris one of the trophies awarded to reward municipalities engaged in "Eco Shares" (the association Eco Mayors). The city of Saint-Brieuc saw and underlined its long efforts of cooperation and friendship with the city of Agadez, Niger. This is the town of Agadez, requesting the project, which identified the strong need for the population, particularly in the Health Development Plan of the Republic of Niger which places the center of its concerns "the patient, population growth and health of the mother and child. " This project is in line with the Millennium Development Goals, objectives 5 "Improve maternal health" and No. 4 "Reduce child mortality", with the Health Development Plan of the Republic of Niger and the Plan Communal Development of Agadez.

As part of improving access to basic health care for the population, the decentralized cooperation project of Saint-Brieuc is to make solar electrification and equipping of five health centers located in the area rural device Agadez commune. This is to enlighten, to ventilate the area and ensure the refrigeration of medicines. At the end of electrification, local electrification committee was set up with a team for each of the boxes that will manage the solar installations daily. The environmental viability of the project has been provided since the choice to use solar systems and the technical solution proposed in this case provides for "sealed batteries," whose present electrolysis gel form, can not be discharged and therefore present less risk than "open batteries". In addition, solar energy, non-polluting, can reduce the battery consumption for flashlights or kerosene lamps often abandoned in nature once exhausted. Finally, autonomous lighting, intended for use overnight, enables secure access to health centers and also to keep people tempted to make their needs the night too close to buildings and contributes to hygiene edge health facilities.

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)