Play the simple part: connecting the SDGs and our communities

Posted by Dennis Ekwere, Children and Young People Living for Peace October 23 2017 0 Perspectives

We selected 50 participants as SDGs champions for awareness workshop at Goverment Girls Secondary School, Abubakar Kigo Road, Kaduna, Nigeria. The training aimed at bringing closer, localizing, stepping down and spreading the message of SDGs to the root beneficiaries at grass root and by young people to young people. We ended raising 17 local SDGs champions to drive on the message atfter the workshop in and out of the school so that the conversation continues.

Particpants were aged between 10-18years.

We started the program with a survey questionnaires to participants to answer, including the teachers too. Almost all the participants has never heard of SDGs in their lifetime.  This program was a window for them to hear for the first of SDGs and what they are. We use local play to dramatize locallly to their understanding. So many teachers have heard about SDGs on news but never knew what it is all about. This program avail them room to know and understand better. 

Participants were so impressed to know of the goals and were eager to know more by asking hard-nut questions. One of the girls asked us to explain the correlation of their bad condition pit toilet for over 1000 schools girls without functional toilet with goal 6 specifcally - clean water and sanitation.    

After the awareness workshop session, post questionnares were sampled to participants again, and there were clear indications that participants are aware of SDGs and undrestand the simple role of passing along the knowldge to peers at school, at home, and in the community for full benefit.

Our findings is that, more need to be done on connecting the SDGs and the local people at grass root as SDGs seems so global than local. And that is what we want to reinvent with you as a team. That is our simple part.


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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