The Court of Auditors of São Paulo launches unit to implement the SDGs

Posted by Local2030, February 8 2018 0 Local experience

With the aim of monitoring the implementation of the SDGs, the Court of Auditors of the State of São Paulo (TCESP) launched in partnership with UNDP, the Observatory of the Future on Wednesday, 31 of January 2018. The monitoring unit will develop studies and activities to train public servants, contributing to the systematization and dissemination of data and best practices that focus on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

"As an entity to external control and a tool for exercising citizenship, we could not let pass the opportunity to be part of this worldwide process that seeks the common good and the effectiveness of public policies. In addition to monitoring the development of all this, the unit will promote studies and training activities for the public servants. We will also bring together experts and help to disseminate data and best practices. The TCE can assist in raising the awareness of managers and guide them to include the goals in government plans", said the President of the Court, Sidney Beraldo.

The training of the public entity’ inspectors will also be part of the new structure of TCESP. In charge of the first analysis on the use of public resources, the inspectors will verify questions of legality, legitimacy, by observing the efficiency and effectiveness of the allocation of resources in public policies. Based on this analysis, technicians, auditors and advisers of the TCESP can evaluate the quality of expenditure performed by governments and public entities. In this context, the SDGs will become part of the list of items checked by the inspectors.

Through the Municipal Management Effectiveness Index (IEG-M), the Court already monitors the effectiveness of the policies and activities carried out by public agents. To this extent, the entity can identify characteristics of municipal management, in a clear and objective way, consolidated in a single index. The IEG-M will be used by the Observatory as a tool to monitor the incorporation of the SDGs into public policies.

"With the launch of the Observatory, the Court of Auditors of São Paulo places itself at the forefront of monitoring the SDGs. The extensive IEG-M database is a powerful tool to concrete monitor the progress of SDG indicators. UNDP Brazil welcomes the partnership with TCE, which is a fundamental entity to support the alignment of public policies with a common integrated vision, based on the SDGs", said the UNDP Resident Representative, Niky Fabiancic.

During the event, it was also launched a guide that explains the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. The manual also provides information on the relationship between the TCESP indicators and the SDGs, the role of monitoring agents in achieving sustainable development, and the partnership with UNDP to create the Observatory of the Future. To access it, click here.

According to the TCE, external control should be part of this process, guiding the authorities to take more informed decisions and encouraging the include the SDGs framework in state and municipal governments planning to achieve sustainable development.

Besides the launch of the Observatory and the SDGs guide, there were also discussion panels on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

For more information:

The article was originally published by UNDP Brazil and can be consulted at the following page.

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