SDGs in Action Seminar Series

Posted by Brett Bryan, Deakin University March 6 2020 0 Perspectives

The Local SDGs Program:
Charting pathways towards achieving the SDGs in local communities

On Wednesday 19 February, The Local SDGs Program presented at the inaugural launch of the SDGs in Action Seminar Series at the city Monash Sustainable Development Institute which explores innovative cross-sector initiatives that use the SDGs framework as a tool for better decision-making and planning.

The complete story including photos and the full seminar video can be viewed HERE


Prof John Thwaites (Chair, SDSN AusNZPac & Monash Sustainable Development Institute) opened proceedings:


Dr Enayat A. Moallemi (Research Fellow, Local SDGs Program, Deakin University) facilitated the sharing of each key stakeholder’s perspective on the Local SDGs Program and the use of the SDGs. Speakers discussed:

  • their role and why they became involved
  • the benefits of using the SDGs framework for this program
  • if and how it is being used more broadly
  • the barriers in using the SDGs framework
  • recommendations to help others in engaging with the SDGs


Prof Brett Bryan (Alfred Deakin Professor & Local SDGs Program Director, Deakin University) – Overview of program and research team perspective


Katrina Szetey (PhD Candidate, Deakin University, on behalf of the community representatives) – Community perspective


David Rourke (Regional Manager Forest and Fire Planning, Barwon South West Region, Forest, Fire and Regions, DELWP) – State Government perspective


Dr Shirin Malekpour (Senior Lecturer & Program Social Science Lead, Monash University) then facilitated a discussion with the Program team including Q&A with the audience. 

Team: Prof Brett Bryan - Dianty Ningrum - David Rourke - Reinaneh Bandari - Katrina Szetey - Dr Enayat A. Moallemi

Prof John Thwaites then closed the seminar which was followed by an opportunity for further discussion over drinks and snacks.


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