The University of Piraeus celebrates the UN Day and calls for the localization of the SDGs

Posted by Dimitrios Fatouros , United Nations November 16 2018 0 Perspectives

On Wednesday 24 October, the United Nations day was celebrated at the University of Piraeus with an exceptional event titled "17 Goals to change the world" and as its theme «The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals».

The Conference for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals was organized by the University of Piraeus on the occasion of the celebration of United Nations Day, to raise awareness among the academic community and the youth for the new global Agenda for Sustainable Development with the 2030 horizon. This is a global agreement in which both the academic community and young people are called to play an active and important role. Indeed, both are invited to participate and contribute starting from the implementation stage by assisting and enabling government agencies, since the process is primarily driven by Member States.

The bet is for all stakeholders to "embrace " the 17 Goals and to realize that they reflect the concerns and priorities of all citizens all over the world, no matter what their status is.

The fact that in the Conference, State and private bodies were represented as well as the local community, reflects the complexity of the project, the existence of interfaces but also the fact that collaboration, partnerships and policy coherence is necessary to achieve the common goal: the eradication of poverty and the well-being of people and the planet.

The Goals and their significance to every person and especially to young people were presented by Dimitris Fatouros of the United Nations Regional Information Center (UNRIC). He also warmly thanked and congratulated the professor, Mrs. Fotini Asderaki, her colleagues, her students and all the speakers for the organization of the event and the great participation.


Written by Dimitris Fatouros, Communications Officer for Greece and Cyprus, United Nations Regional Information Center (UNRIC)

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