Sustainable Development Goals Report on Cities - Launch of SDG City Reports on Shimokawa, Toyama, and Kitakyushu

Posted by Local2030, July 16 2018 0 Perspectives

16 July—IGES is pleased to announce the launch of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Reports today on the sidelines of the 2018 UN High Level Political Forum held in New York. The reports document the efforts of three local authorities in Japan working to advance the SDGs—namely, Shimokawa Town (Hokkaido), Toyama City (Toyama Prefecture), and Kitakyushu City (Fukuoka Prefecture), which led to their selection as “SDGs Future Cities” by the Japanese government in June 2018. 
The reports, jointly written with IGES, comprise some of the first SDG report carried out by local governments anywhere in the world. All reports are structured around the “Handbook for the Preparation of Voluntary National Reviews: 2018 Edition”, taking into account specific characteristics and the level of progress on SDGs initiatives in each respective city. 
While all cities recognise the importance of engaging in the SDG agenda, many are still working to find ways to adapt the Goals into their local context with regard to implementation and monitoring. These reports seek to contribute to the sharing of good practices on the SDGs between local authorities, illustrating how three Japanese cities are driving action on the SDGs both in terms of policy and planning.

Shimokawa Town, Hokkaido
  • First recipient of the Prime Minister Award of the Japan SDGs Award, December 2017
  • Recognised for its sustainable forest management efforts and actions to generate new value through local sustainability initiatives
  • Announced its 2030 vision in April 2018, aligned with the SDG framework and developed in a participatory and inclusive manner
Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture
  • Internationally recognised as a leading city on sustainability issues: selected a Rockefeller 100 city
  • Promoting various city measures informed by “Compact City planning based on polycentric transport networks” to address issues such as population decline and aging
  • Contributing to SDG implementation in different cities across the region including by sharing information on relevant policies and innovative technologies
Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
  • First recipient of the Special Award of the Japan SDGs Award, December 2017
  • Credited for promoting new industries and fostering international cooperation, building on its history of civic engagement and technology development for addressing waste and pollution issues
  • Carrying out actions on the SDGs in an integrated and inclusive manner, while also working to address global challenges such as climate change and resource depletion.


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