SDGs Strategic Thinking National Group - Ecuador

Posted by Juan Herrera, Grupo FARO January 9 2018 0 Local experience

As part of the ODS Territorio Ecuador initiative, led by FFLA and Grupo FARO, the "SDGs Strategic Thinking National Group" was formed. This space brings together relevant policy makers from the public sector, private sector, universities and civil society to the achievement of SDG in Ecuador.

The objective of this Group focuses on periodically bringing together different stakeholders in a participatory and multi-sectorial space to discuss and generate knowledge that contributes in the implementation of actions to achieve SDGs in Ecuador. Among the relevant actors are The National Secretariat for Planning and Development (SENPLADES), The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC), The Ministry of Environment, The Ecuadorian Business Committee, Postgraduate Universities, The Ecuadorian Confederation of Civil Society Organizations and other relevant actors at the national level.

During 2017, three meetings were held. The first and the second one were focused on the challenges and opportunities in Ecuador for taking actions that contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. On November 24, the third meeting of the Thinking Group was held. In this meeting several actors participated presenting their contributions to the development of the 2030 Agenda in Ecuador and its territories. INEC presented the Territorial Statistical Development Plan. The Ecuadorian Business Committee presented its project Ecuador 2030: Productivo y Sostenible and The Public Policies and Territory (CITE) of FLACSO made a presentation about the Urban Prosperity Multidimensional Index based on the UN Habitat methodology. 

At the end of this meeting, the actors agreed that this is an adequate space for reflection and analysis on the state of the SDGs in Ecuador and that it is promoting the articulation and synergy between the different sectors of society for future collaborations. The next meeting will be in January. SENPLADES will present The National Development Plan and the Ministry of Environment will present its work related to the achievement of SDGs.   


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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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