Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France April 3 2017 0 Local experience

Albi (French town of 49 531 inhabitants) was elected "city of biodiversity" because it has a food self-sufficiency project launched in 2014.

Specifically, the project cuts across three objectives: bringing the city to citizens, control urban land and develop a green belt. Through work with volunteer citizens on green spaces, urban agriculture is leaving its mark on public space. The city is working with community centers and associations including intergenerational associations with the challenge to re-educate and / or train citizens to grow fruits and vegetables. Innovative action was to build "keyholes", which are gardens outside circular floor with a space leading to the center which is placed compost. These gardens were installed base of buildings or in business while others shared gardens were created on old lawns in the heart of town. gardens discovery Roads were thoughts. The town has decided to buy land and rent them cheaply with vegetables preorder system to encourage the installation of farmers, which is proving a success. The products are sold locally in particular on the market and via e-commerce. The central kitchen for school also works with purchase orders for supplies locally.

This initiative is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 11 "Making sustainable cities," Target 12 "Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns," Target 15 "Fighting desertification, arrest and reverse land degradation and halt the loss of biodiversity "and also Objective 16" Promoting just, peaceful and inclusive. "

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)