Saumur (France) fight against fuel poverty

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France April 12 2017 0 Local experience

The Community Center for Social Action (CCAS) of the French town of Saumur (27 300 inhabitants) offers to accompany the population to reduce its energy costs and fight against evil accommodation.

This initiative is fully in accordance with the "Development of the Millennium", especially Goal 7, "Clean energy and affordable," Target 10: "Reducing Inequalities", the objective 11: "sustainable cities and communities," the goal 12 'consumption and production managers, "and the objective 13:" the fight against climate change. "

The identification of beneficiaries is done initially through institutional partners and local associations. Is seen in fuel poverty situation a person who experiences into place special challenges to have the necessary energy supply to the satisfaction of basic needs, due to the inadequacy of its resources or its habitat conditions . Secondly, it goes through a diagnostic territory for identifying geographical areas where households are located in potentially fuel poor unknown social services.

Based on a standard profile statistically established through the entries "energy consumption" and "income", it is brought to the attention of the municipal social welfare center (CCAS) of the city of Saumur data allowing go to that audience. A team of five mediators is then mobilized to go to households potentially affected and interested. Based on the eligibility criteria and based on the reality of energy poverty, the person integrates or not the device.

The intervention is based on a mutual commitment, formalized between the CCAS and the beneficiary by signing a contract for improvement of energy conditions, requiring each party obligations. Households must participate in an awareness workshop to saving energy and take active part in carrying out the work and recommended the installation of energy saving materials in housing. For its part, the CCAS finance thermal and energy assessment performed to identify the most appropriate intervention. The recipient is then accompanied by the district authority in making small jobs and repairs through the provision of small equipment (low energy light bulbs, pressure reducers for valves, stop-Shower, insulation joints for windows, etc. ). A cons-visit was conducted six months after the procedure to assess the effectiveness of the action.
Contact :
CCAS Saumur
7 rue des Patenôtriers
Such. 02 41 83 31 62

To know more

Cities of France (Article)

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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