CNM shares its first-hand experience on localizing the SDGs in Brazil with Cabo Verdean municipalities

Posted by Local2030, December 12 2016 0 Local experience

The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) in Brazil presented the project Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the VIII Congress of the National Association of Municipalities of Cabo Verde (ANMCV). The event was held on the 1st and 2nd of December, 2016, in Praia, Cabo Verde.

The joint project of CNM and UNDP ART Initiative aims to implement the SDGs in the Brazilian municipalities. During the presentation, the Representative of CNM and Coordinator of the Project, Mr. Santiago Gallo, highlighted that this initiative aims to give authorities opportunities to become familiar with the 17 goals and its targets, as well as with the ways of measuring results. The project also intends to show how to integrate the global goals into Municipal Plans.

Furthermore, it was emphasized the importance of raising awareness of local authorities and of offering them the necessary training on the thematic as well as how the project is being developed so that it can become a practical tool to support municipal public policies.

“Mandala” for Municipal Performance

To the participants of the event, the CNM presented the methodology of the project, which will work through guides and the Mandala for Municipal Performance - a tool that will support the municipal diagnostic of each indicator. The tool is in the process of being finalized and it will be presented to new authorities next year. UNDP Cabo Verde has also taken the opportunity to present the initiatives that are being carried out in the framework of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs by the United Nations (UN) in the region.

The audience, composed of more than 150 mayors and municipal councilors, was very enthusiastic by the CNM’s initiative. The General Secretary of the National Association, Mr. Manoel Monteiro da Pina, expressed his interest in working on the thematic with the Confederation, especially taking into consideration the project’s practicality and the innovative approach of localizing the SDGs in the territories.

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