Nearly 500 people participated in the XII Ibero-American Congress on "A Territorial Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals"

Posted by Local2030, November 14 2017 0 Perspectives

The City of Manizales, in the Department of Caldas, has gathered more than 450 people in the XII Ibero-American Congress of Municipalists "A territorial agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals".

Representatives from 20 Ibero-American countries have shared knowledge, experiences, challenges and commitments to strengthen local governance by renewing the commitment of cities and territories to sustainable development within the framework of the 2030 Agenda from a local perspective.

17 plenary conferences, 28 panels, with 122 exhibitions, 6 workshops, sought to reflect on the role of Governments and Local Authorities in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

As a result of the meeting and articulation spaces generated in the Congress, the IBEROAMERICAN NETWORK OF MUNICIPALITIES AND TERRITORIES FOR THE OBJECTIVES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT was constituted, to which all the subnational governments can add by completing the adhesion form HERE

Also know the Letter of Commitment of the Ibero-American Local Governments for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, signed within the framework of the Congress. Click HERE

As a result of the Peace and Territory Workshop, the NETWORK OF MUNICIPALISTS FOR LA PAZ TERRITORIAL was also established. Know your manifesto by clicking HERE

In this space you will also find interviews, as well as the Caldas Declaration approved.

Do you want to know where the XIII Congress will be? Click HERE to find out.

Next XIII UIM Congress

The Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists, meeting in the City of Manizales, Colombia, on September 28, 2017:

VIEWS , the candidacies presented for the celebration of the 13th Ibero-American Congress of Municipalists

WHEREAS , it constitutes a sustainable city model, an example of urban planning and ecological development, which enhances local management.

HAS RESOLVED , unanimously of all its members, to AWARD the candidacy presented by the city of Curitiba (Brazil) as the venue for the XIII Ibero-American Congress of the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists.

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