Navarra works at the location of the ODS

Posted by Local2030, March 23 2017 0 Local experience

The community of Navarra in Spain is made up of 272 municipalities and more than 640 thousand inhabitants. Since 1998, Navarra has been one of the Spanish communities more emphasis put on the agenda of sustainable development, establishing its own plan of action, in the NELS RED (Red Navarra Local towards sustainability Entities) and developing Indicator System Sustainability (SISNA) since 2006. The community, having a leasehold status, has its own tax system and county councils with special powers.

After a series of workshops held in June 2016 to discuss the implementation of Agenda 2030, the Parliament of Navarra urged last November the Executive to make a report to determine what policies and programs that contribute to the realization of the are Sustainable development goals in the Spanish community. Thus, the government introduced last March 15 Agenda 2030 to establish the creation of an interdepartmental commission to conduct the aforementioned report.

The commission will be headed by the Vice President of the Department of Social Rights of the Government, and will be integrated by different units of the same to meet Parliament's resolution, which requires a plan of action and a set of indicators to carry out a systematic effort, ordered and planned in the implementation of Agenda 2030.

The conclusions of the report drawn up be forwarded to the Navarro Council for Development Cooperation to serve as a guide in planning policies International Development Cooperation of the Government of Navarra.

Also they are forwarded to the General Council of Territorial Policy Navarra, to be integrated into planning policies territorial and environmental sustainability, Navarra Territorial Strategy, Plans Planning and Territorial Directors Action Plans.

Through international cooperation for development and administrative decentralization, subnational government of Navarra takes an important step towards the location of the Sustainable Development Goals, which seek to provide global solutions to complex problems through four main dimensions: economic development, including social, environmental sustainability and good governance.

Official statement:

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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